
Severely crack down on meat smuggling and increase support for animal husbandry

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In recent years, due to the price gap between domestic and foreign meat products, some lawbreakers wantonly carry out meat smuggling activities, and the smuggling of pork and poultry is also expanding year by year. The rampant smuggling of meat not only endangers the development of China's animal husbandry, but also harms the broad masses.

In recent years, due to the price gap between domestic and foreign meat products, some lawbreakers wantonly carry out meat smuggling activities, and the smuggling of pork and poultry is also expanding year by year. The rampant smuggling of meat not only endangers the development of China's animal husbandry and the safety on the tongue of the broad masses, but also undermines China's tax system and import and export policy. " Han Zhenfa, a member of the CPPCC National Committee, called for a severe crackdown on meat smuggling and the establishment and implementation of a traceability system and system for food safety and quality, so as to ensure the safety on the tip of the people's tongue.

Han Zhenfa believes that at present, the price of meat, eggs and milk in China is much higher than that in the international market, and the differences in inter-regional policies and prices are the fundamental reasons for the proliferation of meat smuggling in China. As the modernization of animal husbandry in China is far less than that in developed countries, meat smuggling is rampant, which has a great impact on the stability of the domestic meat market, aggravating the losses of domestic livestock and poultry breeding enterprises, and making China's animal husbandry even worse. At the same time, he pointed out that the smuggled meat is simply packaged into the country, without normal customs declaration, inspection and quarantine, "three no meat" or "three no seafood". There are many problems, which can easily lead to vicious events such as food poisoning, and the consequences are unimaginable.

To this end, Han Zhenfa proposed that, first of all, we should control the entrance and tighten the barriers of meat smuggling. The customs system should take cracking down on meat smuggling as the focus of its anti-smuggling work, conscientiously analyze the new situation, new characteristics, and new means of meat smuggling, enrich its strength, and increase measures to keep smuggled meat out of the country as far as possible. The method of "reverse market investigation" can also be used to trace the source of entry of smuggled meat that has entered the circulation link from the market.

"it is urgent to establish and implement a traceability system and system for food safety and quality in order to ensure food safety and quality." Han Zhenfa suggested that the establishment of a traceability system and system for meat food safety and quality should be taken as a breakthrough in the establishment of China's food safety and quality traceability system and system, and take the lead in carrying out this work in order to achieve practical results as soon as possible. At the same time, we should strengthen the supervision of the whole process of all aspects of the market and control the customs clearance. The relevant departments should strengthen the supervision of the whole process of the meat market under their jurisdiction, strengthen the unified organization and coordination of governments at all levels, clarify the responsibilities of various departments, and implement a strict accountability system to ensure the normalization and full coverage of cracking down on meat smuggling.

"while cracking down on meat smuggling, we should also increase support for the development of domestic animal husbandry." Han Zhenfa said: while increasing information services and macro guidance to guide the healthy development of China's animal husbandry, when meat prices are depressed due to temporary overcapacity and other reasons, the government can support it by expanding the scale of meat reserves, purchasing at protective prices, and subsidies, so as to protect the interests and enthusiasm of farming enterprises and farmers.