
Can a leaf orchid be put in the living room?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Many flower friends have a leaf orchid, so can you put it in the living room? The answer is yes, we can put it next to the toilet, in the corridor, in the sofa or in the corner. Put it in the living room to absorb the bad luck in the toilet; put it in the hallway to resist the evil spirit in the corridor; put it out of the sofa to block the bad luck from home appliances; put it next to the trash can in the corner can block its bad influence.

1. Next to the toilet

Most people's home layout is to put the living room and the toilet directly opposite or next to it, so we can put it between the two, so that we can not only absorb the bad luck in the toilet, but also purify the air. it can also block the bad magnetic field and keep the family's body healthy. Of course, we also need to move it to a cool place every few months, so that its branches and leaves will be cleaner.

2. Corridor

It is also a good way to put it in the hallway in front of the living room, generally speaking, it can resist the evil spirit of the corridor, especially if our position happens to be washed up by the corridor, it is good to put this kind of broad-leaved plant. Of course, the height of the leaves does not need to be over-controlled, and it is good to be able to block the view where we sit down.

3. Sofa

It is also a good choice to put it next to the sofa in the living room. If there are relatively large household appliances in front and back of our sofa or seat, we can consider placing it next to the sofa, because the bad spirits brought by household appliances will be blocked. Of course, we still suggest that we put it in a sunny place to keep it after two or three months. Because often put it next to home appliances is likely to cause its leaves to wilt, proper adjustment can make it grow better.

4. Corner

It is also a good choice to put it in the corner of the living room. This choice is for those who like to put the trash can next to the sofa, because putting it next to it can block the bad influence of the trash can. Of course, we should also dispose of the garbage on time, so as not to affect the whole aura.