
In five years' time, the pillar industry of China's economy will be agricultural Internet.

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, In the No. 1 document of the Central Committee this year, a very important speech was mentioned: if China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong. This brings us a thinking question: how can China's agriculture be strong? Where to start the intelligent agriculture with the integration of the Internet? You know, medium

In the No. 1 document of the Central Committee this year, a very important speech was mentioned: if China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong. This brings us a thinking question: how can China's agriculture be strong?

Where to start the intelligent agriculture with the integration of the Internet?

We should know that the reason why China's agriculture is not strong enough is mainly manifested in one word: poverty, and the main reason for poverty is that the productive forces have encountered the bottleneck of development: the 1.0 model of small-scale peasant system restricts the development of productive forces.

The current productivity building is based on the household land contract responsibility system, which is a 1.0 management model that relies on individual manual labor. It did play a positive role more than 30 years ago. With the development of agricultural modernization, there are also large-scale machinery farms in China. Enter 2.0 mode, but Foreign developed countries have evolved from a highly automated and mechanized precision production mode to a highly intelligent 4.0 mode integrated with the Internet, and it is impossible to compete with it in China, whether it is 1.0 or 2.0.

The 1.0 model small-scale peasant system also "creates" a malpractice: the agricultural circulation system is underdeveloped. "China on the tip of the tongue" tells us a strange phenomenon: the better the agricultural products, the more they stay in remote mountain villages, where there is no pollution, but there is not much market; the best-selling products can be bought in farmers' markets or supermarkets. There are more or less quality and safety problems, either excessive fertilizer or pesticide residues, or expired deterioration. The 1.0 model objectively suppresses the efficiency of the agricultural industrial chain, and the industrial links of agricultural production, sales, processing and transportation are in a state of separation and dispersion, which greatly reduces the efficiency of agricultural circulation and suppresses the potential of increasing agricultural income.

If agriculture wants to get rid of the label of "poverty" completely, it needs to start from the source, break through the bottleneck of productive forces, and stimulate agricultural vitality. Where do we start? In my opinion, with the deepening of the land transfer system, agriculture must be integrated with the Internet across borders to achieve a productivity revolution from agriculture 1.0 and 2.0 to agriculture 3.0 and 4.0. To put it simply, we must appropriately centralize the land and embrace the agricultural Internet revolution.

What are the two major areas of the agricultural Internet revolution?

From the perspective of the developed countries in the world, this revolution has been carried out in two areas.

First, the revolution in the field of production, agricultural production uses IOT technology to achieve precision production

My friends in the United States told me that 80% of the large farms in the United States have popularized agricultural IOT technology, and farmers can manage 10, 000 acres of land and harvest corn by three people through highly automated large agricultural machinery facilities, which is more efficient than manpower. Why is it so developed?

Tracing back to the history, we can find that the idea of precision agriculture was put forward in the United States as early as the 1980s. In the early 1990s, Global Positioning system (GPS) was applied to the field of agricultural production. With the popularization of information technology, the Internet of things in American agriculture has made great progress. Globally, the United States is a leader in the use of Internet of things technology to promote intelligent and precision agriculture.

Lance, founder of OnFarm, an American agricultural software company. Donnie has revealed that the adoption rate of Internet of things technology on American farms is as high as 80%; by 2020, each farm in the United States is expected to have an average of 50 connected devices. China lags far behind the United States, and we began to try the pilot project of the Internet of things in agriculture in 2011 under the implementation of the government.

Second, the revolution in the field of circulation, the adoption of e-commerce technology in agricultural circulation and the innovation of agricultural circulation mode.

The United States began to try agricultural EDI e-commerce as early as 80 years of the last century. With the tide of Internet commercialization in the 1990s, agricultural e-commerce has sprung up, and the Internet covering the whole world has brought more and more economic benefits to agricultural operators, which is of great help to the transformation of American agricultural management efficiency. China's development lags behind relatively, but the growth space and speed are not inferior.

If we further consider the situation of modern agriculture abroad, it is easy to find that due to the strong penetration of Internet genes, the three elements of agricultural productivity: labourers, labor tools and labor objects have undergone essential changes.

From the perspective of labor force, those standing in the field are no longer traditional farmers facing loess, but new farmers on the network. Many of them are white-collar backbone social elites, master advanced knowledge and technology, take the company as the main body, and have modern management ideas. Fully participate in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing and other industrial production and management activities.

From the perspective of labor tools, what runs on the soil is no longer the traditional agricultural tools and machinery, but the automation equipment and machinery connected by IOT technology. Agricultural IOT is the extension and expansion of the Internet, its core and foundation is still the Internet, but the user end of information exchange extends to the soil, atmosphere, microorganisms, chemicals and automatic machinery through sensors, and manages and runs through the network system.

From the perspective of labor objects, the current "scattered" land system does not meet the requirements of IOT technology production, and must be centralized and managed on a large scale; and the results of land production are no longer ordinary agricultural products with excessive chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but more pollution-free products with higher quality and higher output.

The three elements of agricultural productive forces have completely changed, doesn't all this indicate that a profound revolution is coming?

Who started the revolution?

In addition to the objective factors of technological progress, there are two internal driving forces behind this revolution:

One power comes from the top-level design of the government.

The government has regarded the Internet as an important way to solve agricultural problems and is "forcing" the agricultural revolution through the Internet. Through the interpretation of agricultural documents in recent years, including the No. 1 document of the Central Committee over the years to the policies, regulations, plans and opinions formulated by the State Council and various departments and local governments, we can find that in the top-level design, the importance of the Internet for agricultural development has increased significantly.

From the development of modern logistics, scale operation, e-commerce, agricultural informatization, agricultural scientific and technological innovation, agricultural comprehensive service platform construction project, to information services entering villages and households, and then to information sharing and interconnection, all depend on the development of agricultural Internet. Therefore, the policy dividend related to the agricultural Internet presents more and more trends. In 2015, document No. 1 sent a clearer signal that "if China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong", and agriculture has been given the political mission of a powerful country, so the future prospect of agricultural Internet is even broader.

Another force comes from the Internet industry.

The favorable policy has given birth to a large number of emerging network technology enterprises to invest in the field of agriculture, and the trend of Internet integration of agriculture is getting stronger and stronger.

In addition, driven by huge policy dividends, Internet enterprises actively promote the development of agricultural Internet. A large number of new enterprises have emerged in the industry, including agricultural Internet of things system research and integration, agricultural intelligent machinery manufacturing, agricultural product traceability management, agricultural product e-commerce and so on.

Revolutionary activities in the field of e-commerce are particularly active. Driven by the Internet giant enterprises, the two-way circulation system of "consumer goods to the countryside and agricultural products to the city" has gradually taken shape. The Internet is breaking through the second yoke that hinders the development of productive forces. Companies such as Alibaba, and SUNING, which provide funds, technology and talents, are implementing "e-commerce to the countryside". They rely on the existing resources and advantages of enterprises to cooperate with the government and local enterprises to establish operation systems in counties and villages. by investing in the construction of rural information service stations, improving the rural distribution system, activating the rural e-commerce ecological system, and innovating rural purchasing services. And then promote farmers to increase their income and employment.

Is it valuable for farmers who have never touched a computer to have access to the Internet?

The research group of the Ministry of Agriculture answered this question based on the survey results of 1072 peasant households in six provinces. The research group found that exposure to the Internet can significantly improve the agricultural operating income of peasant households. Among them, the agricultural operating income of rural households in the western and central regions is 21.9% and 18.3% higher than that of households without Internet information, respectively, which is more significant than that of information service stations in the eastern region.

The revolution has the conditions to start a prairie fire. The cross-border revolution is in its infancy and industrial capital is urgently needed, Zhang said in a speech on the report "seeing the Dragon in the Field: research on Agricultural Internet Development in 2015" released by the Smart Agriculture Forum.

At present, in China, agriculture 1.0, agriculture 2.0 and agriculture 3.0 coexist at the same time, and there is a huge space for transformation. Agricultural IOT technology transformation production, there are trillions of market space; agricultural products e-commerce, the market space is also up to the order of one trillion.

This is very good for the Internet and for Chinese agriculture. At present, the agricultural Internet is strong in the field of e-commerce, agricultural e-commerce is expected to show explosive growth in 2015, agricultural e-commerce may be the first shot of the revolution. In five years' time, the pillar industry of China's economy will no longer be real estate, but agricultural Internet.