
Grow longevity flowers like this and wait for the pot to explode.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The longevity flower has emerald green leaves, dense flowers and compact plant type, which is very suitable for indoor potted plants in spring, and the longevity flower has a beautiful meaning of longevity and good luck, which is deeply loved by flower friends. I believe that many flower friends are.

The longevity flower has emerald green leaves, dense flowers and compact plant type, which is very suitable for indoor potted plants in spring, and the longevity flower has a beautiful meaning of longevity and good luck, which is deeply loved by flower friends. I believe that many flower friends like to plant a few pots at home, so what do you need to pay attention to to cultivate longevity flowers? Let's have a chat today.

1. Soil

The soil for planting longevity flowers should be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and river sand at 4:4:2. The cultivated soil is loose, fertile, slightly acidic, and has good drainage, which is beneficial to root development.

two。 Temperature

The most suitable temperature for longevity flowers is 17-25 degrees. When it is lower than 10 degrees or higher than 30 degrees, longevity flowers will enter a dormant period and stop growing. Therefore, when the summer temperature is higher, you should avoid exposure to the sun and take shade measures. When the winter temperature is lower than 10 degrees, it is recommended to move into a bedroom with temperature control conditions.

3. Light

Longevity flowers like sunny places. Except for hot summer and shading at noon, longevity flowers can be placed in places with direct sunlight in other seasons. Long-term lack of light may lead to slender branches, thin and small leaves, small number of flowers, dim flower color, affecting ornamental.

4. Watering

As a kind of succulent plant, longevity flower, like other succulent plants, contains a lot of water, so it does not need too much watering, it can be watered once every 3-4 days, the soil is moist, it is hot in summer, and the air humidity can be increased by spraying around the plant.

5. Fertilizer application

Spring and autumn is the peak season for the growth of longevity flowers. Light liquid fertilizer can be applied every half a month. Around November, longevity flowers will sprout and some phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied. After winter enters in December, fertilizer will be stopped.

6. Reproduction

Longevity flowers have strong rooting ability, so they are suitable for cutting propagation. The time can be chosen in March-May or August-September of each year. When cutting, mature stems are selected, then cut into small sections of about 6 cm, inserted in the soil, watered thoroughly, covered with film, rooting in half a month or so, and transplanting after a full moon.

7. Pick the heart

In order to make the longevity flowers grow more branches and the plant type is more plump and compact, 1-2 coring can be carried out at the beginning of the peak growing season.

8. Pruning

Residual flowers will consume a lot of nutrients, so once flowers are found to have withered, they should be pruned in time to avoid affecting the number of flowers next time.

Having mastered these methods, do you feel that longevity flowers are easy to raise? Pay attention to "meet potted plants", we exchange those little knowledge of growing flowers together!