
Prohibit the conversion of cultivated land into non-agricultural land and let farmers enjoy dividends.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Li Keqiang: adhere to the red line of cultivated land, comprehensively carry out the delimitation of permanent basic farmland, and implement actions to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land. We should do a good job in the registration and certification of land rights, and prudently carry out the system of rural land expropriation, collective construction land entering the market, and homestead.

Li Keqiang: "adhere to the red line of cultivated land, comprehensively carry out the delimitation of permanent basic farmland, and implement actions to protect and improve the quality of cultivated land." We will do a good job in the registration and certification of land rights, and prudently carry out pilot reforms such as rural land expropriation, entry of collective construction land into the market, homestead system, and collective property rights system. In the course of reform, it is necessary to ensure that the quantity and quality of cultivated land do not decline, and that the interests of farmers are guaranteed. "

As Premier Li Keqiang said in his government work report, "the quantity and quality of cultivated land are not reduced, and the interests of farmers are guaranteed." This is the fundamental guarantee of grain quality and safety in our country, but with the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization in our country, the phenomenon of "non-agriculturalization" and "non-grain" of cultivated land in some places is becoming more and more serious, even threatening the food security of our country.

It is undeniable that the development of modern agriculture is inseparable from the support and participation of industrial and commercial capital. Under the background that China's economic development has entered the "new normal", how to transfer cultivated land reasonably? How to determine the contract right of farmers? It is still a practical problem worthy of discussion. In this regard, Kong Xiangzhi, vice president of the China Agricultural Technology and Economic Research Association and vice dean of the School of Agriculture and Rural Development of Renmin University of China, is to strictly control industrial and commercial capital to the countryside so that farmers can effectively enjoy the land dividend.

Prohibition of cultivated land "non-agriculturalization, institutional guarantee is fundamental."

Judging from the current understanding, it is true that there is a tendency of "non-agriculture and non-grain" after land transfer in many places. According to incomplete statistics, 30% to 80% of China's land is used to grow fruits and flowers, to develop efficient agriculture and facility agriculture, and some are used to build graves, houses, kilns, enterprises or public welfare undertakings. This is bound to break through the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land and bring hidden dangers to the country's food security. Kong Xiangzhi believes that the transfer of land for the development of large-scale operation should pay attention to methods, and "non-agricultural" transfer will certainly be prohibited.

Kong Xiangzhi: "in the survey, we also found that there are indeed some enterprises to transfer land, some" non-agricultural "this phenomenon. For example, in the suburbs of Beijing, some enterprises have transferred dozens or hundreds of mu of land to the countryside to do farm music and pick gardens, so it is possible to build a restaurant. From the point of view of the Land Management Law, it is illegal. However, there is no problem with our current local policy of allowing the transfer of land to more than a certain area and giving him a few percent of the land for construction. So generally speaking, at present, there are some large enterprises, building some houses that are difficult to recover or cannot be restored. This is the phenomenon that we should pay attention to in the next step of land transfer. "

Strengthening supervision is the key to prohibit the "non-agriculturalization" of cultivated land.

It is an inevitable trend for industrial and commercial capital to enter agriculture to transform traditional agriculture and develop modern agriculture. But when the boss goes to the countryside, he should drive the fellow villagers, not replace them. In particular, he should not touch the bottom line of the "non-agriculture" of the land. Kong Xiangzhi pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the access supervision of contracted land leased by industrial and commercial enterprises to the countryside, strengthen the control over the use of land transfer, and strictly prohibit the construction of "non-agricultural" construction in the name of land transfer.

Kong Xiangzhi: "someone has to supervise this process." Normal use, of course, there is no problem. If there is a building that cannot be restored once he has built a hotel, it should be banned. According to my personal investigation, the local land management departments have conducted very strict investigations, including the construction of agricultural machinery sheds in many agricultural machinery cooperatives, which have been demolished. Speaking of, farmers should also build an agricultural machinery shed, but from the perspective of land circulation, you must be strict. "

The "non-agriculturalization" of cultivated land is prohibited, and the disclosure of information is an important point.

According to the provisions of China's rural land contract law, farmers have the right to independently decide whether the land contractual management right is transferred and transferred in accordance with the law. However, in the practice of multi-land land reversal in our country, villagers' groups, villagers' committees, and even township and district governments can also decide to transfer, especially when attracting investment, some county and township governments conclude land transfer agreements with foreign businessmen without the authorization of farmers. This kind of "being transferred" deprives farmers of their rights of participation, negotiation and supervision. Kong Xiangzhi believes that China's land circulation should adopt the principle that the market determines the price and the legal system protects farmers.

Kong Xiangzhi: "first of all, the determination of price is a market-oriented behavior." More than 3,000 counties and about 2,000 counties across the country have circulation markets with county land transfer service centers as the core. Some go to the village and there are some information stations. When you turn on the computer, everything appears. The more open the information is, the more beneficial it is to protect the rights and interests of farmers. Therefore, it is meaningful to emphasize the openness of information. Second, no one, any organization or any organization is allowed to force the peasants to transfer their land, so it is still my own business whether I transfer the land or not. This is my right, and this is how the rights of farmers should be protected. "