
Food additives will be forcibly recalled if they have potential safety problems.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Small additives, complicated world. How do I use it? What's the matter? When consumers choose food, additives are often checked in, how to strictly control the production supervision and management? The regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Food Additives production issued by the General Administration of quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine on June 1

Small additives, complicated world. How do I use it? What's the matter? When consumers choose food, additives are often checked in, how to strictly control the production supervision and management? On June 1, the regulations on the Supervision and Administration of Food Additives production issued by AQSIQ was formally implemented. This is the first management regulation specifically for the production of food additives in our country. Producers have rules to follow and enterprise management has rules to follow.

The reporter had an exclusive interview with Xu Xinjian, deputy director of the Law Department of the AQSIQ.

Reporter: I see that in this regulation, first of all, a producer must obtain a production license before he can engage in the production of food additives. Can you explain whether the acquisition of a production license also has to go through strict access regulations? more detailed rules?

Xu Xinjian: first of all, the substances approved and announced by the Ministry of Health can be produced as additives, and no other substances can be used as food additives for production. The production enterprise must obtain the production license. There are altogether nine conditions in the supervision and management regulations for the production license. Only in accordance with certain procedures can the production license be obtained.

Reporter: as far as you know, are most of the manufacturers who are producing food additives in the market meet such new standards?

Xu Xinjian: because the production license for food additives has been implemented for many years, it was originally regulated in accordance with the Product quality Law and the regulations on the production license of Industrial products. This time, our newly issued regulations are not only in accordance with the Product quality Law and the regulations on the production license of Industrial products, but also mainly based on some provisions of the Food Safety Law and its implementing regulations, which are more stringent than the previous production license conditions.

Reporter: there is a recall link in the new regulations. If it is found that there is a safety risk in the production of food additives, the recall should be carried out in accordance with the law. How can we ensure that this hidden danger can be found in the first place? who will find the hidden danger?

Xu Xinxin: in the process of supervision and consumer complaints, we find possible hidden dangers from the information. Recall is a new system in our new regulations, consumers will find that food problems may be caused by additive problems, and another is that we may find hidden dangers in our daily supervision. In addition, food processing enterprises, because the use of food additives is mainly used by food processing enterprises, food processing enterprises may find problems with additives in the process of food processing, and the additive production enterprises themselves may also get some information. if he gets some information, he should take the initiative to recall and report to the competent department. The competent department will notify the food production enterprise to recall if it finds a problem. If it is not recalled, we can take a compulsory recall. Generally speaking, the defect of the problem is more definite, and the manufacturing enterprise should take the initiative to recall. If we do not take the initiative to recall, we can take administrative compulsory measures. (according to the Central people's Radio)