
The head of the Ministry of Agriculture said when answering a reporter's question at the press center of the two sessions.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, On the afternoon of March 6, Yu Xinrong, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Bi Meijia, chief economist and spokesman of the Ministry of Agriculture, answered questions raised by Chinese and foreign reporters on the development of agricultural and rural economy at the press center of the two sessions. What is the current situation of food security? China's grain production capacity is stable.

On the afternoon of March 6, Yu Xinrong, vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, and Bi Meijia, chief economist and spokesman of the Ministry of Agriculture, answered questions raised by Chinese and foreign reporters on agricultural and rural economic development at the press center of the two sessions.

What is the current situation of food security?

-- China's grain production capacity is stable at a high level of development.

Food is the most important thing for the people, and the first issue of the reporter at the press conference is the food security of our country. Yu Xinrong said: the current food security situation in China is very good. "in 2014, we overcame the effects of severe droughts in some areas and a variety of natural disasters, and achieved an'11 consecutive increase'in total grain output, setting several new highs: first, total grain output reached a new high, reaching 1.2142 trillion jin last year; grain yield per unit area reached a new high, reaching 359kg; and the per capita share of grain was the highest in history, close to 900jin. Our country has climbed 1 trillion jin for eight years in a row, which shows that China's grain production capacity has steadily reached a relatively high level of development. "

Faced with the question of why China's grain imports increased instead of falling after a bumper harvest, Yu Xinrong said: our grain imports have been increasing in recent years, reaching the highest level last year, with total imports of about 100 million tons, of which more than 70 percent are soybeans, reaching 71.4 million tons, while cereal imports are only 19.52 million tons, accounting for only 3.2 percent of the total grain output of the year. Among them, the import of corn and wheat decreased, while only rice and some industrial grain increased. Therefore, the diversification of grain demand in China is becoming increasingly obvious, not simply satisfied with food rations, industrial and other aspects of grain demand is increasing day by day.

Yu Xinrong stressed: to promote agricultural modernization is to promote agricultural transformation and restructuring, and "no substantial reduction in grain production and no sharp decline in grain production capacity" will be one of the important criteria for the success of "adjustment" and "transformation". Chinese rice bowls should always be firmly in their own hands, and the rice bowls are mainly filled with Chinese food. We will always unswervingly promote the new national strategy for food security and ensure that "grain is basically self-sufficient and food rations are absolutely safe."

How to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products?

-- We firmly adopt a "zero tolerance" attitude towards the problem

"on the whole, the quality and safety of agricultural products in China is reliable, and the safety of consumption is guaranteed." Yu Xinrong said: all along, the party and the government have attached great importance to the quality and safety of agricultural products. Judging from the qualified rate of sampling inspection of the quality and safety of vegetables, livestock and poultry, and aquatic products conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture in recent years, it has basically stabilized at more than 96%, and it is also showing a rising trend. Of course, cases of violations of laws and regulations do occur from time to time in individual regions, individual varieties, and individual periods of time. However, with regard to the quality and safety of agricultural products, the attitude of government regulators is resolute. Even if there are 1% of the problems, we should make 100% efforts and resolutely adopt a "zero tolerance" attitude.

Subsequently, Yu Xinrong said that all sectors of society are very welcome to strengthen supervision over the quality and safety of agricultural products, and the Ministry of Agriculture will further strengthen the local responsibility system for the quality and safety of agricultural products, and constantly improve the supervision level of the quality and safety of agricultural products, so as to provide consumers with safe and assured agricultural products.

What about pesticides and fertilizers that pollute the environment?

To change the mode of agricultural development is to reduce the pressure and burden on agriculture.

Referring to agricultural non-point source pollution, Yu Xinrong said: our important agricultural natural resources, such as water and land, are indeed facing overdraft. Therefore, we must put the agricultural modernization of transformation and structural adjustment in an important position.

"but now we are turning on our own initiative, not forced to do so. China's grain output is stable at more than 1.1 trillion jin, which gives us a very leisurely space. Under the condition that agriculture can be stable, we fully adjust, prevent or overcome unfavorable factors to achieve sustained, healthy and steady development of agriculture. " Yu Xinrong added.

Yu Xinrong said that the purpose of changing the structure and transformation of the mode of production this time is to promote agricultural development from extensive management such as resource consumption, strong input in chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and ecological environment. To pay equal attention to output, quality and efficiency We should pay attention to intensification, economy and innovation, and strive to find a new way to modernize agriculture with Chinese characteristics with high output, product safety, resource conservation and environment-friendly.

How to give full play to the advantages of seed scientific research?

-- the transformation effect of scientific research achievements in seed industry is obvious.

"one seed can change a world. The hybrid rice developed by our country benefits not only the Chinese people, but also the people of the world, contributing to world food security. " Yu Xinrong said.

At the same time, Yu Xinrong said that there is still a certain weakness in China's seed industry science and technology, so the General Office of the State Council has issued a special document to speed up the development of the seed industry, supporting the reform. The key is how to better mobilize the enthusiasm of researchers; secondly, it is necessary to further break the situation that the seed industry is separated from each other in breeding, reproduction and promotion. Special attention should be paid to not letting the achievements of scientific and technological personnel be locked in tin cabinets.

Yu Xinrong said that the Ministry of Agriculture has focused on several things: vigorously supporting and promoting the innovation and development of integrated enterprises; promoting the equity reform of the seed industry to stimulate the enthusiasm of researchers; and creating a platform for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in China's first seed industry, with a transaction value of more than 30 million yuan in just two months. Encourage scientific research personnel, scientific and technological units of the seed industry and integrated enterprises of breeding, breeding and promotion to jointly set up research offices to jointly promote joint scientific research and transformation of science and technology in the seed industry, so as to achieve a win-win situation.

He said that after a series of scientific and technological reforms in the seed industry, the R & D and transformation of scientific and technological research and development in the seed industry with integrated enterprises of breeding, reproduction and promotion as the main body has achieved remarkable results. Now the achievements and resources of the top 50 enterprises integrated with education, reproduction and promotion have reached 35%, and the trend is more obvious.

What is the situation of increasing farmers' income? Maintain the momentum of growth

-- the income of farmers will continue to be guaranteed.

Yu Xinrong first used the data to say that in 2014, the per capita net income of Chinese farmers reached 9892 yuan, with a difference of 108yuan to 10,000 yuan, realizing the "Eleventh consecutive Express" for the first time. The per capita net income of farmers has increased faster than that of urban residents for five consecutive years, and the relative income gap between urban and rural residents has narrowed from 3.33 ∶ 1 in 2009 to 2.92 ∶ 1 last year.

The situation of increasing farmers' income is generally good. Yu Xinrong believes that it is mainly due to four aspects: the development of urbanization has led to a significant increase in farmers' wage income; second, the prices of agricultural products are basically stable, supporting the sustained increase in farmers' income; third, the national policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers has been implemented; fourth, the reform of the rural collective property rights system has promoted the development of large-scale operation, so that the property income of farmers has maintained the momentum of increase.

Yu Xinrong said that farmers' income will continue to increase. First, we will continue to increase our support for agriculture; second, we will deepen the reform of the price system of agricultural products, and there will be a policy of stabilizing the minimum purchase price and temporary collection and storage of grain; third, the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas will enhance the inherent vitality of rural economic development; finally, accurate poverty alleviation focusing on poverty-stricken areas will enable farmers in poor areas and the people of the whole country to enter a well-off society together.

Why pour milk and grab milk powder at the same time?

We are full of confidence in the sustainable development of the dairy industry

"like all our friends here, we have paid close attention to and taken a series of measures to solve the recent problems in the development of the dairy industry in some places." Yu Xinrong said seriously.

He said that the causes of the problem of milk surplus in some places are more complicated. First of all, from an international point of view, the increase in the output of the global dairy industry in 2014 obviously led to a substantial decline in milk prices, which led to a substantial increase in the import of milk powder in China. Secondly, from a domestic point of view, the national fresh milk output reached 37.25 million tons in 2014, with the largest increase and the largest increase in production. The increase in consumption in the domestic market has not caught up with the substantial import of international milk powder and the substantial increase in the domestic dairy industry, resulting in a drop in the purchase price of fresh milk from domestic farmers to 2.85 yuan per kilogram from 3.25 yuan at the beginning of last year. The third is that there is a gap between dairy farming and dairy processing in China and the dairy industry in developed countries. China has not got rid of the situation of small scale, high cost and relatively weak international competitiveness. In the next step, governments at all levels will take positive measures to support and help dairy farmers tide over their difficulties, including subsidies, insurance, market development and other measures to alleviate the impact of falling milk prices on dairy farmers to a certain extent.

"We are full of confidence in the development of China's dairy industry. Because China's dairy market potential is huge, the market is gold, the strong market demand will continue to promote the development of China's dairy industry. " Yu Xinrong said. First, the transformation and upgrading of China's dairy industry has a foundation. Especially with the promotion and development of standardized dairy farms, the degree of mechanization of farming has also been greatly improved. Second, the consumer market has great potential. The per capita consumption of fresh milk in our country is only 33 kg, which is less than that of developing countries and the average level of the world. These demand potentials will be transformed into a great driving force for the development of the dairy industry. Third, quality and safety are guaranteed. The Ministry of Agriculture has carried out a special renovation and monitoring plan for the quality and safety of fresh milk for 6 years, and a total of 125000 batches have been sampled. The results show that the quality and safety of fresh milk is assured and will continue to improve.