
Ministry of Agriculture Launches Regional Special Control and Crackdown Line on Making and Selling Fake Seeds

Published: 2024-09-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/07, On March 10, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a special crackdown on regional seed production and sales in 11 provinces in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province. The meeting stressed that actions should highlight key areas, take forceful, vigorous and effective hard measures, and resolutely curb unexamined push and set

On March 10, the Ministry of Agriculture launched a special crackdown on the manufacture and sale of seeds in 11 provinces in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province. The meeting stressed that actions should highlight key areas, take powerful, powerful, and effective hard measures, resolutely curb the inflow of infringing seeds into the market without trial, and cut off the industrial chain of counterfeiting and selling counterfeits.

The meeting pointed out that since last year, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Public Security, and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce have jointly launched a special campaign to crack down on the infringement of variety rights and the production and sale of fake and shoddy seeds, and the order of the seed market has significantly improved. however, in some inter-provincial border areas, seed markets are pushed before trial and license infringement is very prominent, which not only harms the interests of farmers and the legitimate rights and interests of variety owners, but also brings risks to agricultural production safety. If these regional seed market problems are not fundamentally solved, it will not only seriously restrict the independent innovation of the seed industry, but also affect the development of agricultural modernization.

The meeting demanded that Hubei, Henan, Anhui, and other provinces should act quickly, adopt practical measures, attach importance to actual results, and step up efforts to crack down on regional seed production and sale of fake seeds, so as to ensure the safety of seeds for agricultural production.

We will strengthen the cleaning and rectification of varieties. Take the interprovincial boundary zone of the same ecological region as the key supervision area, carry out variety inventory, quickly find out the planting situation of suitable varieties in the key areas, create a new variety examination and approval management mechanism, and speed up the introduction and approval progress of fine varieties. Strengthen publicity and guidance in the seed purchase season, publish the catalogue of approved varieties suitable for local planting in the province, and release the approved variety information suitable for local planting in the county.

Strict supervision of the seed market. For the key regulatory areas, we will comprehensively launch a special crackdown on the manufacture and sale of fake seeds, check all markets, stores, and sales varieties in the key areas, and strictly prevent illegal seeds from entering the market without trial, license infringement, and illegal seeds from unknown sources. It is necessary to keep a close eye on enterprises, stores, and markets that are on the supervision blacklist, and resolutely and strictly deal with them in accordance with the law once they have obtained illegal evidence of counterfeiting and selling fake products.

Strictly investigate major and important cases. We will strengthen joint law enforcement by departments and across regions, increase the investigation and handling of major seed cases, and take major cases as a breakthrough to track down and destroy the industrial chain of counterfeiting and selling counterfeits. Agricultural departments at all levels should regularly report and expose major seed cases under their jurisdiction, make timely disclosure of information on investigation and handling of cases, resolutely put an end to acts such as not investigating cases, not moving major cases, and substituting punishment for punishment, and intensify the investigation and handling of cases. to form a deterrent to lawbreakers.

We will improve the long-term mechanism for supervision. We will actively promote the establishment of a variety identification system, promote the reform of the variety management system, expand the scope of traceable pilot projects, carry out seed entrustment management, and explore solutions to market chaos such as pre-trial push and license infringement.

Carry out the responsibility of territorial subject. Strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen training and guidance, standardize law enforcement behavior, improve testing conditions and law enforcement equipment, ensure work funds, strengthen the construction of seed law enforcement team, and improve the efficiency and level of law enforcement. Establish an accountability mechanism for administrative discipline inspection, investigate administrative responsibility in accordance with the law for inaction, slow or random acts of law enforcement agencies, and hold party and government discipline accountable for those who cover up or connive at counterfeiting.