
The Ministry of Agriculture issued a circular on strengthening the management of rural veterinarians.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Circular issued by the Ministry of Agriculture on strengthening Rural Veterinary Management [2010] No. 7 Animal Husbandry and Veterinary (Agriculture, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry) Office (Bureau, Office, Commission) of provinces, Autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Agricultural Bureau of Xinjiang production and Construction Corps: to strengthen the management of rural veterinary practice

The Ministry of Agriculture issued a circular on strengthening the management of rural veterinarians [2010] No. 7

Departments (bureaus, offices and commissions) of animal husbandry and veterinary (agriculture, agriculture and animal husbandry) of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, and the Agricultural Bureau of the Xinjiang production and Construction Corps:

In order to strengthen the management of rural veterinary practice, improve the professional quality and professional ethics of rural veterinarians, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of rural veterinarians, according to the Law on Animal epidemic Prevention and the measures for the Administration of Rural Veterinary Surgeons, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

First, unify thinking and further improve the understanding of the importance of rural veterinary management.

Rural veterinarians refer to those who have not yet obtained the qualification of practising veterinarians and have been registered to engage in animal diagnosis and treatment services in rural areas. The rural veterinarian team is the basis of the animal epidemic prevention and control system and an important force in the implementation of various animal epidemic prevention measures. Strengthening the construction of the rural veterinary team can extend the animal epidemic prevention network to the grass-roots level, strengthen the awareness of animal epidemic prevention to the grass-roots level, and impart animal epidemic prevention technology to the grass-roots level, which is conducive to the early detection of major animal epidemics such as avian influenza and pig blue-ear disease, and to the implementation of various animal epidemic prevention and control measures. In order to strengthen the construction and management of rural veterinarians, the Ministry of Agriculture has issued the measures for the Management of Rural Veterinary Surgeons, which clearly stipulates the implementation of the registration system of rural veterinarians, requires strengthening the professional training of rural veterinarians and strictly standardizing the practice of rural veterinarians. In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture, various localities have taken measures to strengthen the building of rural veterinary teams. However, on the whole, the progress is still very slow, the registration of rural veterinarians has not been fully promoted, the training of rural veterinarians is not enough, and the behavior of rural veterinarians is still not standardized. At present, the situation of prevention and control of major animal diseases in China is still very grim, and the task of animal husbandry production and development is arduous. All localities must stand at the height of politics and the overall situation, fully understand the importance of strengthening rural veterinary management, enhance the sense of responsibility, mission, and urgency to do a good job in this work, take practical and effective measures, further strengthen the construction and management of rural veterinarians, and effectively improve the ability and level of animal epidemic prevention at the grass-roots level.

Second, grasp the key points and comprehensively promote the construction and management of rural veterinarians.

(1) to strengthen the management of registration of rural veterinarians. Rural veterinary registration is the most basic rural veterinary management system. Veterinary personnel engaged in animal diagnosis and treatment services in rural areas must apply to the local county-level veterinary department for registration as rural veterinarians. All localities should strictly grasp the conditions for registration of rural veterinarians, standardize registration procedures, clarify the scope of employment, and promptly examine and issue registration certificates for rural veterinarians. It is necessary to strengthen the management of rural veterinary registration information, establish and improve rural veterinary management files, and summarize and report rural veterinary registration information step by step. It is necessary to speed up the process of network management of rural veterinary information and make full use of modern information technology to manage rural veterinarians. The registration and certification of rural veterinarians must be completed by the end of October 2010.

(2) strengthen the training of rural veterinarians. To organize and carry out various forms of training for rural veterinarians and improve the professional quality of rural veterinarians is the focus of the current construction and management of rural veterinarians. All localities should step up efforts to formulate plans and plans for the training of rural veterinarians, establish and improve the teaching material system for the training of rural veterinarians, increase the input of funds for the training of rural veterinarians, and ensure that rural veterinarians receive training every two years. Constantly improve their professional quality and working ability. It is necessary to encourage qualified rural veterinarians to participate in the qualification examination for licensed veterinary surgeons, encourage those qualified to practise veterinary medicine to engage in animal diagnosis, treatment and service activities in rural areas, promote the flow of high-level veterinary personnel to rural areas and gather to large-scale breeding farms, and gradually improve the comprehensive ability of animal epidemic prevention at the grass-roots level.

(3) to strengthen the management of rural veterinary practice. All localities should strengthen the management of rural veterinarians, earnestly standardize the use of veterinary drugs by rural veterinarians, and strictly fulfill the obligation to report animal epidemics. It is necessary to organically combine the management of rural veterinarians with the management of village-level animal epidemic prevention workers, and give priority to rural veterinarians registered for the record as village-level animal epidemic prevention officers.

Third, strengthen leadership and put all the work of rural veterinary management into practice.

All localities should regard rural veterinary management as an important task in the current building of grass-roots veterinary teams, put it in a prominent position, put it on the agenda, and earnestly strengthen leadership. It is necessary to strengthen coordination and communication with finance, labor security and other departments, win the support of relevant departments, and strive to solve the funding for rural veterinary training. Where conditions permit, we should actively explore the establishment of a social insurance mechanism for village-level animal epidemic prevention workers and rural veterinarians, earnestly solve the worries of village-level animal epidemic prevention workers and rural veterinarians, and stabilize grass-roots animal epidemic prevention teams. It is necessary to conscientiously sum up and exchange experiences and practices in the management of rural veterinarians, strengthen the building of rural veterinary teams and the publicity of epidemic prevention work at the grass-roots level, and create a good external environment.

Please report the progress of the registration of rural veterinarians, as well as the problems and suggestions in the management of rural veterinarians to the Veterinary Bureau of our Ministry in time.

January 25, 2010