
It's the beginning of spring, what do farmers still lack?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, After the sting, various parts of Shandong have entered the stage of spring ploughing production. As the saying goes, "at the beginning of a thunder, the Tian family is idle for a few days." The temperature was too high last winter and this spring. How is the winter wheat growing now? The central "No. 1 document" continuously focuses on agriculture, rural areas and farmers. What else do the grassroots expect? With

After the sting, various parts of Shandong have entered the stage of spring ploughing production. As the saying goes, "at the beginning of a thunder, the Tian family is idle for a few days." The temperature was too high last winter and this spring. How is the winter wheat growing now? The central "No. 1 document" continuously focuses on agriculture, rural areas and farmers. What else do the grassroots expect? With these problems, the reporter approached some new business entities.

"Rain Water is a little less during this period of time, but the average sowing amount per mu in autumn last year was about 17.5kg, which was 2.5kg more than in previous years, and then he watered the overwintering water again, so there is no big problem at present." Feng Gaodong, deputy general manager of Deqiang Farm in Dezhou City, Shandong Province, said that the enterprise has transferred 10170 mu of arable land, more than 90% of which grow wheat and other food crops, and the seedling situation is now better than that of the same period last year.

The reporter learned that Dezhou City, as one of the national integrated grain high-yield pilot cities, the growth of wheat this year is more optimistic. According to the statistics of Dezhou Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, the local wheat planting area is about 7.965 million mu, and the second class and above wheat fields account for 94.6%. At the same time, the overall soil moisture in farmland is OK, and it is expected that the comprehensive occurrence degree of wheat diseases and insect pests this year is moderate to mild.

The cost of grain production is rising, and it is difficult to find a new profit growth point for growing grain. Feng Gaodong told the reporter that one mu of wheat needs to buy 220 yuan of chemical fertilizer, 180 yuan of machinery operation fee, and 35 yuan of water per mu of land. In addition to "one spray and three prevention," pesticide money per mu is also 26 or 7 yuan. "Today, the cost of planting an acre of wheat is about 700 yuan, not counting the land rent."

The price of labor is an important factor in raising costs. Wei Dedong of Deping Town, Linyi County, Texas is a major grain grower and seller in the country. Its family farm manages nearly 3000 mu of transferred arable land. He told reporters that since he became a major grain grower in 2008, the price of odd jobs has doubled to 100 yuan per day, and the daily salary of agricultural machinery workers has reached 300 yuan when farmers are busy.

In order to cope with the cost pressure, Feng Gaodong and Wei Dedong both chose to cultivate improved varieties for seed companies or scientific research institutes, and took advantage of the advantage of scale to strive for concessions from agricultural enterprises. However, one kilogram of improved seed is sold for less than 40 cents, and a bag of 40 kilograms of chemical fertilizer is 15 yuan cheaper than the market price, and the effect of increasing income is limited. Feng Gaodong said: now, with the exception of 1000 yuan in land transfer fees, the net profit of one mu of land for two seasons of grain is about 230yuan.

The demand for agricultural machinery and water conservancy is not reduced, and farmers are still "thirsty" for financing. This year's government work report proposed to "increase the subsoiling land by 200 million mu", and Shandong has also assigned 15 million mu of agricultural machinery to subsoiling land preparation. The reporter learned that of the 20 or 30 sets of agricultural machinery owned by Wei Dedong, the only 110 horsepower tractor was awarded by the state four years ago, and because most of the machinery is inefficient, he is no longer prepared to continue to invest in agricultural machinery.

"the purpose of deep loosening of cultivated land is to break the soil consolidation, deepen the cultivated soil layer, and play a significant role in stabilizing and increasing crop production." Li Lingwei, director of Dezhou Agricultural Technology extension Station, said that small horsepower tractors are not competent for the operation of deep loosening 25cm, and the power of agricultural machinery is facing upgrading.

The water from the Yellow River is an important source of agricultural irrigation along the Yellow River. Last year, Dezhou diverted 2.1 billion cubic meters of water from the Yellow River, the highest in 20 years. "the availability of river water is unreliable" has aroused the concern of Feng Gaodong and others. "in case there is not enough water in the river, there should be a motor well for every 200 mu of land, and it will still pierce a deep well in the brackish water layer." Feng Gaodong said: in the past two years, enterprises have invested more than 10 million yuan in the early stage, and drilling wells has been somewhat inadequate.

Behind the incompetence is the cramped financing environment of the new agricultural operators. Wei Dedong said: at present, the term of the rural credit cooperative loan is more than half a year or a year. I hope the interest rate will be lower and the repayment cycle will be longer. Feng Gaodong said that enterprises have no plans for loans for the time being, just because they are worried that the small operating profits will be "eaten up" by interest.

The new business entity solves the future development direction and the orientation of industrial and commercial capital. Wei Dedong, who started from 300 mu of arable land, told reporters that it was the first time for him to set up a family farm in the local area, and so far he still wants to create a sustainable development path for the big grain growers around him.

"I once considered getting involved in the aquaculture industry and realizing the combination of planting and breeding, but found that it was not easy for the aquaculture industry." Wei Dedong feels that if industrial and commercial capital is allowed to go to the countryside, we can cooperate, and capital and technology complement each other. Deqiang Farm is in contact with some e-commerce companies, hoping to broaden its own sales channels.