
Comprehensively deepen rural reform and stimulate new vitality of rural development

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Since the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the central government has issued a series of guiding opinions and pilot programs related to rural reform, and comprehensively deepening rural reform is advancing steadily. At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, and the development of agriculture and rural areas is facing a very complex new situation.

Since the third Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the central government has issued a series of guiding opinions and pilot programs related to rural reform, and comprehensively deepening rural reform is advancing steadily. At present, China's economic development has entered a new normal, agricultural and rural development is facing a very complex new situation, we need to deal with unprecedented new challenges. Compared with the problems encountered before, the new challenges encountered in agricultural and rural development are more severe and complex, and many institutional factors are intertwined, which are not only cause and effect, mutual restriction, but also mutual superposition and magnifying effect. To adapt to the new normal of economic development and solve the development problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, the fundamental way out lies in reform. The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015, focusing on increasing the vitality of rural development, made further arrangements for comprehensively deepening rural reform.

The two-tier management system based on household contract management and the combination of integration and division is the greatest institutional achievement of rural reform, with strong inclusiveness, openness and vitality. The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 stressed that it is necessary to adhere to and improve the basic management system in rural areas, adhere to the dominant position of farmers' families, and speed up the construction of a new agricultural management system. First, it is necessary to guide the standardized and orderly transfer of land management rights, innovate land circulation and standardize the mode of operation, actively develop various forms of moderate scale operation, and improve the degree of organization of farmers. This is not only the realistic choice to solve the problem of "who will farm", but also the inevitable requirement to promote the modernization of agriculture with Chinese characteristics. Second, we should actively cultivate new types of business entities, such as large professional households, family farms, farmers' specialized cooperatives, and industrial leading enterprises, encourage the development of peasant household farms of an appropriate scale, and guide farmers' specialized cooperatives to broaden their areas of service. guide farmers to take shares in cooperatives and leading enterprises with the right of land management. By the end of November 2014, there were 877000 family farms, 1.267 million farmers' cooperatives and more than 120000 leading enterprises. The development of appropriate scale operation of agriculture should be carried out steadily in accordance with local conditions, which should not only adapt to the process of urbanization and the scale of rural labor transfer, but also meet the requirements of the progress of agricultural science and technology and the improvement of production means. At the present stage, key support should be given to those whose land operation scale is equivalent to 10 to 15 times the average contracted land area of local households, and the income from farming is equivalent to the income of local secondary and tertiary workers. We must prevent the tendency to be divorced from reality, go against the wishes of farmers, and unilaterally pursue super-large-scale operation. To guide the orderly transfer of land management rights, we should not only proceed from the actual situation of the transfer of local agricultural labor force, but also respect the wishes of farmers, and should not engage in the "Great Leap forward," no coercive orders, and no arbitrary administrative directions. there should be no rigid targets or compulsory promotion. The legal right of farmers to contract land must be protected earnestly, whether the management right is transferred, how to determine the price, and how to choose the form should be decided by the contracted farmers independently, and the circulation income should be owned by the contracted farmers. it is necessary to make farmers become active participants and real beneficiaries of appropriate scale operation of land. Third, industrial and commercial enterprises should be encouraged to develop modern farming, processing and circulation of agricultural products, and socialized agricultural services suitable for enterprise operation. For industrial and commercial capital leasing of contracted land for farmers, there should be strict entry barriers and supervision measures, strengthen management, avoid abandonment, "running away", and harming farmers' interests, and it is strictly forbidden to change the agricultural use of the land without authorization to engage in "non-agriculturalization." Fourth, we should improve the agricultural service system to help farmers reduce costs and control risks. It is necessary to do a good job in the pilot work of innovating the socialized service mechanism in the whole process of agricultural production, and speed up the construction of a new socialized service system with diversified subjects, professional services, and market-oriented operation in accordance with the requirements of "covering the whole process, comprehensive matching, convenient and efficient". To provide low-cost, convenient and omni-directional services for farmers.

As a basic institutional arrangement, rural land system is related to the overall situation of agricultural development, farmers' income increase and rural stability. The No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2015 stressed that under the premise of ensuring that the nature of public ownership of land does not change, the red line of cultivated land does not break through, and the interests of farmers are not damaged, we must prudently and steadily promote the reform of the rural land system in accordance with the unified arrangements of the central government. At present, there are many new challenges in the land expropriation system, rural collective construction land system and rural homestead system, and there are some new contradictions and problems that can not be avoided in the field of rural land system. At present, the guiding opinions of the central government on rural land expropriation, collective construction land entering the market, and pilot reform of the homestead system have been issued. The reform of these "three plots of land" involves the adjustment of important laws, the adjustment of major interests, and the improvement of important systems in rural areas. First, to steadily promote the pilot project of "three plots of land," we must strictly implement the land use control system, strictly abide by the overall land use planning and urban and rural construction planning, earnestly respect the wishes of farmers, and fully reflect their interests, so that the results of the reform will benefit the broad masses of farmers. Second, to steadily promote the pilot project of "three plots of land," we must also pay attention to the systematicness and integrity of the reform, and pay attention to the close connection with the household registration system, fiscal and taxation system, rural finance, social security, and other related fields, so as to coordinate and form a joint force. Third, to carry out the pilot reform of the rural land expropriation system, it is necessary to strictly define the scope of land use for public interest, narrow the scope of land expropriation, establish a land value-added income distribution mechanism that takes into account the state, collectives, and individuals, and reasonably improve personal income. we will improve a reasonable, standardized and diversified security mechanism for land-expropriated farmers. Fourth, the pilot reform of the entry of rural collective construction land into the market, it is necessary to improve the property right system of rural collective construction land, speed up the registration and issuance of the right to the use of rural collective construction land, endow the transfer, leasing and shareholding of rural collective construction land in line with planning and use control, establish and improve market trading rules and service supervision mechanisms, and explore the establishment of a platform and system for public trading of rural collective construction land. Fifth, the pilot project of the reform of the homestead system, it is necessary to protect the rights and interests of farmers' homestead in accordance with the law, reform the way of obtaining farmers' residential land, and explore a new mechanism for farmers' housing security. The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 particularly stressed that the three reform pilot projects must be implemented separately. It should be strictly limited to approved pilot counties (cities) to ensure closed operation and controllable risks, and to form replicable and popularized reform achievements while piloting, summarizing, and improving, and non-pilot areas should not blindly compare with others or act without authorization. To promote the reform of the rural land system, we must take a steady step, land on the ground, and strive to make progress step by step.

Rural finance is an important force in supporting the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. At the end of 2014, the balance of rural loans nationwide was 19.44 trillion yuan, up 12.4 percent over the same period last year; the loan balance of farmers was 5.36 trillion yuan, up 19 percent over the same period last year; and the balance of agricultural loans was 3.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 9.7 percent over the same period last year. In recent years, with the rapid development of various forms of new agricultural operators, the demand for financial business is very urgent. However, due to various reasons, most new operators still face the problems of difficult and expensive financing, which restricts their further development. In addition, the problem that the credit needs of ordinary farmers can not be met for a long time is still very prominent. Generally speaking, rural finance is still the weakest link in the whole financial system, which can not meet the needs of speeding up the development of agricultural modernization. Promoting the reform of the rural financial system, encouraging and supporting financial institutions to broaden financing channels, innovating financing methods, providing a variety of financial products, and guiding rural financial institutions to optimize the allocation of resources and improve service functions, it is an important aspect and institutional guarantee to improve the capacity and level of rural financial services. The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 pointed out that it is necessary to actively adapt to the reality of rural areas, agricultural characteristics, and the requirements of farmers, and constantly deepen the reform and innovation of rural finance. It is necessary to make comprehensive use of policies and measures such as finance and taxation, money and credit, and financial supervision to promote the continued tilt of financial resources towards agriculture, rural areas and farmers, so as to ensure that the total amount of agricultural credit continues to increase and the proportion of agriculture-related loans does not decrease. Recently, the relevant departments have clearly extended the policy of pre-tax deduction for agriculture-related loan loss reserves of financial enterprises, which will provide stable tax policy expectations for financial institutions to carry out "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" business, and effectively alleviate the financing difficulties of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". It is necessary to continue to implement a relatively low reserve ratio for rural financial institutions, enhance the financial strength of rural financial institutions, continue to increase credit policy support for re-lending and rediscount, and guide rural financial institutions to expand their investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers. In order to enrich the main body of rural financial supply and effectively meet the needs of rural finance, the document aims at the operating mechanism, business model, coverage and other characteristics of various financial institutions, this paper puts forward specific guidance on giving full play to the respective comparative advantages of financial institutions and strengthening the services of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", encourage commercial finance to innovate "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" financial services, and support policy finance to increase the credit input of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". We will actively explore effective ways to develop a new type of rural cooperative finance and steadily carry out pilot projects of mutual financial assistance within farmers' cooperatives. We will strengthen inclusive finance in rural areas, optimize the network layout of county financial institutions, and promote full coverage of basic financial services in rural areas. In accordance with the requirements of the separation of rural collective land ownership, contracting rights and management rights, we should do a good job in the pilot work of the management rights of contracted land and mortgage guarantee loans for farmers' housing property rights. Innovation is the driving force and source for the development of modern financial services. In 2015, the first document of the Central Committee encouraged financial institutions to innovate rural financial products and services, broaden the scope of services, and provide more convenient and efficient financial services for rural financial demanders, including the development of government-supported financing guarantee and re-guarantee institutions for agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and support banking financial institutions to issue special financial bonds for agriculture, rural areas and farmers. We will encourage qualified agriculture-related enterprises to issue bonds, support the pilot project of financial leasing of large-scale agricultural machinery and tools, and encourage the improvement of financial services for new types of agricultural operators.

To comprehensively deepen rural reform, it is necessary to innovate and improve the rural governance mechanism. It is necessary to explore effective forms of villagers' autonomy in line with the reality of various localities, expand the pilot of villagers' autonomy with villagers' groups as the basic unit, and continue to do a good job in the pilot of villagers' autonomy with communities as the basic unit where there is a practical need. At present, it is necessary to further standardize the responsibilities of the village "two committees" and the decision-making and management procedures for village affairs, improve the system design of the village affairs supervision committee, and improve the mechanism for villagers to effectively supervise village affairs, so as to ensure that supervision is pragmatic and effective.

The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 also proposed to promote the reform of the rural collective property rights system, explore the effective forms of rural collective ownership, and innovate the operating mechanism of the rural collective economy. It is necessary to deepen the reform of water conservancy and forestry, actively explore various forms of water right transfer, promote the intensive and economical utilization of water resources, promote the comprehensive reform of agricultural water prices, establish an accurate subsidy system for agricultural water use and a water-saving incentive mechanism, establish and improve the strictest forest land and wetland protection system, accelerate the reform of state-owned forest farms, state-owned forest areas, and collective forest right systems, and stimulate the vitality of forestry development in an all-round way. In addition, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee stressed that it is necessary to comprehensively deepen the comprehensive reform of supply and marketing cooperatives, step up efforts to formulate regulations on supply and marketing cooperatives, and turn supply and marketing cooperatives into a backbone force providing comprehensive services for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" at the national level. We will speed up the study and promulgation of policies and measures to promote the reform and development of land reclamation, deepen the reform of farm enterprises, collectivization of reclamation areas, and equity diversification, and innovate the guidance and management system of industries, the market-oriented operation system of enterprises, and the management system of farm operation.

The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 stressed that in order to comprehensively deepen rural reform, it is necessary to improve the top-level design in accordance with the overall plan of the central government, do a good job of pilot experience, constantly sum up and deepen, strengthen supervision, inspection and implementation, and ensure that the reform is improved and successful. further intensify the vitality of rural economic and social development.