
Nostalgia cannot be solved without the development of rural areas.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Which one of you is from the countryside? No one? After looking around for a week and found that there was no response from the reporters around him, the 60-year-old Ke Bingsheng exclaimed, "I am." On the morning of March 3, as soon as he entered the station, Ke Bingsheng, member of the CPPCC National Committee and president of China Agricultural University, fell into the crowd.

"which one of you is from the countryside? None? " After looking around for a week and found that there was no response from reporters around him, the 60-year-old Ke Bingsheng shouted, "I am."

On the morning of March 3, as soon as he entered the station, Ke Bingsheng, member of the CPPCC National Committee and president of China Agricultural University, was surrounded by many reporters. In the gap between hot issues such as genetically modified food, milk powder safety and agricultural subsidies, he unexpectedly talked about homesickness.

It's not just Ke Bingsheng.

Every time he was interviewed, Li Xinrong, a university student village official in Guangxi and a deputy to the National people's Congress, had to answer the reporter's question repeatedly: "what is your homesickness?"

The great concern of the deputies and committee members about homesickness stems from the "return notes of a doctoral student: more timid in recent years, what to watch at home during the Spring Festival", which went viral on social media during the Spring Festival.

In this paper, the current situation of the decline of human feelings, the decline of traditional farming civilization and the sense of powerlessness of knowledge in rural areas have attracted a lot of attention.

"this article partly reflects the current situation in rural areas." Zhang Qiuxiang, deputy to the post-80s National people's Congress and deputy director of the Bureau of Culture and Culture, Siyang County, Jiangsu Province, said frankly.

In 2007, she just worked as a university student village official in Shao Dao Village, Sanzhuang Township, Siyang County, Jiangsu Province. At that time, the rivers and ditches around the village were covered with garbage, and most of the young and middle-aged people went out to work, and the place they passed was deserted. In the village of 967 families, the number of poor families reached 303.

Gu Jiu, a member of the CPPCC National Committee who goes to the countryside to investigate almost every year, is deeply impressed by the dilapidation of the countryside: people in their sixties have all gone to work in cities, leaving behind women, children and the elderly who can't move; there was less garbage in the countryside at that time, but now it is littered with rubbish; the fattest rice fields halfway up the hillside have not been allowed to move for thousands of years, and now a large number of houses have been built on these fields. When the house was repaired, the old man did not want to live in it, and the young people did not want to come back after working, so the house had to be idle, and the old people were still living in the old house with their children.

Obviously, today's rural areas can no longer bear the nostalgia of the curator of the Guizhou Provincial Research Institute of Literature and History: "when I was a child, the moon was warm. Everyone lay on the mat to look at the moon, tell the story of Chang'e running to the moon, and look at the sweet-scented osmanthus tree. will he believe it?"

More often, he regards this loss of homesickness as a "pain in progress."in fact, this depression should not be too painful, but we still have to look at this process of development in an all-round way. no one wants to go back to the days of starvation."

Committee member Ke Bingsheng does not agree with the description of the decline in rural areas in the "return Notes": "the sense of powerlessness of knowledge is only one aspect. There are many changes in rural areas. The road is wider and happier, and thatched cottages become tiled houses and buildings."

But he also admitted that the river is not as clean as it used to be. In his memory, the stream next to his home was particularly clear when he was a child. "the photos taken are like scenic spots. I can't take pictures now, they are full of garbage bags and plastic bottles."

Ke Bingsheng stressed that this is only a process, and complex problems such as population and environment will arise, and how to solve them needs to be addressed squarely; and the process of urbanization is a historical development trend: "if we still have 80% of the population in rural areas, the modernization of this country will never be realized."

While her peers are frantically reposting the "homecoming notes," National people's Congress deputy Li Xinrong has his own view: "the tone of the article is rather sad, and I don't think we can evaluate it unilaterally."

"in the process of urbanization, all kinds of social relations are changing, and some degree of decline in rural areas is inevitable, but I have always believed that modernization and tradition are not contradictory, and in the process of development, we can always find a balance between urbanization and rural civilization." Li Xinrong said. In her view, all kinds of problems in rural areas can not be avoided and solved through non-development.

How to solve?

Zhang Qiuxiang gave an answer paper with her own practice. As the first university student village official in the village, Zhang Qiuxiang worked hard for five years. She encourages farmers to start their own businesses by developing vegetable cultivation and efficient agriculture throughout the village. in the past five years, more than 20 young families in the village have returned home to start businesses.

At the same time, distance education courses for villagers are gradually becoming large-scale, cultural facilities such as cultural stations and farmhouses are becoming more and more popular, and new ideas are gradually taking root in the hearts of the people within five years.

Driven by the same group of 45 university student village officials as Zhang Qiuxiang and the more and more rural youth, poor villages in the past have "taken off their hats" one after another. The elderly were freed from the heavy housework and farm work, the lively Huaihai opera was played again in the village, and the traditional folk custom of "running donkey" was revived.

Rooted in the countryside for six years, Li Xinrong has been trying to get more young people to participate in the cultural heritage. She is happy to see that there are many young "Weaver Girl" and "Weaver Lang" in the weaving team of the village's magnificent brocade, and young men and women also enjoy the regular ancient folk song competitions.

"only if you can change can you keep your homesickness." Zhang Qiuxiang expects more young people with knowledge and aspirations to join the countryside.

Committee member Gu Jiu hopes that more young people will use video and text methods to ask the old people to tell the stories of that year, so as to preserve the genes of rural culture at that time. "when they have money, they will think of homesickness and the things of their grandparents, so that these new farmers can recover on a higher material basis and cultural level. this kind of recovery is called 'negation of negation', rather than saying that they should not develop. It's impossible."

"what is the beautiful countryside in your mind?" Besieging the scene, a reporter raised such a question.

"to put it more colloquially, the local people are willing to live there, and the outsiders are also willing to see, live there, travel and vacation there." Committee member Ke Bingsheng described it this way.