
The collection policy of grassland vegetation restoration fee was formally introduced.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the notice on issues related to agreeing to collect grassland vegetation Restoration fees and the notice on grassland vegetation Restoration fees and related issues. This is based on the people's Republic of China.

Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the notice on issues related to agreeing to collect grassland vegetation Restoration fees and the notice on grassland vegetation Restoration fees and related issues. These are two important policy documents issued in accordance with the grassland Law of the people's Republic of China.

The document stipulates that units and individuals that requisition or use grasslands for mineral exploration, mining and engineering construction shall pay grassland vegetation restoration fees to the provincial grassland administrative departments or to the grassland supervision stations (institutes) entrusted by them. Units and individuals that temporarily occupy grasslands and fail to fulfill their restoration obligations due to project construction, exploration, tourism and other activities shall pay grassland vegetation restoration fees to the local grassland administrative departments at or above the county level or to the grassland supervision stations (institutes) entrusted by them. The charging standards of grassland vegetation restoration fees shall be examined and approved by the price departments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in conjunction with the financial departments, and shall be reported to the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance for the record.

The document requires that the restoration fee for grassland vegetation be included in the financial budget management and specially used for the restoration, protection and management of grassland vegetation organized by the competent administrative department of grassland. The scope of use includes: grassland investigation and planning, artificial grassland construction, grassland vegetation restoration, degraded sandy grassland improvement and management, grassland ecological monitoring, grassland pest control, grassland fire prevention and management and other expenses.

The document also stipulates that the grassland administrative departments and the grassland supervision stations (institutes) entrusted by them shall not overcharge, reduce, delay, stop or seize, intercept or misappropriate grassland vegetation restoration fees, and consciously accept the supervision and inspection of financial, price, audit departments and higher grassland administrative departments.

In order to earnestly strengthen the collection, use and management of grassland vegetation restoration fees, the Ministry of Agriculture requires all provincial grassland departments to attach great importance to the collection and management of grassland vegetation restoration fees and actively cooperate with price departments and financial departments to speed up the examination and approval of grassland vegetation restoration fees.

Collecting grassland vegetation restoration fees according to law is not only an important measure to strengthen the protection of grassland resources and ecological environment, but also an important part of the grassland ecological compensation system. With the introduction of the grassland vegetation restoration fee policy, it is of great significance to further strengthen and standardize the management of grassland requisition and occupation by grassland administrative departments and grassland supervision agencies at all levels, to reduce the damage to grassland resources and ecological environment caused by random requisition, use and occupation of grasslands, to strengthen the restoration of grassland vegetation and the management of degraded grasslands, and to ensure that the total amount and quality of grassland resources do not decline.