
Family farms make farmers a decent profession.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Songjiang District is a famous agricultural county in history. After the reform and opening up, the industrialization and urbanization of Songjiang has entered the fast lane, realizing the transformation from a traditional agricultural county to an industrial area, the comprehensive economic strength and urban function have been significantly improved, and the agricultural output value and grain of the whole region have been significantly improved.

Songjiang District is a famous agricultural county in history. After the reform and opening up, the industrialization and urbanization of Songjiang has entered the fast lane, which has realized the transformation from a traditional agricultural county to an industrial area, the comprehensive economic strength and urban function have been significantly improved, and the agricultural output value and grain production level of the whole region have been continuously improved. initially realized the coordinated development of urban-rural relations.

Since 2007, through extensive research at the grass-roots level, we have formed a consensus to speed up the development of modern agriculture and strive to do a good job in the articles of "double reduction" and "double increase". "double reduction" means to make up our mind to reduce the number of farmers, reduce the number of part-time farmers, and solve the problem that agriculture is marginalized because of part-time business. "double increase" means to increase the number of land contracted by professional farmers, increase the income of land farmers, and cultivate professional farmers into family farms with moderate scale operation. In August of that year, Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Shanghai Municipal CPC Committee, came to Songjiang to conduct an investigation. After listening to the report of the Songjiang District CPC Committee on the cultivation of grain family farms and the development of modern agriculture, he clearly pointed out that Songjiang should promote large-scale operation and do a good job in land circulation. Try first in the development of household management.

In the second half of 2007, we began to explore and promote the new agricultural production and management model of grain family farm, and formed a family farm with "combination of planting and cultivation" and "integration of machinery and agriculture" as the main form. The grain family farm in Songjiang had only 597 households in 2007, with an operating area of 90500 mu, accounting for 56.2% of the grain acreage. By the end of 2014, it had grown to 1240 households, with an operating area of 152800 mu, accounting for 90.9% of the grain acreage. In many years of practice, we have deeply realized that the grain family farm conforms to the development trend of agricultural modernization and is the fundamental way to solve the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

The so-called grain family farm refers to the main body of agricultural production and management who specializes in growing food crops on the appropriate scale of land with local registered farmers as production units and family members as the main way of farming. The outstanding characteristics of this mode of operation are large-scale operation, specialized production, socialized service and mechanized operation. In the process of promoting the development of family farms, we boldly break through the traditional mode of thinking, pay attention to improving the system and mechanism, and accumulate useful experience.

Planning to lead and coordinate the coordinated development of urban and rural areas. We actively promote the overall development of urban and rural areas, strictly distinguish the functional positioning and morphological characteristics of urban and rural areas, and scientifically formulate plans for the integrated development of urban and rural areas. Punan is the agricultural area of Songjiang, according to its functional orientation, it is mainly to protect cultivated land, plant farmland, watch trees, protect ecology, build a good countryside, and build a livable town mainly to accept the transfer of local rural population. Relying on scientific planning, we began to deepen rural reform and comprehensively promote the overall planning of urban and rural areas. The reform of the property right system of rural collective economic organizations was launched in 2008. at present, 14 rural streets and towns have established a new type of village and town-level collective economic organizations, further clarifying the land property rights and farmers' property rights. The overall planning of urban and rural areas has created conditions for the development of family farms.

Select good operators and promote land transfer in an orderly manner. First, clear access conditions, open and transparent selection. We stipulate that family farm operators are mainly produced in their own collective economic organizations, and it is forbidden to subcontract land or change land use. On the basis of the farmers' voluntary application, the operators were initially determined by drawing lots, and a few years later, the village veteran cadres, party members and leaders conducted democratic evaluation and selected the operators according to their merits. The second is to standardize land transfer and balance the interests of all parties. In accordance with the principle of voluntary compensation in accordance with the law, we will promote the unified circulation of contracted land contracted by farmers to village-level collective economic organizations. For the outflow side of land, the district government implements the guiding price of land transfer, which fluctuates with the change of grain price. For family farm operators, we will provide policy support such as discount loans on the basis of relevant agricultural subsidies from the central and municipal governments. The third is to strengthen the construction of professionalization and stabilize the team of operators. Every year, the family farm operators are trained regularly, the production, operation and management examinations are carried out three times, and the elimination and withdrawal mechanism is implemented. For those with good management, the contract period for family farms will be gradually extended. At present, there are 1031 households in the region with a contract period of three years or more, accounting for 83.1 percent.

Strengthen social services to achieve specialized production and mechanized farming. First, strengthen social services. Centering on the demand of agricultural production, we have established a specialized service system covering improved variety supply, agricultural material distribution, agricultural technology guidance, agricultural finance, and so on, to provide prenatal, mid-production and post-natal services for family farms. The second is to promote the "company + peasant household" model. We encourage the "combination of planting and raising", that is, the organic combination of growing grain and raising pigs, and the implementation of unified seedling supply, unified feed supply, unified epidemic prevention, unified management, unified purchase, and unified settlement, so as to ensure the quality of live pigs and return organic fertilizer to the fields. it can also increase farmers' income. At the end of 2014, the number of "combination of planting and raising" family farms reached 73, with 78000 pigs on the market annually, usually more than 50 per cent higher than the income of pure grain family farms. The third is to promote the "integration of machinery and farmers". We advocate "large machines help each other, small machines have their own", allowing farmers to cultivate their own farmland, operate their own agricultural machinery, and improve agricultural labor productivity through mechanization. At present, the number of "integrated machinery and farmers" family farms in the region has grown to 405, accounting for 32.66% of the total number of family farms.

In practice, Songjiang Family Farm adheres to "two basic systems" and "three basic principles". The "two basic systems" are: one is to adhere to the rural basic economic system of collective ownership of cultivated land, and the other is to adhere to the rural basic management system based on the management of peasant households. The "three Cardinal principles" are: first, to adhere to the voluntary and standardized circulation of land; second, to adhere to the appropriate scale of operation, appropriate transfer fees, and appropriate subsidies for land cultivation; and third, to adhere to the principle of "giving priority to grain and self-cultivation." contractors are not allowed to engage in non-agricultural industries, and contractors are not allowed to mainly rely on hiring people to cultivate land. Through unremitting efforts the advantages of family farms have gradually emerged and achieved remarkable results in agricultural efficiency increasing farmers' income and ecological improvement.

The efficiency of agricultural labor production has been greatly improved and the level of agricultural modernization has been significantly improved. The grain family farm has realized the rational allocation and large-scale management of labor and cultivated land under the existing production conditions and mechanization level. the number of grain growers in the region has decreased from 14900 in 2007 to 1392 at present, and the per capita operating area has increased from 11.1mu to 121mu. The per capita grain output has increased to 70200 kg, and the agricultural labor productivity per household has increased by 12 times. Practice has proved that family farms meet the essential requirements of the development of modern agriculture and better answer the important question of "how to grow land" in the process of agricultural modernization.

The income of farmers has increased greatly, and farmers have become decent occupations. To promote agricultural modernization, we must retain high-quality agricultural labor force. The key to retaining people is to let farmers have sufficient income and make high-quality young and middle-aged agricultural labor force want to be farmers. At present, the average net income of Songjiang grain farm households has exceeded 120000 yuan, more than double the income of ordinary migrant workers. At first, young people in rural areas hesitated to wait and see, but now they are scrambling to join the family farm management. more and more college graduates return to their hometown to engage in family farm management. a team of professional farmers with knowledge, technology and operation of agricultural machinery is coming into being. At present, the operators of family farms are dominated by 45-year-old farmers aged 55, and about 14% of them have high school education or above. The development of family farms provides a new way to effectively solve the problem of "who will farm?"

The supply of agricultural products has been guaranteed, and the agricultural ecological environment has been continuously improved. For a super-large city like Shanghai, the development of family farms in Songjiang is more conducive to ensuring the supply of agricultural products and protecting the ecological environment than the traditional mode of agricultural production. Take a family farm of "combination of planting and raising" with a scale of 150mu as an example, the annual grain and pigs produced can be consumed by 344people and 3191 people respectively, and the food safety is more guaranteed. At the same time, livestock manure is disposed on the spot, which promotes the development of circular agriculture. From the perspective of the whole region, farmland is planted by local farmers, farmland is no longer abandoned, farmland is fully utilized, and fertility is well cultivated. In particular, the implementation of straw returning, organic matter returning and crop rotation has greatly reduced the use of chemical fertilizers, maintaining not only the productivity of basic farmland, but also the pastoral style of Jiangnan water townships. Suburban agriculture has become a seasonal wetland in the metropolis of Shanghai.