
Several techniques of bonsai modeling are suitable for beginners.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, If you want to create a beautiful bonsai, pruning and pruning is essential. Just like people need a regular haircut, take care of the styling, is the same reason. The pruning of bonsai is to change the curved form of the branches and make the trees shape.

If you want to create a beautiful bonsai, pruning and pruning is essential.

Just like people need a regular haircut, take care of the styling, is the same reason.

The purpose of the pruning of bonsai is to change the curved form of the branches and make the trees more beautiful.

This is also to protect and maintain the formed tree landscape.

Pruning time

1. Miscellaneous wood bonsai can be pruned all the year round; pines and cypresses should be trimmed in dormant season.

2. There are more Rain Water in the rainy season, and the trees grow more luxuriantly, so cut less or not again. Because a large number of branches and leaves are cut will affect the normal growth of trees.

3. Close to the end of autumn, new buds sprout one after another, and the cold snap will kill the buds.

4. Generally speaking, trees with strong growth and vigorous growth can be cut more, while those with thin growth can be cut less. From the needs of tree modeling, it is usually necessary to cut off cluttered cross branches, overlapping branches, parallel branches, whorled branches, opposite branches, thin branches, sick branches and so on.

Pruning method

1. Fixed shears

Fixed shearing, that is, positioning shearing, refers to the first pruning of bonsai modeling, making sure to retain branches in different positions and cut off excess branches. After positioning cutting, the number and position of branches and the distance between branches are determined, which directly affects the morphological beauty of bonsai trees. Therefore, before pruning, it is necessary to seriously conceive and consider the form of the tree shape. The so-called "intention is to write first". At the same time, you must be "confident" before you can cut it.

2. Shearing

Pruning is not only a pruning method for shortening branches, but also an important measure for tree modeling and tree landscape maintenance. In terms of shape, the trees are dwarfed by shearing, the branches are plump, thick and thin from top to bottom, and the bending changes.

3. Thinning cut

Thinning is to maintain the tree landscape, and can increase ventilation, lighting capacity, reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, nutrient concentration, promote luxuriant branches and leaves, flowers and fruits.

The thinning time varies according to the difference between strong and weak shearing. During the growing period, the branches and leaves are luxuriant and can be cut weakly at any time, but not strongly. Tree species with strong germination, such as sparrow plum and elm, can avoid the rainy season and carry out strong cutting. After cutting, the amount of water should be reduced, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently, and the light should be strengthened.

In addition, bonsai modeling techniques, in addition to climbing and pruning, heart-picking and other techniques, there are other techniques, commonly used are the following:

1. Pry skin method

Even in the peak growing season, use a sharp knife to pierce into the cambium of the trunk cortex, and then pry a few times to temporarily separate the bark from the xylem, or insert stones of appropriate size into the bark pried open, and then wrap it with brown bark. After the wound heals, the trunk expands locally, showing a dragon bell state.

two。 Tearing method

That is, the branches that need to be thinned are torn off with hands instead of scissors, together with bark and part of the xylem, so that the trees expose a wooden groove, which seems to form naturally after the wound heals, giving people the impression of being quaint, old and old.

3. Stick bending method

Is to the appropriate thickness of wooden sticks, bamboo poles, iron bars, hard plastic pipes, iron pipes and other sticks as the support, according to the modeling design, the trunk of the young tree is wound on the support to make it bend and take shape. According to the shape and bending degree of the trunk required by the styling design, one, two or even three sticks can be skillfully combined. Due to the fast heat transfer of the iron pipe, it is disadvantageous to the growth of the tree trunk, so it can be insulated by winding cloth sheet, hemp skin and other things on the surface of the iron pipe. The bonsai bent by this method are all 2-3-year-old young trees, and those with long age and hard trunk should not be used. After bending, tie it firmly with a rope, and trim the branches and leaves during maintenance. After 1-2 years of binding, the stick was removed and slightly processed to become a curved natural and graceful sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai.

4. Pimple method

Using this method of modeling, young trees with soft branches are generally selected to tie a knot or nest in a 360-degree circle where the trunk is not unearthed, and after several years of cultivation (simultaneous root lifting), pruning and processing, it can become a beautiful and chic bonsai.

5. Peeling method

It is in the middle and lower part of the trunk of the sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai that a piece of bark is removed vertically and irregularly, exposing xylem. After the wound is healed and scarred, the trunk looks old and beautiful.

6. Cutting and drying method

It is in the bonsai viewing surface, the middle and lower part of the trunk, first remove a piece of bark, and then use a knife or small chisel to remove about 1/3 of the xylem, scarring and exposing concave xylem to show the ancient peculiarities of bonsai. However, the trunk should not be cut too deep, and the deepest should not exceed 1/2 of the trunk diameter, nor should it be too much. Generally, a bonsai should be cut in 1-2 places, otherwise it will affect the growth of bonsai and be suspected of being riddled with holes.

7. Broken branch method

The method of folding branches can be divided into two kinds: leaving marks on folded branches and constantly folding.

The main results are as follows: (1) the method of breaking branches and leaving marks. It is in the part where the branch of the tree is about to be broken, first saw a ditch with a saw, which is about half the diameter of the branch, and then tear off the skin and xylem together. After the wound heals, it looks like a natural growth and beautiful shape.

(2) break and continue to do so. That is, the branch to be broken is first wound with wire, and then half of the branch is broken (broken but not broken, and the branch is still alive). The angle and position of the broken branches are determined according to the needs of the modeling. Generally speaking, only one or two branches of a bonsai are broken, and the curve of the broken branches is stiff and vigorous, which is unique.

8. Vertical bark cutting method

Some bonsai trunks are smooth and unaged, and can be cut vertically several times in spring, reaching to the xylem. After the wound heals, the bark becomes rough and old.

9. Split drying method

Is to split the trunk vertically. According to the different modeling requirements, the operation method is divided into two kinds: one is to divide the root and trunk into two, but the crown is not separated, that is to say, it is still a plant; the other is to divide the root, trunk and crown into two plants and carefully maintain them to make two pieces of sweet-scented osmanthus bonsai.

The chopping method should select the plants with strong vitality and carry out before sprouting in spring.