
Grain growers should be the direct beneficiaries of grain subsidies.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Since 2004, the state has successively introduced agricultural subsidy policies such as direct grain subsidies to benefit farmers, which have played a positive role in encouraging farmers to expand their grain acreage and ensuring national food security, but some problems and contradictions have been gradually exposed in the process of implementation.

"since 2004, the state has successively introduced agricultural subsidy policies such as direct grain subsidies to benefit farmers, which have played a positive role in encouraging farmers to expand grain acreage and ensuring national food security. however, some problems and contradictions have been gradually exposed in the process of implementation, and it is urgent to improve the agricultural subsidy policy." Yang Yucheng, member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the Agricultural Committee of the Hebei Provincial Committee of the CPPCC, said: "although grain prices have risen in recent years, the efficiency of agriculture is relatively low, and grain prices cannot keep pace with the rise in agricultural materials prices. Grain farmers look forward to 'higher grain prices, more subsidies, and more stable agricultural materials'." Many committee members also agree with him. "if we still deal with the current problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in the way of traditional agriculture, there is no way out." Ke Bingsheng, member of the CPPCC National Committee and president of China Agricultural University, hit the nail on the head.

Make the incentive effect of agricultural subsidy policy more significant

Yang Yucheng said: "China has initially formed a comprehensive income subsidy with grain direct subsidy and comprehensive agricultural material direct subsidy as the main content. a comprehensive grain subsidy policy system is based on special productive subsidies, such as subsidies for improved varieties, purchase of agricultural machinery and tools, subsidies for breeding sows, and price support policies such as the minimum purchase price of grain."

"due to the low standard of grain subsidy, small scale of subsidy funds for the purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment, multiple management of departments, unclear objectives of subsidy policy, unclear regulatory responsibilities, imperfect feedback mechanism, and so on, the incentive effect of agricultural subsidy policy has been seriously affected. The effect of increasing farmers' income on increasing agricultural production has gradually weakened." Guo Tiancheng, member of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of Gansu Province during the Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee, called on the incentive effect of the agricultural subsidy policy to be strengthened to make it play its due role.

"all countries have subsidies for agriculture, and our country is no exception." Ke Bingsheng said that since 2003, China has established a policy system of four subsidies and price support for agricultural products, but with the continuous increase in the income of migrant workers, the role of subsidies in arousing the enthusiasm of farmers has been significantly weakened; at the same time, the prices of major agricultural products in China are all higher than those of imported products. "the direct result is a large number of imports, at the same time, domestic products are difficult to sell, and national inventories have increased substantially, reaching an all-time high. This in turn leads to a substantial increase in national inventory subsidies, which is overwhelmed. " He said.

The subsidy for growing grain should be supplied to those who grow grain.

"Grain farmers can enjoy grain subsidies as long as they have contracted land, no matter what they grow, how much they plant, or even if they do not grow it. This way will make farmers think that the subsidy fund is the government's compensation for the interests of farmers and a preferential policy for contracted land. " Tao Xiaxin, member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice chairman of the CPPCC Heilongjiang Provincial Committee, said clearly: "in a word, the direct beneficiaries of grain subsidies should be grain farmers who grow more grain, those who grow less grain less, and those who do not grow grain less. We will promote farmers to expand the scale operation of grain, promote the rapid development of grain industrialization, and realize the economies of scale of grain production and management."

"to change the current practice of 'land subsidies', direct grain subsidies and comprehensive agricultural subsidies should be linked to acreage as soon as possible to ensure that policies are consistent with the incentive objectives for the development of grain production. In the form of special inspection and regular supervision and inspection, we should regularly supervise and inspect the implementation of various policies that benefit farmers, grasp the situation in a timely manner, correct and solve problems in a timely manner, and ensure that agricultural subsidies are really put into practice. " Guo Tiancheng suggested.

"in addition, we should increase support for major grain-producing counties. There should be a certain policy preference for major grain-producing counties, so that big grain-producing counties can suffer less or no losses, and protect the enthusiasm of all parties in grasping grain production. " Yang Yucheng suggested.

"separate subsidies from prices"

"at present, there are many problems in the field of agricultural subsidies in China for many reasons, but it has something to do with the serious lag of agricultural subsidy legislation. So far, China's agricultural subsidies are still in a situation where there is no law to follow. We should actively carry out the legislative work of agricultural subsidies, draw lessons from the practices of developed countries, and formulate the basic law of agricultural subsidies to ensure the standardized and effective operation of agricultural subsidy policies. control and prevent the problems of agricultural subsidies from the source. " Yang Yucheng thinks.

"in 2014, China began to reform the way of price subsidy. For the pilot target price system for soybeans and cotton, the government no longer purchased directly, let prices follow the market, and then subsidized the price difference to farmers." Ke Bingsheng believes that, "whether it is the acquisition of supporting the market as the main body of the policy, or the target price subsidy as the direction of reform, it is through administrative means to change the price relationship, making the allocation of resources unreasonable. Such a policy, in fact, is a replica of the planned economy, and it is impossible to achieve a rational allocation of resources. In order to improve the price formation mechanism of agricultural products, we should pay attention to giving full play to the role of the market in forming prices and separating subsidies from prices. "

Ke Bingsheng said that subsidies according to land area are not only efficient, but also allow market price signals to guide farmers and adjust the trade structure of agricultural products more scientifically and rationally. Due to the shortage of land area in China, the reasonable trade structure of agricultural products is to import land-intensive products, such as soybeans and rapeseed, to produce other products with high yield per mu or high value-added products, such as corn, vegetables and fruits.

Optimize the structure of agricultural subsidies and enhance the staying power of modern agricultural development

The committee members believe that in the current agricultural subsidy structure, there are more liquidity subsidies and less productive subsidies. Due to limited financial resources, in the case of increasing price subsidies for agricultural products, subsidies for agricultural infrastructure construction have to be reduced, which is the key to transform traditional agriculture and enhance the stamina of agricultural development.

"increase the amount of subsidies for agricultural machinery and tools, further promote agricultural mechanized production, reduce the scope of subsidized machinery, focus on subsidizing large and medium-sized machinery with advanced technology, energy saving and environmental protection, safe and reliable, and at the same time authorize all counties and districts to determine the list of agricultural machinery and tools within the scope of central and provincial subsidies according to the needs of industrial development in various localities." Guo Tiancheng suggested.

Ke Bingsheng suggested that subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery should be retained, while all other subsidies should be grouped together to establish a land area subsidy, that is, the subsidy received by each farmer is only linked to the area contracted for land management, but has nothing to do with the products and prices planted. This subsidy policy provides income support to farmers, does not distort the market, conforms to WTO rules, and is extremely simple and easy to operate.

"We should further strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure focusing on water conservancy, vigorously support the transformation of medium-and low-yield fields, actively develop green agriculture, organic agriculture, circular agriculture and water-saving agriculture, and establish a state-led investment system. We should reduce or reduce matching funds for poverty-stricken areas and mobilize the enthusiasm of farmers, collectives and society to participate in the construction of rural infrastructure. Establish a subsidy system for agricultural insurance in an all-round way. " Yang Yucheng suggested.