
Deepen the Reform of Land Reclamation and create resplendence of Land Reclamation

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, From the northern wilderness that has been sleeping for thousands of years to the boundless Gobi wasteland, from the vast Jiaohai of Baodao to the new urbanization model dotted with it, from the first batch of state-owned mechanized farms to the gradually powerful international grain merchants for more than 60 years, several generations of land reclamation people insist on clothing.

From the northern wilderness, which has been sleeping for thousands of years, to the boundless Gobi wasteland, from the vast Baodao Jiaohai to the dotted new model of urbanization, from the first batch of state-owned mechanized farms to the growing international grain merchants. For more than 60 years, several generations of land reclamation people have persisted in putting obedience to the national strategic needs in the first place, and have played an irreplaceable role in major strategic tasks such as building modern agriculture, stabilizing the border areas and prospering the economy of ethnic minority areas. it has become an important force in ensuring national food security, the effective supply of important agricultural products and the construction of modern agriculture.

The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to land reclamation work, especially since last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping and other party and state leaders have repeatedly made important expositions on the unique role of the land reclamation system in the new period. This year, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee for the first time included land reclamation reform in the key task of comprehensively deepening rural reform, and clearly proposed to speed up the study and introduction of policies and measures to promote the reform and development of land reclamation, so as to build land reclamation into an important agricultural product production base and a demonstration driving force of modern agriculture. Over the past 20 years, China has once again made comprehensive arrangements for the reform of land reclamation from the level of national policy, which has once again sounded the assembly number of speeding up the development of land reclamation under the background of marketization and the new normal of economy. what's more, it is of great significance to comprehensively deepen the rural reform, strengthen the state-owned agricultural economy, and enhance the national control and influence over agricultural strategic industries in the new period.

As the main realization form of state-owned agricultural economy, land reclamation has always been an important representative of advanced agricultural production relations and productive forces. At present, China has entered a new period of accelerated transformation and upgrading from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and profound changes have taken place in the internal and external environment of agricultural and rural development. On the basis of stabilizing household management, how to solve the contradiction between small-scale production and large market, and explore and improve the basic management system of socialist rural areas with Chinese characteristics? In the face of the trend of economic globalization and the increasing influence of international market and capital on China's agriculture, how to ensure the effective supply, price stability and quality safety of agricultural products and strengthen the national agricultural macro-control ability? Under the situation of rapid development of industrialization, urbanization and informatization, how to change the unfavorable situation that agricultural modernization obviously lags behind and promote the transformation and upgrading of agriculture? This requires us not only to accelerate the reform and development of the vast rural areas, but also to pay more attention to the reform and development of land reclamation.

Deepening the reform of land reclamation will help to strengthen the advantages of organization, scale and mechanization of land reclamation, and improve land output rate, labor productivity and commodity supply rate, which is a strategic measure to ensure national food security and accelerate the construction of modern agriculture. Deepening the reform of land reclamation is conducive to giving full play to the leading role of the state-owned economy, demonstrating and driving the development of new agricultural operators, and constructing the carrier and platform of national agricultural macro-control, which is an effective means to change the mode of agricultural development and enhance the national agricultural macro-control ability. Deepening the reform of land reclamation is conducive to the integration of resources in China's agriculture on a larger scale, in a wider field and at a higher level, improve the concentration of agricultural industry and take the initiative to participate in international competition. this is an important way to cultivate large international grain merchants in land reclamation and enhance the international competitiveness of China's agriculture. Deepen the reform of land reclamation, actively explore the specific path of land reclamation in realizing the synchronous development of the "four modernizations", and promote the agricultural reclamation and the surrounding rural labor force to achieve employment and entrepreneurship, this is the objective requirement of adapting to the new economic normal and promoting the new urbanization and the simultaneous development of the "four modernizations".

The current situation of the world, national conditions and agricultural reclamation are undergoing profound changes, deepening the reform and development of land reclamation is facing a huge historical opportunity, but at the same time, it is also full of complexity and arduousness. The reform of land reclamation involves not only the reform of administrative management system and operation and management system, but also the reform of state-owned enterprises and social functions; it is necessary to properly handle the relationship between government and social enterprises, but also between the central and local governments, and between reclamation areas and locals. it involves a wide range of areas and complex types, and there is no ready-made path and model for reference. In accordance with the arrangements of the central authorities, we should do a good job in the top-level design of deepening the reform of the land reclamation system, and make breakthroughs in one link and implement one measure after another in line with the principles of overall planning, taking measures in accordance with local conditions, gradual progress, and pragmatic efficiency, and firmly promote the reform and development of land reclamation.

To promote the reform and development of land reclamation, it is necessary to firmly promote the reform of farm enterprises and collectivization. Make the social function and management function operate according to their respective laws, and build the state-owned farm into a modern enterprise with a perfect system, flexible mechanism, open and inclusive. Change the management system and mechanism, build a vertically integrated large-scale modern agricultural enterprise group, promote the integration and reorganization of enterprises, build a parent-subsidiary management system linked by capital, and speed up the establishment and improvement of the modern enterprise system. Constantly improve the level of management and market competitiveness.

To promote the reform and development of land reclamation, it is necessary to explore and promote the reform of equity diversification. Steadily promote the reform of the property rights system of the enterprises owned by the Land Reclamation Group, actively make use of the capital market to attract all kinds of investors, and introduce strategic investors, including private capital, international capital, listed companies, etc., gradually transform core enterprises such as industrial specialized companies and reclamation group companies into joint-stock enterprises with multiple capital structures, and promote the transformation from single property rights to multiple property rights. To explore the mode of operation and organization that can improve the vitality, control, influence and operational efficiency of the state-owned economy in the agricultural sector, and effectively enhance the vitality of the development of state-owned agricultural capital.

To promote the reform and development of land reclamation, it is necessary to clarify the relationship between the ownership of state-owned assets in land reclamation. We will strengthen the supervision of state-owned assets in land reclamation, ensure that state-owned capital is mainly invested in the agricultural industry, seriously investigate the responsibility for the loss of state-owned assets, and fulfill the responsibility of maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets. Conditional collectivized reclamation areas should explore the ways of state-owned capital investment companies of land reclamation, improve the operation efficiency and efficiency of state-owned assets of land reclamation, and establish a supervision system of state-owned assets in line with the characteristics of land reclamation.

It is necessary to innovate the farm management system and actively cultivate large-scale agricultural operators. The key point is to strengthen the unified management functions of state-owned farms, especially the operation and management functions of state-owned farms, so as to solve the problems that peasant and industrial families are unable to operate well, or that they are not cost-effective. Actively develop joint-stock system, company system and other forms of agricultural management. We will improve the contracted operation and management of staff and workers, and improve the mechanism of reasonable benefit-sharing and risk-sharing between state-owned farms and agricultural workers.

The word "reclamation" is intended to explore and innovate, dare to open up and forge ahead. At present, we should profoundly understand and accurately grasp the background, direction, and measures of the central government in promoting the reform and development of land reclamation, and use the reform spirit of reform, courage to explore, and forge ahead in order to promote the process of land reclamation reform with more creative, combat effectiveness, and initiative practice, create a new glory in the cause of land reclamation reform, and make new contributions to comprehensively deepening rural reform and building agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics.