
Popularize ecological aquaculture and change the development mode

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, On the one hand, the non-point source pollution is serious, and the carrying capacity of the rural environment is declining; on the other hand, the demand for developing agricultural production and increasing farmers' income is increasing. At this stage of economic and social development, the contradiction between production development and environmental protection has to be faced directly.

On the one hand, the non-point source pollution is serious, and the carrying capacity of the rural environment is declining; on the other hand, the demand for developing agricultural production and increasing farmers' income is increasing. At this stage of economic and social development, it is time to face the contradiction between production development and environmental protection.

So, when agricultural development enters the cognitive field of sustainable development, can we find a way to do both with environmental protection? In other words, will there be the possibility of mutual promotion and co-prosperity between the two seemingly contradictory? If so, where is the breakthrough? During the two sessions, the reporter interviewed Wei Chaoan, a deputy to the National people's Congress and deputy secretary of the party committee of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region, with these developing issues.

Reporter: no matter from the perspective of protecting the rural environment or from the perspective of sustainable agricultural development, changing the mode of agricultural development is a task that must be completed. This point is also emphasized in the work report of the Prime Minister's Government. In your opinion, in order to change the mode of agricultural development, what aspects should we start to seek breakthroughs?

Wei Chaoan: the three important paths for the development of modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics are structural adjustment, transformation and deepening reform. The focus of structural adjustment is on the planting industry, and aquaculture is mainly a matter of the mode of development. To change the mode of development, we must first make a breakthrough in the aquaculture industry. Compared with the aquaculture industry, it is more urgent to solve the problems of the latter. Now the aquaculture industry has come to an end. If the way of breeding is not changed, it cannot continue to move forward, and even will gradually shrink.

On the other hand, developed animal husbandry is an important symbol of agricultural modernization in a region or even a country. Taking the lead in realizing the transformation of the development mode of animal husbandry is not only the direction and trend of the development of agricultural modernization, but also the objective requirement of the current situation of the development of animal husbandry. Therefore, no matter from which aspect, to change the mode of agricultural development should start from the aquaculture industry.

Taking ecological breeding as the starting point and developing agricultural circular economy is a breakthrough to change the mode of agricultural development. This is true not only in Guangxi, but also in the whole country.

Reporter: can you take Guangxi as an example to introduce why ecological farming is a breakthrough in changing the mode of agricultural development? Where is the necessity, urgency and feasibility?

Wei Chaoan: at present, the pollution in rural areas is mainly in two aspects: one is domestic garbage and sewage, which is the problem of farmers' way of life, and the other is non-point source pollution, which is the problem of agricultural development mode and mode of production.

The rapid development of animal husbandry in Guangxi plays an important role in the whole agricultural development. In 2014, the number of pigs in the region was 58.78 million, ranking eighth in the country; the number of poultry was 1.089 billion, ranking fourth in the country; the number of beef cattle was 5.99 million and the number of mutton sheep was 4.07 million. Manure has become an important source of agricultural pollution. On the other hand, livestock and poultry are not only the most important consumers of organic matter in agro-ecosystem, but also the important promoter of the development direction of ecosystem. Guangxi, as one of the major animal husbandry provinces in China, animal husbandry has a large base, can consume a lot of organic matter, and produce hundreds of millions of tons of excreta every year, equivalent to millions of tons of total phosphorus and nitrogen. If the manure is transferred to the land, it can better serve the planting industry and form a large agro-ecosystem with the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, comprehensive utilization, circular development, high yield and high quality, which also plays an important role in increasing farmers' income.

Ecological breeding in animal husbandry is a new breeding method based on the principle of niche, food chain, material recycling and symbiosis, and the method of system engineering, which focuses on the development of animal husbandry. Agriculture, forest, grass, animal husbandry, by-products and fishery are matched reasonably to achieve the best ecological, economic and social benefits. Compared with traditional farming methods, ecological farming has three obvious characteristics: first, the products produced are ecological; second, the production process is ecological; third, the production environment is also ecological. Vigorously developing ecological breeding and speeding up the transformation and upgrading of animal husbandry is an important way to change the mode of agricultural development, in order to improve the utilization rate of agricultural resources and build an agricultural development model with high output efficiency, product safety, resource saving and environment-friendly, it is of great significance to promote agricultural efficiency, increase farmers' income, maintain rural ecology, and promote agricultural modernization.

In the past, we had a small-scale pig farm in Longjing Village, Guibei District, Guigang City, with more than 10 sows and 200 pigs a year. It turns out that according to the traditional mode of farming, it smells bad and is close to residential areas. There are often complaints, and some people even secretly throw stones at the farms. The concentration of sewage is so high that it is discharged to the nearby fish ponds, and even fish cannot be raised. Later, elevated beds were built in that small-scale pig farm, and the stench was greatly reduced, and the people next to them no longer complained. The fish ponds used as sewage ponds were also used to grow lotus roots, and the lotus blooming season attracted many people to watch. Raising fish and selling lotus roots in fish ponds also increases other income.

Reporter: over the years, what experiences have been explored that can be used for reference by other regions?

Wei Chaoan: ecological breeding, combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, comprehensive utilization and circular development are of great significance to the transformation of the mode of agricultural production. In practice, the development of circular economy with ecological breeding and the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry needs reform and innovation.

In recent years, Guangxi has regarded ecological breeding as a breakthrough in changing the mode of agricultural production, as an important part of the construction of ecological civilization, and as an important starting point in the ongoing rural construction of "beautiful Guangxi" in the whole region. vigorously promote livestock and poultry breeding biogas treatment of organic fertilizer, elevated bed breeding, microbial fermentation and other ecological breeding techniques, strictly control breeding pollution, and explore the ecological cycle model of the combination of cultivation and breeding. Effectively promoted the development of modern agriculture.

At present, more than 90% of the manure produced by livestock and poultry farming in the region is used in the planting industry, and 60% of the urine produced by pigs and cattle is used through biogas treatment. The main measures are as follows: first, to carry out a special campaign of "clean breeding" with the comprehensive treatment of manure and the harmless treatment of sick and dead livestock and poultry as the main contents. in practice, various clean breeding models have been successfully explored, such as the discharge of large-scale biogas projects, centralized treatment of manure from free-range farmers, fermentation bed breeding, production of organic fertilizer from livestock and poultry manure, planting and breeding combined with ecological cycle, and so on. Second, according to the development idea of the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, a breakthrough has been made in the research and practice of "one sugarcane dual use (sugar and feed)". We make use of the resource advantage of 16 million mu of sugar cane to organically combine the development of cattle and sheep industry with sugar cane industry to form a new agricultural structure of giving consideration to sugar feeding and the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry, develop a circular economy model of planting and breeding, and improve the efficiency of resource utilization. When the price of sugar rises, sugarcane is mainly used to extract sugar, and when the price of sugar falls, part of sugarcane can be used as feed for cattle. At the same time, promote the feed utilization of sugarcane tail leaf, molasses and sugarcane pulp, produce biogas energy and organic fertilizer through livestock and poultry sewage manure, promote the increase of sugarcane planting yield, and realize the virtuous cycle of "one sugarcane dual use". The third is to vigorously develop under-forest farming. 63.5% of the land in Guangxi is forestry land. In combination with promoting the reform of the collective forest ownership system, we have made great efforts to develop the economy under the forest, especially under-forest farming. After several years of practice, exploration, summary and innovation, the livestock and poultry breeding industry has gradually realized the transformation from front and back house breeding to mountain breeding, from traditional breeding to modern ecological breeding, and from single breeding mode to diversified breeding mode. the formation of a unique Guangxi characteristics of orchard farming, woodland farming and other under-forest farming models. Fourth, the establishment of standardized demonstration of livestock and poultry breeding should be carried out in depth. To achieve the goal of establishing 10 national and 30 autonomous district-level standardization demonstration fields. Fifth, strengthen the control of aquaculture pollution in key areas.

In practice, we more and more realize that in order to realize the transformation of agricultural production mode, we must take ecological breeding as a breakthrough and develop ecological circular agriculture in an all-round way. Specifically, it is necessary to closely combine rural construction with the transformation of the mode of agricultural production, and take ecological breeding as an important starting point to promote the modernization of aquaculture. Through ecological breeding, the ecological security of the production process, the ecological security of the environment and the ecological security of products can be realized; through the combination of agriculture and animal husbandry and comprehensive utilization, circular development can be realized; through the development of ecological breeding, the challenges of insufficient consumption power of animal products, increasing pressure on environmental protection, upside down prices of animal products at home and abroad, major animal diseases and the quality and safety of animal products can be resolved.

Guangxi is rich in light and heat resources, with prominent advantages in forage crop cultivation and microbial utilization, and has good conditions for the development of ecological culture. In recent years, with the help of "beautiful Guangxi" rural construction activities, "clean aquaculture" and "ecological aquaculture" have sprung up in rural areas of Guangxi, and achieved initial results. However, Guangxi is an ethnic minority area and an underdeveloped area, and the financial resources and technical strength for the development of ecological aquaculture and circular agriculture are insufficient. It is hoped that the State Council and relevant ministries and commissions will give strong policy and financial support to Guangxi in promoting ecological aquaculture, developing circular agriculture and speeding up the transformation of the mode of agricultural development.