
Who can become the new owner of farmland when entering the market?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Comprehensive deepening reform is mentioned in the four comprehensive strategic layouts. How to promote the rural land reform has aroused concern. Around agricultural land, deputies and committee members put forward many motions. The government work report made by Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council also pointed out that it is necessary to do a good job in land registration.

"comprehensively deepening reform" is mentioned in the strategic layout of the "four comprehensive". How to promote the rural land reform has aroused concern. Around the "agricultural land", representatives and committee members put forward many motions and proposals. The government work report made by Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council also pointed out that it is necessary to do a good job in the registration and certification of land rights, and prudently carry out pilot reforms such as rural land expropriation, the entry of collective construction land into the market, the residential land system, and the collective property rights system. In February this year, 33 pilot counties (cities and districts), including Daxing District, Beijing, were included in the pilot use of rural collective land. In the view of Wen Simei, a member of the Chinese people's political Consultative Conference, "farmland entering the market" can increase farmers' income, but "not in such a hurry."

How will rural land enter the market?

Wen Simei, member of the CPPCC National Committee and agricultural economist, told Beiqing Daily yesterday that rural land transfer involves two aspects, one is agricultural land, and the other is constructive land. The transfer of constructive land is also divided into two parts, on the one hand, farmers' homestead, on the other hand, rural collective construction land, especially through the new rural construction, land renovation, village transformation after the formation of these lands. The national policy stipulates that the policy of the same place, the same right and the same price should be adopted, that is to say, like the state-owned land, they should enter the local market for circulation and adopt a market-oriented way.

Niu Dun, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: in the development of China's rural modernization, we must improve rural labor productivity. A peasant household fighting alone on 9 mu of land is inefficient, and only by centralizing the land for intensive management and using large-scale agricultural machinery can we have a chance to improve labor productivity. In addition, there are some other properties of land in rural areas, such as homestead and commercial construction land, which are transferred out to create conditions for the transformation of the mode of operation.

To this end, last year, China broke through the legal provisions of the pilot innovation: "rural commercial construction land" circulation, three years later, the evaluation is feasible and then promoted throughout the country.

"after the homestead has gone through land renovation and village transformation, some of them are idle and do not realize the value of the land. Here, we need to formulate systematic policies and even make legal adjustments to allow it to enter the local market for trading, become part of collective assets and increase farmers' income." Wen Simi said.

What is the effect of the pilot project of land transfer?

In view of the problems of land expropriation, the entry of rural commercial construction land into the market and the circulation of rural land, the central government has officially issued a document to select 33 county-level units throughout the country to carry out pilot reforms. These pilot reforms are to break through some existing legal provisions, and the State Council has formally made a request to the standing Committee of the National people's Congress to authorize the implementation of these legal provisions within the scope of the 33 pilot counties in accordance with the needs of the pilot projects. adjust the implementation of these legal provisions within a certain period of time.

Through the pilot project, we will finally determine to break through the legal provisions temporarily and allow these places to conduct a comprehensive assessment after three years of temporary suspension to see if such a breakthrough is more in line with practical needs and whether it is more conducive to economic development. and take this opportunity to amend the existing legal provisions. Chen Xiwen, member of the standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group, explained that if the results of the comprehensive assessment believe that this may lead to greater problems, then continue to resume the implementation of the current provisions.

Relevant departments have carried out the work of registering and issuing certificates for the confirmation of farmers' land contractual management rights throughout the country, including Shandong Province, Anhui Province and Sichuan Province, which are pilot projects in the whole province.

It is understood that more than 95 percent of the county-level units in rural areas are carrying out pilot projects, involving 340 million mu of land, and have issued certificates of land contractual management rights to farmers. In this case, the transfer of land is also accelerating. According to the statistics of the relevant departments at the end of June 2014, the total area of land management rights transferred in rural areas across the country is about 380 million mu, accounting for 28.8%. Close to 60 million peasant households transfer part and all of the land, accounting for 26 percent of the total contracted peasant households, and this process is gradually moving forward.

It is "not too urgent" to promote the development of modern agriculture through land transfer. Wen Simi believes that first of all, we should do a good job in basic work and define farmers' land rights more clearly and strictly. and there should be legal protection in a real sense. However, Wen Simi believes that in terms of land rights certification, there are still some issues worth exploring.

"the current land ownership certification is still based on our past contract system, fragmented land division." He believes that the experience of Guangdong is better, and the certification is only based on the share of the land, not on a specific piece of land. "it's easier to circulate."

What are the possible changes in farmers' lives in the future?

What will the life of farmers be like in the future? Wen Simei believes that the exploration of "professional farmers" and "professional farmer managers" in Chengdu is a very good experience.

The growers who remain in rural Chengdu have become what Wen Simei calls "professional farmers", followed by cooperatives or rural enterprises. "in fact, a person has the money and is willing to invest in agriculture, but he doesn't know how to run it, so he invites professional farmers in the village to help manage it." Wen Simi explained.

Urban development policy is also gradually moving in line with the development of rural areas. Wen Simei said: it is not clear what the status of farmers will be when they enter the city, but perhaps farmers do not have to become city dwellers in the future.

Wen Simi said, "when I went to visit the suburbs of Chengdu, a farmer told me that he worked and lived in the town, and his children also went to school in the city. If he is willing to be a farmer, he is either managing the land in the village or entrusting others to manage it. " Wen Simi thought, "this is a good pattern."

"it is necessary to give farmers more room for choice." He told the Beijing Youth Daily that in the past, China had obstacles to the separation of urban and rural areas, and farmers had obstacles of choice, and this boundary may be further watered down in the future. In fact, in the end, it is the process of overall planning and integration of urban and rural areas.

When asked by a reporter how to ensure cultivated land and food security, Wen Simi said: "our land policy is to implement use management. As long as we keep a tight grip on the issue of cultivated land and the rights and interests of farmers, we will not be afraid of the encroachment of urban capital." In this process, the protection of cultivated land is still the basic national policy. To sum up, the macro level is how to ensure cultivated land, and the middle level is the protection of farmers' rights and interests. Under this condition, how to integrate urban and rural areas should be considered.

Who may become the "new owner" of farmland?

The news of farmland entering the market has also aroused the concern of the real estate industry. Who will be the new owner of farmland entering the market? Now that the pilot "farmland enters the market", does it mean that developers and all kinds of enterprises can buy land from cheaper channels? Will these farmland lead to changes in house prices?

The pilot project of rural land expropriation, the entry of collective construction land into the market and the reform of homestead system in Daxing District of Beijing has been launched recently. Taking this as an example, on the 8th, Li Shixiang, deputy to the National people's Congress and executive vice mayor of Beijing, said in an interview with reporters after the plenary meeting of the Beijing delegation to the National people's Congress that the market operation of collective land in pilot villages and towns in Daxing District will be market-oriented, and the object is not limited to rural household registration, but the construction of housing is strictly controlled.

"after this part of the land enters the market, to whom will it be transferred? is it limited to the internal circulation of farmers?" On this issue, Li Shixiang said that the circulation is not limited to farmers, it will follow a market-oriented way. However, after entering the market, agricultural land is still based on the development of industry, more considering the employment of farmers and increasing industrial income, rather than being used for housing.

It is not clear who will be the new owner of agricultural land after entering the market in the future. it is understood that the commercial construction land allowed to enter the market this time will be mostly used for industrial land development, and homestead is still not allowed to trade freely.

Wen Simei, a member of the CPPCC National Committee and an expert on agricultural economics, told Beiqing Daily that affecting and reducing house prices is not the main consideration of the state in formulating policies related to land circulation. The main consideration of the state is to improve the utilization rate of agricultural land and increase farmers' income on the premise of ensuring arable land.