
Focus on the key points of national comprehensive agricultural development in 2015

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Under the new normal of economic development and financial revenue and expenditure, how can the comprehensive development of agriculture adapt to the new situation and achieve new breakthroughs? The key points of the work of national comprehensive agricultural development in 2015 released by the State Office of Agricultural Development a few days ago mapped out the route of comprehensive agricultural development at present and for a period in the future.

Under the new normal of economic development and fiscal revenue and expenditure, how can comprehensive agricultural development adapt to the new situation and achieve new breakthroughs? The 2015 National Agricultural Comprehensive Development Work Points released by the National Agricultural Development Office recently draw a road map for comprehensive agricultural development at present and in the future. It is proposed that we should not only adhere to effective practices and experiences, but also do something or not, concentrate funds and efforts on major events, tap new potential in improving grain production capacity, seek new breakthroughs in boosting the transformation of agricultural development methods, and take new steps in supporting the development of moderate scale operations. New achievements have been made in promoting agricultural efficiency and increasing farmers 'income.

[Keywords] Innovative thinking_key link precise force

In the face of the comprehensive agricultural development work under the new normal, the key points are clearly put forward, focusing on the overall situation, consciously putting the comprehensive agricultural development work in the overall situation of agriculture and rural work to plan and promote, finding the breakthrough point and focus point of the work in the synchronous development of the new "four modernizations", actively promoting reform and innovation, and making the comprehensive agricultural development work more in line with the central strategic decision-making and deployment, and more creative and vital.

The key points emphasize that we should fully understand the unique advantages of comprehensive agricultural development in promoting agricultural modernization, scientifically position ourselves in giving full play to the advantages of "comprehensive", and accurately exert our efforts in the key links of promoting agricultural modernization.

According to the key points, the current and future comprehensive agricultural development will "always concentrate on building high-standard farmland, improving comprehensive agricultural production capacity, and ensuring national food security as the primary task, and comprehensively implement the overall plan for the construction of high-standard farmland for comprehensive agricultural development throughout the country, so as to lay a solid foundation for accelerating agricultural modernization and developing various forms of moderate-scale operations." At the same time,"vigorously support the industrialized operation of agriculture, actively cultivate new business entities, improve the socialized service system, strive to create advantageous characteristic industrial belts, promote the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and continuously improve the development benefits."

The key points also put forward in particular to further promote reform and innovation, update development concepts, find new breakthroughs in development, and solve problems in development by means of reform.

Study the main points, new thinking, new measures, new paths everywhere-

Give full play to comprehensive advantages, carry out pilot projects for the integration of agricultural funds on the platform of high-standard farmland, explore new ways to combine land management and industrial management projects, and maximize the integration and demonstration effect of agricultural comprehensive development funds.

We will promote decentralization and the combination of responsibilities and powers. Further decentralize the examination and approval power and implement hierarchical management. Clarify the responsibilities of institutions at all levels, simplify management procedures,"loosen" management mechanisms and policies;"slim down" key support points and businesses, and encourage localities to adapt to local conditions, try first and innovate boldly.

Innovate system and mechanism to improve development efficiency. Actively support the application and implementation of new agricultural operation entities and hold high-standard farmland construction projects for management and protection; explore and formulate policies related to financial and social capital investment for comprehensive agricultural development; and further improve the support policies for modern agricultural pilot projects.

[Keywords] Primary task_construction of high-standard farmland

According to the National High-standard Farmland Construction Plan for Comprehensive Agricultural Development, by the end of 2020, 400 million mu of high-standard farmland will be built for comprehensive agricultural development and 1575 key medium-sized irrigation areas will be reconstructed.

To this end, the key points clearly put forward that we should always concentrate on building high-standard farmland, improve comprehensive agricultural production capacity and ensure national food security as the primary task. All provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) shall strictly follow the implementation plan for the construction of high-standard farmland in their respective regions, further clarify the regional layout, construction objectives and work tasks, and concentrate their efforts on the construction of high-standard farmland. Focusing on the delineation of permanent basic farmland and the establishment of functional areas for grain production, the production capacity of rations will be implemented in the fields, effectively consolidating and improving the comprehensive agricultural production capacity, and truly realizing "storing grain in the ground". We will implement the "Pilot Program for the Integration of Agricultural Funds on the Platform of High-standard Farmland Construction", encourage all localities to try first, promote centralized investment of agricultural funds, and realize the "seamless connection" between projects, funds and funds. At the same time, vigorously promote the construction of medium-sized irrigation projects, concentrate financial resources to support the reconstruction and extension of the construction of trunk canals and Mao canals, and connect "capillaries" for the "last kilometer" of high-standard farmland that has been built.

This year, the State Agricultural Development Office will actively support the application and implementation of new agricultural business entities and hold high-standard farmland construction projects for management and protection. We will lower the "entry threshold" for new agricultural business entities to declare and implement high-standard farmland projects, relax the restrictions on the scale of operation of farmers 'cooperatives, large professional households and family farms, and support the development of various forms of moderate scale operation. Actively promote the transfer of assets formed after the completion of high-standard farmland construction projects to farmers 'cooperatives and other new agricultural business entities for holding, use and management, and the income from assets shall be shared by all members. Study and explore a new mechanism for the integration of management and protection in the construction and use of comprehensive agricultural development projects.