
The flower-raising skills of practical plants vary greatly at different growth stages.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Plants have different flower-growing skills in different periods, and parents also treat them differently. First, for all kinds of plants, flowers or vegetables starting from seeds, the seedling stage refers to the initial stage of growth, from breaking through the ground to 3 or 4 true leaves.

Plants have different flower-growing skills in different periods, and parents also treat them differently.

I. Seedling stage

For all kinds of plants starting from seeds, flowers or vegetables, it refers to the initial stage of growth, from breaking out of the ground to three or four true leaves.

At this stage, the shallow roots and seedlings are small, and there is basically no need for topdressing for those planted with garden soil, but for the substrate with less fertilizer, when the temperature is suitable, topdressing can be done as appropriate, with less attention than in the peak growth period.

From watering, the soil should be kept moist before the cotyledons are unfolded; after the cotyledons are unfolded, the soil can be watered thoroughly when the topsoil is dry.

For perennial plants, this conservation method is suitable for the early germination of bulbous plants and the early germination of various woody plants (especially those with the habit of deciduous dormancy, when they start sprouting again, some species will be synchronized with the flower bud stage, or appear after flowering, usually for a short time).

Second, the period of vigorous growth

At this stage, plants grow rapidly, which is one of the periods when water and fertilizer are needed. Watering method, also is the topsoil dry, can control, only the frequency. Whether it is potted or planted on the ground, as long as the temperature is right.

Use fertilizer as appropriate. After all, topdressing has an important principle: do not see new leaves (buds) do not need fertilizer. For foliage-based plants, fertilizers contain more nitrogen; for flowers and fruits-based plants, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizers can be added appropriately.

There are differences in the time of peak growth among different kinds of plants. Annual plant: the time that occurs in the early stage of growth, that is, from the seedling stage to before budding.

Foliage-based plants: the spring and autumn with suitable temperature is the period of vigorous growth. Woody plants: the key depends on the species, some prosperous growth period, but also the period of young fruit expansion and growth, especially fruit trees such as apples, peaches and pears.

Third, flower bud stage and fruiting stage

This period is also the period when plants need water and fertilizer most. Unlike simple long leaves, the growth of buds and fruits consume nutrients, while the growth of leaves accumulates nutrients.

However, there are also differences in the stages of emergence of different kinds of plants. Annual or biennial plants with a short growth period will appear in the middle and later stages of plant growth, such as sunflowers, various legumes, rape (taking into account the harvest of rapeseed), and so on. Perennials, the difference is even greater: some appear before long leaves, such as all kinds of Lycoris, woody plants that bloom in early spring, especially those that bloom first and then leaves, such as forsythia, primrose, magnolia, etc.; some are almost synchronized with the vigorous growth period (when buds bloom, at the same time branches and leaves grow vigorously), such as pomegranate, crape myrtle, spring flower, and so on.

The method of watering is the same in the peak growth period, and the topsoil is watered thoroughly when the topsoil is dry, and the frequency is appropriately adjusted according to the plant growth and temperature changes. But for foliage-based plants, because the ornamental effect of flowers and fruits is not as good as leaves, and sometimes even in order to make leaves grow better, it is necessary to consider removing flowers and fruits (such as copper grass, bean green, etc.) to avoid excessive consumption of nutrients, therefore, this stage is basically not applicable to this kind of plants.

IV. Dormant period

At this stage, plants rest and recuperate, with almost complete cessation of growth (suitable for most plants, especially some evergreen plants) and even deciduous leaves (some woody plants with defoliation habits in winter). The state of leaving only persistent roots or bulbs (some perennial herbs) requires little water and fertilizer.

The main point of maintenance is to cut off fertilizer, but not water. It means: when it is dormant, it does not need to be fertilized, but as usual, the topsoil is watered thoroughly when it is dry, but much less frequently than when it grows vigorously, and when buds blossom and fruit grows; for example, the same plant is watered for about 7 to 14 days or more during the dormant period, but in the normal growth boom period, it is watered once or less every 4 or 7 days.

5. Slow seedling stage

This is a special stage, which occurs when the plant is transplanted or newly bought, and the growth environment changes greatly. its maintenance method has nothing to do with what kind of period the plant is in, but during the slow seedling period, the maintenance method is quite special; the maintenance method in this period can be used for reference, that is, the fertilizer is continuously watered, watered as usual, and the topsoil is watered thoroughly when the topsoil is dry. At this stage, the root system has not yet grown well and is sensitive to fertilizer, so there is no need to consider topdressing.

As for how long it takes for the plant to resume growth, it all depends on its performance.

When transplanting, the root injury is less, the herb is small, the seedling is small, then the slow seedling stage will be relatively short; for transplanting, it is bare root or even more serious root injury, woody, seedling large, then the slow seedling period is relatively long.

In the slow seedling stage, no matter what kind of habits the plants are in, generally speaking, it is recommended to scatter light and ventilation, put off the sun for a while, and then wait according to their own habits (if they like the sun, be sure to let them bask in the sun; if they like the sun, be sure to let them bask in the sun; if they like the sun, continue to scatter light and ventilation). For a small number of very skinny plants, such as sunflower, hanging bamboo plum and so on, cutting is easy to live, in the slow seedling stage, proper exposure to the sun will not affect their survival, for this kind of plant management, easier.

VI. Flowering period

It is also a special period, and different kinds of plants have different requirements.

There are seasonal flowering, the total flowering period is very short, such as apples, pears, apricots, etc., in full bloom, because the flower is more sensitive to fertilizer, therefore, in a large number of flowering, it is not recommended to use fertilizer.

There are also perennially blooming plants with a long flowering period, such as dwarf cattle, carnation, geranium and sunflowers, which can be used as appropriate fertilizer (fertilizer with more phosphorus and potassium) during a large number of flowering periods and when the temperature is suitable.

As for the watering method, the topsoil is also watered thoroughly when the topsoil is dry. This method is basically universal and is suitable for almost all plants.

A few additions

1, plant dormancy, affected by a variety of conditions, in addition to the low temperature in winter, but also related to short sunshine; in summer, the weather is too hot, too dry, it will also cause plant dormancy.

This depends not only on habits, but also on other conditions; after all, plant dormancy is its way to resist adverse environment.

2. Changing the basin is a major operation, how to do it, we should also pay attention to the conditions. generally speaking, if we choose to do it in the dormant period and the early growth stage, it will have the least or even negligible influence on the plant; but if we catch up with the slow seedling stage, the peak growth period, the flower bud stage, the flowering stage and the fruit growth stage, there will be adverse effects, such as delay in growth and abnormal drop of flowers and fruits. Except for some plants that are dormant in summer, for most plants, it is the least suitable time to change pots in the middle of summer, especially in the high temperature period. in short, in any case, changing pots should be more cautious and should be considered at the right time.

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