
"the integration of machinery and agriculture" has the potential to start a prairie fire.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The spring land of Hunan and Jiangxi is full of vitality, accompanied by golden rape flowers, farmers have entered the busy spring ploughing season of the year. In Liuyang City, Hunan Province, Cao Xiuyan, a famous local agricultural mechanic, has long been transformed into a large grower with the integration of machinery and farmers, and the area of transferred land has changed from

The spring land of Hunan and Jiangxi is full of vitality, accompanied by golden rape flowers, farmers have entered the busy spring ploughing season of the year. In Liuyang City, Hunan Province, Cao Xiuyan, a famous local agricultural mechanic, has long been transformed into a big grower of "the integration of machinery and farmers." the area of transferred land has expanded from more than 300mu to more than 1700 mu, and millions of yuan have been invested in machinery and barns alone. These days, he is taking his family to level arable land, soak seeds and raise seedlings, thinking about how to grow good grain.

In the hot spring ploughing production, I deeply feel the new pulse in the current agricultural and rural development: the land circulation has accelerated year by year to become a new trend. as a realistic choice of large land transfer households, growing grain has become a new normal, and "the integration of machinery and agriculture" has become a new bright spot in the new business main body.

The traditional "machine" mainly refers to agricultural machinery operators or agricultural machinery cooperatives, who rely on agricultural machinery operation services for income, seldom cultivate a large amount of land themselves, and farming for people is their main business or the main source of income. The traditional "farmer" refers to farming farmers, and the output on cultivated land is their main source of income. In the current Hunan Liuyang and Yueyang, the original two different production main bodies are quietly merging to form a new type of business main body, and there is a great potential to start a prairie fire.

From the perspective of "machinery", with the continuous implementation of subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery, the number of agricultural machinery retained by farmers continues to increase, which on the one hand brings steady progress in the mechanization of agricultural production, on the other hand, it also leads to a decline in the efficiency of the use of agricultural machinery. it is becoming more and more difficult for agricultural machinists to increase their income simply by increasing the working area. The case of large grain-growing families getting rich has constantly stimulated the farmers' dream of getting rich. This group of activists in the original peasant group are eager to share the benefits from growing grain. So a group of agricultural machinists began to transfer a large number of land, agricultural machinery mainly for their own services, free time to provide social services, quickly become the main force of "the integration of machinery and farmers." Such vivid examples can be seen in many places in Hunan.

From the perspective of "farmers", farmers realize that the protective price purchase policy makes it stable to grow grain without loss, increase the subcontract land one after another and increase the scale of operation, and a large number of small and medium-sized households have grown into large circulation households. Growing grain does not have the same market price risk as planting cash crops, so most of the local large households in Hunan choose to grow double-cropping rice with a high level of comprehensive mechanization. When the scale is small, farmers' dependence on agricultural machinery is low. Once the planting scale increases greatly, the whole mechanized production becomes a necessary condition. Moreover, policies to support grain production must include increasing subsidies for the purchase of agricultural machinery. In Hunan, farmers can enjoy up to 60% of the total superimposed subsidy for the purchase of agricultural machinery, and large grain growers quickly become the owners of large agricultural machinery. Large households using agricultural machinery to serve themselves, on the one hand, can reduce production costs and improve planting efficiency, on the other hand, it can ensure the quality of operations in important agricultural periods, and achieve the goal of stable and high yield.

From the actual point of view of Hunan, "the integration of machinery and agriculture" is in the ascendant, with the promotion of large-scale and standardized production, it is bound to become the main force of agricultural production.

First, this is the inevitable choice for the development of agricultural scale. At present, most of the people who farm the contracted land are people in their fifties and sixties. On the one hand, they are based on years of production habits; on the other hand, they farm more to ensure food rations and rest assured. Many people do not care about the income of several thousand yuan from grain cultivation. As these farmers quit farming because of their age, large-scale land transfer is inevitable. In the future, the real big land transfer households and grain growers will certainly come from the farmers who know the technology, are aggressive, have brains, and have accumulation, and the agricultural machinists are the best candidates. Zheng Chunbao, secretary of the party branch of Xianghuhu Village, Fenghuang Township, Quyuan Management District, Yueyang City, is a big agricultural mechanic.Last year, he only cultivated more than 100 mu of land. even though the rent per mu has increased by more than 400 yuan this year, the land he has cultivated has increased to more than 400 mu. Because he saw the economies of scale of growing grain.

Second, this is an effective way to save cost and increase efficiency in agriculture. The wife of Zhang Yuanke, a farmer in Beisheng Town, Liuyang, said: "in the past, planting 4 mu of land was exhausting, but now it is easy to grow more than 200 mu with machinery." A person can throw seedlings at most one mu of land a day, and a high-speed rice transplanter can plant 70 to 80 mu a day. From the point of view of expenditure, the labor cost is much higher than the depreciation expense of machinery. Large-scale production, especially the cultivation of hundreds of mu of land, requires not only operators to have machines, but also to be able to use machines in order to achieve the unity of planting and planting good fields, so as to save costs and improve efficiency. Agricultural machinists have obvious advantages in this respect.

Third, this is the best carrier for the promotion of agricultural science and technology. The way out of agriculture ultimately depends on the progress of science and technology. The application of most advanced agricultural technologies is first tried by the leaders of agricultural machinery cooperatives or planting cooperatives, such as factory seedling raising technology, rape shallow ploughing and direct seeding technology, whole-process mechanization technology of rice and rape, and so on. In practice, some cooperative leaders and agricultural machinery operators have also explored a lot of new technologies and methods that are applicable locally. For example, in Liuyang City, the multi-layer seedling rack improvement technology of Baihuan Agricultural Machinery Cooperative, the boiler hollow grain shell ash self-made seedling raising matrix technology of Longgang Agricultural Machinery Cooperative, the silt machine seedling raising technology of Yong'an Agricultural Machinery Cooperative, and the multi-functional integrated machine hangar and processing warehouse of Beisheng Zhongyi Agricultural Machinery Cooperative are all invented by local agricultural machinists.

Fourth, this is an important force to ensure food security. China implements the food security strategy of basic self-sufficiency in grain and absolute security in food rations, and "who will farm the land" has been perplexing people from all walks of life. And the most reliable mechanism must be the interest binding mechanism. Small and medium-sized farmers are more sensitive to income, and the boat is easy to turn around, so it is difficult to rely on them to ensure quantity and supply. Industrial and commercial capital pursues high income, and the tendency of transferring land to remove agriculture and grain is obvious. Only large farmers of agricultural machinery, they have invested a lot of money in the purchase of agricultural machinery to form fixed assets, at the same time familiar with rural areas, love agriculture, reasonable income expectations, are reliable and lasting producers, and must be the practitioners of modern agriculture in the future.