
Food security has no immediate worries and far-sighted concerns.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, China's grain has been harvested for 11 years in a row. Jiangsu's grain output last year also reached 68.9 billion jin, ranking fifth in the country, and it is also a high-yielding year in these years. Talking about the reasons for China's continuous high grain yield, Xu, deputy to the National people's Congress and vice governor of Jiangsu Province,

"China has had a bumper harvest for 11 years in a row. Jiangsu's grain output last year also reached 68.9 billion jin, ranking fifth in the country, and it is also a high-yielding year in these years. " Talking about the reasons for China's continuous high grain yield, Xu Ming, deputy to the National people's Congress and vice governor of Jiangsu Province, said: on the one hand, it is a bumper grain harvest, and on the other hand, the state and party committees and governments at all levels attach importance to the issue of food security.

He told reporters that the amount of grain reserves has also been increasing in the past two years. Take Jiangsu as an example. Originally, Jiangsu was supposed to have a grain reserve of 7.3 billion jin at the end of the 12th five-year Plan. By the end of last year, such a reserve task had basically been completed. According to the saying of "three months in producing areas and six months in selling areas", Jiangsu has already achieved the amount of grain producing areas and reserves for three months and the reserves of the main selling areas for six months.

However, he pointed out that although there is no immediate worry about grain, it is far-sighted. Foresight is mainly reflected in three aspects: first, cultivated land is still decreasing. With the continuous progress of industrialization and urbanization and the increase of construction land, cultivated land is decreasing. Although we have the measure of occupation-compensation balance, in the process of occupation-compensation balance, there are often advantages and disadvantages, nearly making up for far, occupying paddy fields to supplement dry fields, and so on. It is still very difficult to achieve a balance of equal quantity and equal quality. In the long run, the protection of cultivated land is very important, followed by the issue of grain multiple cropping index. Take Jiangsu as an example. Jiangsu has double cropping of rice and wheat. The average per unit yield of rice is more than 1000 jin, and the average per unit yield of wheat is more than 600jin. The abundance index is very high. However, because crops are a process of cultivation of life and are not increasing indefinitely, and this output is already close to the relatively high production level in the world, it is not realistic to continuously increase the output; third, the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is still relatively high. Because of the simple pursuit of output, our use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is more than double the world average. The agricultural pollution caused by this, and even the residues of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, is a prominent problem.

What are the difficulties in realizing food security in our country? Do you have any practical suggestions? Deputy Xu Ming stressed: first of all, it is necessary to protect cultivated land. Land is the mother of agriculture, and it is key to protect the production capacity of agriculture. Is there still 1.8 billion mu of arable land in China? Can you keep it? Deputy Xu Ming replied: more than 1.8 billion. There is still 1.8 billion arable land. At present, our country is pushing forward the "delimitation of permanent basic farmland" and legislating to protect arable land. The whole country has made arrangements for this work, and Jiangsu Province is advancing it.