
Farmers can go to the city by selling their houses? "that was a big dupe."

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Should farmers' homestead enter the market? What is the prospect of large-scale operation of rural land? With the promulgation of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee this year, how to confirm the right of contracted management of rural land? Yesterday, Chen, member of the CPPCC National Committee and deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group,

Should farmers' homestead enter the market? What is the prospect of large-scale operation of rural land? With the promulgation of the No. 1 document of the Central Committee this year, how to confirm the right of contracted management of rural land? Yesterday, Chen Xiwen, member of the CPPCC National Committee and deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group, accepted an exclusive interview with the Beijing News. He believes that many people are concerned about farmers' homestead entering the market, not really for the sake of farmers, but to have second homes in rural areas.

On "urbanization"

Some people suggest that homestead should not be put on the market for the sake of farmers.

Beijing News: you have been opposed to the movement of farmers going upstairs a few years ago, what do you think of it now?

Chen Xiwen: it is not that I oppose or approve, but that the country has laws and acts in accordance with the law. In the design of the national system, there are very clear provisions on land use. However, most people should have a basic judgment on whether this matter infringes upon the interests of the people. In my opinion, there are some media that support farmers' going upstairs, always reporting how beautifully rural construction is now, making many people who are not in rural areas think that the living standards of farmers have improved, thinking that it is a good thing for farmers to go upstairs. But the farmers are unwilling.

Beijing News: many people have suggested that farmers' homestead and rural construction land should enter the market freely. what do you think?

Chen Xiwen: there are a lot of things that sound good, but in fact, the intention of being drunk is not wine. Many people are not really thinking about the farmers, but want to go to the countryside to build a piece of land and build a house. Don't they know how much a house is worth in Beijing? How much is a house in the county worth, and how much is it for farmers to sell a house? How can you tell the farmers to settle in the city when they are sold out, and who will pay for the money they lack?

Beijing News: now the central government has proposed to vigorously develop urbanization, and many places have also proposed to let farmers go to cities. If farmers are not allowed to sell their houses, how can they go to cities?

Chen Xiwen: who thinks that if you sell the house in your hometown and go to the city, you can be a city dweller? you must have been fooled. Even if the rural homestead is not worth much, it will not be able to go back at that time, and what if the city cannot afford to buy it? Urbanization all over the world is a natural process. For example, in the past, many people from Ningbo and Jiangbei went to work in Shanghai alone, and when they gradually got the conditions, they took over the whole family. It is impossible for a farmer or a family to move to the city for three or four generations.

On "Land Circulation"

Farmers dare to operate on a large scale after confirming the right to register

Beijing News: there are some places where the circulation of land is not very good. Why is there such a problem?

Chen Xiwen: by the end of June last year, the total area of land transfer in China was 380 million mu, accounting for about 28.8% of the total land contracted by farmers. It looks bad in some places, but on the whole it is stable. On the other hand, grain production has been growing steadily in recent years, and farmers' income has been growing steadily, so the general trend will not be a big problem.

Nowadays, the registration and issuance of the right to confirm the right of contracted management of rural land is an intentional real right. After confirming the right to farmers, farmers dare to transfer and also dare to operate on a large scale.

Beijing News: many places introduce industrial and commercial capital into agriculture. What do you think of the prospect?

Chen Xiwen: some places invite companies to come in, some are successful, but more I think it is unsuccessful. However, we cannot generalize and say that it is absolutely impossible. For example, if we build a large-scale modern breeding farm, the villagers' committee will not be able to set it up, and industrial and commercial enterprises will be able to do so if an investment of several hundred million yuan is needed. But an enterprise rents thousands of mu or even tens of thousands of mu of land to plant, which needs careful consideration.

Beijing News: now that the state advocates the development of large-scale cultivation, why not corporate planting?

Chen Xiwen: 170 million farmers in our country have gone to other villages and towns, accounting for more than 30% of the rural labor force. It is said that the land transfer is nearly 30%, so there is no problem now. However, with the large scale of land transfer, if more than half of the land is concentrated, what will the rest of the rural labor force do?

The state advocates large-scale operation, but it also conforms to the trend. The essence of large-scale operation is not land, but people. If people go to other places and have better jobs and incomes, you can't procrastinate. But can't find a better job and income, why should he leave the land? I think we should proceed from reality in this matter.

Beijing News: why do some local governments support corporate capital to enter agricultural production?

Chen Xiwen: excessive government intervention will lead to bad things. In many places, it is said that the concentration of 100 mu of land will be subsidized by how much per mu. Some enterprises go for subsidies, and some even think better. Let's first encircle the land, and there will be opportunities to make more money in non-agricultural construction in the future, so there are all kinds of ideas. But what is certain is that enterprises go to make money in the first place.

But I dare say that people who are really engaged in agriculture know that the matter of farming cannot be solved by hired workers. Because these employees may be lazy and do not work. Agricultural cultivation is different from industry, there is no standardized assembly line. If you plant for a year, you may end up being fooled for a year.