
The banking industry collectively raised the online bank transfer fee and the Agricultural Bank of China raised the price by 10 times.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The bank service fee was levied after the ATM incident, and it was reported a few days ago that the previous website of the Agricultural Bank of China did not make public, raising the online bank transfer fee by 10 times the original price. Yesterday, a person in the industry sent to this newspaper a table of transfer charges at the counter of various banks in 2006, which was approved by the newspaper.

The bank service fee was levied after the "ATM incident". A few days ago, it was reported that there was no public announcement on the early website of the Agricultural Bank of China, raising the online bank transfer fee by 10 times the original price. Yesterday, an industry source sent to this newspaper the counter transfer charges of various banks in 2006. After inquiring about the current service price comparison, it was found that many banks have significantly increased the related fees. "in the future, calculate inflation.

The bank service charge should also be included in the stock trend of the relevant companies. "

Our reporter Zhao Weiyan intern Wang Qi

In the past, 4000 yuan of Internet banks transferred money across banks in the same city, as long as 2 yuan. Since April, the fee for the Agricultural Bank of China has risen tenfold to 20 yuan.

The media focus on the increase in online banking fees, or in the past few days, it has been about 4 months since the price increase. If there is no hot discussion among netizens, if there is no increase in complaints, such invisible price increases will remain dormant for a long time.

The telephone customer service staff of the Agricultural Bank of China confirmed yesterday that the online banking peer's remote handling fee has been adjusted to 0.5%, with a minimum limit of 1 yuan and a maximum limit of 20 yuan; a 0.4% handling fee will be charged among inter-city banks, with a minimum limit of 1 yuan and a maximum of 35 yuan.

Before the bank was adjusted in March this year, the fees charged by individuals for inter-city inter-bank transfers were: 2 yuan per transaction of less than 5000 yuan, 3 yuan from 5000 yuan to 50, 000 yuan, 5 yuan from 50, 000 to 100000, and 8 yuan for more than 100000 yuan.

Today, the era of cheapness is over. The news of such price increases did not come from the banks themselves. In the process of users' practice and exploration, they suddenly found that "prices have gone up".

Telephone customer service always treats those who have doubts in a kind and relaxed manner, "there are specific details of the charges in the column of e-banking charges on the Agricultural Bank of China's website." And before each transfer, it will jump out of the relevant fee standard information. "

"the change in the fee standard will be announced at various outlets ten working days in advance, but it is not published in time on the AgBank's website and relevant information is not sent to customers." Customer service answered.

Agricultural Bank of China raised online banking fees on how much, whether to inform, why the insiders, why the price increase and a series of issues, the Agricultural Bank said that "do not know, do not know."

After becoming a listed bank, the online banking charges of the four major state-owned banks also began to be consistent.

The online banking peer fee of China Construction Bank shall be charged at 0.25% of the total transaction fee, subject to a ceiling of 25 yuan.

The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China also charges a minimum of 1.8 yuan and a maximum of 45 yuan, according to 0.9.

The Bank of China is 10 yuan for 10 to 100000 yuan. This is the online banking peer off-site charge price.

If you are used to going to the counter, strangers or people who are unwilling to use online banking with a certain degree of risk, the cost of the same transaction is greater. In addition to customer queuing and transportation fees, banks will also charge higher fees on the basis of online banking. Generally speaking, the same transaction costs twice as much over the counter.

Over-the-counter transfer also rose.

China Merchants Bank used to charge no fee for cross-city banks over the counter, but now it charges 1 yuan for each transaction. The previous inter-bank transfer is 1% of the transaction amount, with a minimum of 10 yuan and a maximum of 50 yuan. Now 200 yuan and 50 cents has become the maximum limit, which has increased fourfold. It means that as the amount of remittance increases, the fee charged will be higher.