
The State Council: 800 million mu of high-standard farmland will be built in 2020

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Premier Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on March 18, defining the departmental responsibilities and division of labor in the Government work report, ensuring the completion of the main objectives and tasks of economic and social development throughout the year, and making arrangements to promote the sustainable development of agriculture and speed up agricultural modernization.

Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on March 18, defining the departmental responsibilities and division of labor of the Government work report, ensuring the completion of the main objectives and tasks of economic and social development throughout the year, and making arrangements to promote the sustainable development of agriculture and speed up agricultural modernization. we will determine policies and measures to improve port work and promote the opening up and stable development of foreign trade.

The meeting pointed out that the "report on the work of the Government" approved by the National people's Congress is the "letter of responsibility" promised by the government to the people of the whole country. In the face of the complicated economic situation at home and abroad, all departments and units should make arrangements in accordance with the "Government work report" and perform their duties dutifully and diligently. The meeting identified 62 key tasks and responsibility units in 12 areas of government work this year. The meeting stressed: first, it is necessary to ensure that the economy operates within a reasonable range. We will step up the implementation of proactive fiscal policy and increase efficiency measures, and use monetary policy tools flexibly and effectively to help enterprises and grass-roots units solve difficult problems and stabilize and expand employment. Follow up and analyze the new situation of economic operation, make policy reserves and response plans, strengthen targeted regulation and control, timely pre-adjustment and fine-tuning, and maintain steady economic growth. Second, it is necessary to speed up the cultivation of "twin engines". We will deepen the reforms of streamlining administration and delegating powers, finance, taxation and finance, and investment and financing, so as to better stimulate market vitality and potential. We will introduce new measures such as reducing examination and approval, lowering the threshold, and reducing taxes and fees, so as to set up a stage for mass entrepreneurship and innovation. We will expand the supply of public goods and services, pay close attention to the construction of key projects such as railways, major water conservancy, shantytowns and dilapidated buildings in the central and western regions, improve people's livelihood, promote equipment to go out and cooperate with international production capacity, and add new momentum for development. Third, it is necessary to enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, grasp all kinds of work carefully and to the end. Strengthen supervision, assessment and accountability to ensure that the government's commitments to the people are fulfilled.

The meeting held that the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" is the top priority of the government's work, and we must keep paying close attention to agriculture, continue to invest in agriculture, deepen the pace of reform, strive to change the mode of development, take a new road of agricultural modernization, and ensure national food security. to increase farmers' income. The meeting adopted the "National Plan for Sustainable Agricultural Development," which determined: first, optimize the distribution of agricultural production, strictly protect cultivated land, stabilize the sown area of grain, improve the quality of cultivated land by means of deep ploughing and deep loosening, and build 800 million mu of high-standard farmland with a continuous harvest of drought and waterlogging by 2020. Second, we should seek the potential of structural reform, promote various forms of moderate scale operation on the basis of stable household operation, and improve labor productivity and output level. Third, we will implement major projects such as the protection of soil and water resources and the improvement of the agricultural and rural environment, promote the conservation and efficient use of water, prevent and control pollution from farmland and aquaculture, strengthen the protection of forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers and lakes, and develop ecological recycling agriculture.

The meeting held that maintaining the stable development of foreign trade is essential to stabilizing growth, readjusting the structure, and enhancing national competitiveness. It is necessary to strengthen and improve port work and create a convenient, efficient, fair and transparent environment for customs clearance. The meeting determined that, first, on the existing basis, it is necessary to cancel and delegate a number of examination and approval items involving port customs clearance and import and export links, cancel all relevant non-administrative license examination and approval, and shall not illegally set up or set up examination and approval in a disguised form. The necessary examination and approval procedures should be simplified, the standards should be clearly defined, and the time limit for completion should be promised. Second, it is necessary to improve customs clearance services, increase the proportion of non-intrusive and non-intrusive inspection, strengthen the openness of law enforcement and government affairs at ports, resolutely ban administrative fees illegally set up in import and export links, further standardize business service charges, and promote paperless customs clearance, so as to lighten the burden and provide convenience for enterprises. Third, it is necessary to innovate the cooperation mechanism for major customs clearance, speed up the construction of cross-regional and inter-departmental customs clearance, promote national integrated customs clearance, change from "series law enforcement" to "parallel law enforcement", and actively promote the "single window" of international trade. Fourth, it is necessary to optimize the layout of ports, support the construction of comprehensive pilot areas for cross-border e-commerce, establish and improve customs clearance management and quality and safety supervision systems, and create a more relaxed and convenient environment for entrepreneurship and innovation. to help China's economy maintain medium-and high-speed growth and move towards the medium-to-high-end level.