
The leaves of gardenia turn yellow as soon as they are bought. As soon as the leaves are watered with this water, the leaves blossom violently.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, A large number of gardenia flowers have been on the market in the past two days, and the price of the flowers is still beautiful, which is more loved by all flower friends. many people will buy a pot and put it at home, but they will find that the flowers burst when they are bought, and the gardenias with green leaves come from.

These two days gardenia a large number of listed, flowers white fragrance price is also beautiful, more loved by all flower friends, many people will buy a pot home put on, but will find, buy when the flowers burst pot, leaves green gardenia put their own two days leaves yellow, buds began to fall, is what? What should I do?

Why does the new gardenia yellow?

Everyone should understand that gardenia flowers in wholesale markets are generally dug out from the garden soil and planted in a simple plastic pot. After the florist delivers the goods, they will simply change to a new pot, that is, the gardenia flowers you buy have just changed pots. The flowers that change pots have a process of serving pots. The few days when you buy them home happen to be a process of environmental adaptation and root adaptation. If you don't take good care of them during this period, it is easy to lose buds and yellow leaves. So how do we care for our new gardenia?

1, can not be exposed to the sun, put indoor light bright and ventilated place slow basin for a week after normal maintenance.

2. Keep the basin soil moist during the service period, and do not lack water, but do not let the basin soil accumulate water, and keep the soil slightly moist.

When gardenias appear yellow leaves, what do we do? Recommend everyone a most convenient way.

Spray leaves and irrigate gardenia roots after diluting with vinegar and water in the ratio of 1:1000. After using it for more than three times continuously, you can see that the yellow gardenia leaves slowly turn green.

Finally, want to buy their own gardenia has been blooming more, explosive basin, must remember to put in sufficient light place maintenance yo, and topdressing once a month, more convenient is to directly chase compound fertilizer can, but pay attention to the dosage, do not too much, otherwise it is easy to cause gardenia only long leaves do not bloom phenomenon yo.

Today's sharing is here, flower friends, do you have any better maintenance methods? Welcome to share the discussion.