
Solve the governance problem of farmers' resettlement community

Published: 2024-09-05 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/05, In recent years, with the acceleration of the process of urban-rural integration, villages located in the urban-rural fringe have been demolished one after another, and farmers' resettlement communities in many areas have been built one after another. Cuigezhuang Township Jingwang Home Community as a Farmer's return to the pilot Construction of Urban-Rural Integration in Beijing

In recent years, with the acceleration of the process of urban-rural integration, villages located in the urban-rural fringe have been demolished one after another, and farmers' resettlement communities in many areas have been built one after another. As a peasant relocation community in the pilot construction of urban-rural integration in Beijing, Cuigezhuang township Jingwang home community is a veritable government-led resettlement community. In the whole process of farmers' relocation and resettlement, the township party committee and government have actively explored and innovated the community governance model based on the actual situation, and on the basis of continuous practice and improvement, a pluralistic governance mechanism of "party committee leadership, government responsibility, social coordination and public participation" has been gradually formed. On this basis, through a variety of comprehensive methods to strengthen the governance and service of the resettlement community, to promote the harmonious and stable development of the community.

Party organizations should play a leading and overall role in community governance

First of all, the township-level party organizations play a leading core role in the community governance of resettlement, with the focus on establishing organizations and strengthening leadership. On the basis of the establishment of the party committee of the first community and the neighborhood committee of the first community, the party committee of the second community and the neighborhood committee of the second community, aiming at the slow connection between the soil storage village and the community faced by the community, the communication between the first community, the second community and the property company, the business management company and other departments and units is not smooth, and the community resources are scattered. The problems raised by the people, such as property maintenance and community construction, could not be solved in a timely manner, and the township party committee gave full play to its leadership and overall planning role and authorized the establishment of a joint party committee for Jingwang Home. In the transitional stage of Tengtui village and community docking, the joint party committee co-ordinates all kinds of social resources in the community, which provides a strong organizational guarantee for the rapid, sustainable and coordinated development of the community. At the same time, we should further mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of party organizations of all units under their jurisdiction to participate in community party building and community building, so as to create conditions for giving full play to the organizational advantages, functional advantages, and talent advantages of all units in the region.

Secondly, community party organizations play a leading core role in community governance, with emphasis on strengthening services. The work of community party building should give full play to the fighting fortress role of grass-roots party organizations and party members in community governance, effectively integrate resources under their jurisdiction, and actively promote party organizations and party members to play a core role in serving the masses and society. The community party organization leads all community cadres, party members and resident representatives, and party group leaders to join the various service ranks; on the basis of breaking the boundaries of the original village, a number of service organizations such as paired assistance, people's livelihood security, public welfare homes, Juyuan workstations and other service organizations have been set up to realize the accelerated transformation from organizational advantages to service advantages.

Strengthen the public service function of grass-roots government

In the process of community governance, we should not only change the living environment from the countryside to the community, but also change the farmers from villagers to citizens. Cuigezhuang township government continues to strengthen its own public service functions and actively build a service-oriented government. On the one hand, actively provide quality public services. In addition to guiding and organizing a series of convenient service activities at the community level, such as expert lectures into the community, vegetable through train into the community, medical services into the community, and cultural performances into the community, we also actively create a "quarter of an hour convenient service circle" and so on. in order to gradually meet the needs of community residents for medical treatment, sports, shopping, culture and so on. On the other hand, efforts should be made to innovate service forms and solve the problems such as the absence of community services through the purchase of public services by the government. By purchasing services provided by professional institutions, the government focuses on long-term civic quality training for returning residents, and provides scientific guidance and efficient services to special groups in the community, such as the elderly and the disabled, through the professional methods of professional institutions. By exploring the models and ways for the government to purchase public services, it not only effectively meets the growing practical needs of society and residents for public services, but also promotes the accelerated reform of the government itself and the accelerated transformation of government functions.

Integrate social resources and optimize community governance structure

In the process of community governance of resettlement, in line with the principle of "co-construction, co-prosperity and sharing", we should vigorously develop all kinds of social organizations and enterprises and institutions to carry out collaborative management and guide them to actively participate in community construction and community governance. At present, in the governance system of Jingwang home community, first, the grass-roots self-governing organizations of the original demolished village make use of their previous influence and role to participate in and support the governance of the relocated community, and provide auxiliary governance within the scope of ownership in the early and transitional stages of the resettlement of community residents. The second is to mobilize social organizations such as "neighborhood societies", "community youth clubs" and "community charity supermarkets" to cooperate with the service work of community "resident stations" and broaden the channels of social services; third, film museums, homes for the elderly and other social units coordinate with community governance and innovate the forms of community social services. The experience of Jingwang Home Community shows that all kinds of social organizations and enterprises and institutions work together to provide services for individuals, families, groups and organizations in need of the community, and become an important force in the governance of the resettlement community.

Guide residents to rationally participate in all kinds of governance activities

The party committee and government of Cuigezhuang Township actively mobilize the residents to participate in community governance, focusing on improving the autonomy enthusiasm and ability of community residents from the following aspects. First, carry out various service activities on a regular basis. Provide different service activities to residents of different levels of communities, deepen mutual understanding with residents through the development of various activities, and guide the broad masses of residents to participate in community construction. And discover and cultivate the backbone of the community in the activities to promote the self-organization and self-management of the community. The second is to improve the autonomy mechanism, encourage migrant residents to participate in community construction, and promote "public discussion". Community neighborhood committees will further improve the system of democratic governance and democratic supervision in the community, hold regular and irregular meetings of residents in the corresponding scope, jointly discuss and agree on major issues in the community, and guide and encourage community residents to jointly participate in community management and provide public services, so that residents' right to know, the right to deliberate, and the right to make decisions on self-affairs can be fully realized. Third, fully mobilize the strength of prestigious individuals and groups in the community. At present, the family consciousness and geographical consciousness of the residents of the resettlement community still exist, absorb them to widely participate in the community governance, through the driving force of these backbone groups, more community residents will be condensed under the community governance system. The fourth is to excavate and cultivate the community volunteer team. On the basis of full investigation, enthusiastic residents with common interests and skills are gathered to set up all kinds of volunteer teams. For example, Jingwang Home Community, through guidance and active cultivation, has set up nine community service volunteer teams of about 800 people, such as artistic performances, voluntary patrols, caring for the elderly and helping the disabled, environmental protection and green protection, legal think tanks, etc. Become a useful supplement to help vulnerable groups and an important force to carry out social welfare activities.

In short, the governance of farmers' resettlement community is a continuous process, which requires the coordination of all parties. Although Jingwang Home Community has achieved certain results in the current practice and exploration, with the deepening of community governance, such as the transformation of government roles and functions, the effective development and utilization of social organizations, the realization of real resident autonomy and other problems need to continue to explore and solve. In the future, under an effective governance system and mechanism, only by further coordination and cooperation, giving full play to their respective effectiveness, and constantly adapting to the diversified needs of community governance, can we properly solve all kinds of governance problems of the resettlement community and promote the sustained and healthy development of the resettlement community.