
It is necessary to let the funds that benefit farmers really benefit farmers.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, From 2008 to 2014, the central government allocated more than 119.1 billion yuan to support the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Housing and Construction. This year's government work report pointed out that efforts will be made to renovate dilapidated houses in urban and rural areas, and 3.66 million dilapidated houses in rural areas will be renovated. Xinhua Viewpoint

From 2008 to 2014, the central government allocated more than 119.1 billion yuan to support the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas, according to the latest data from the Ministry of Housing and Construction. This year's government work report pointed out that efforts will be made to renovate dilapidated houses in urban and rural areas, and 3.66 million dilapidated houses in rural areas will be renovated. A reporter from Xinhua Viewpoint found that in some places, funds for the renovation of dilapidated buildings were illegally occupied by grass-roots cadres. The national funds for benefiting farmers have been plucked by wild geese, and the livelihood project has been reduced to a "profiteering project".

In recent years, out of concern for the rural masses, the state has issued funds for the renovation of dilapidated houses to some poor areas, which must be allocated through provinces, cities, counties, towns, villages and so on. According to reason, after the money reaches the town and village, the leading cadres at the town and village levels should immediately hand it to the masses and help them transform the dilapidated houses so that they can get out of the dilapidated houses at an early date. Only in this way can they be regarded as anxious and thinking about what the masses think. However, some grass-roots cadres regard this "life-saving money" as "Tang monk flesh", which is also disclosed in the report: Hou Junren, former village committee director of Xinmin Village, Coral Town, Zhongshan County, Guangxi. in the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas, they illegally accepted 38000 yuan in good treatment fees from dilapidated houses and falsely reported and cheated 16500 yuan. In Daihua Town, Changshun County, Guizhou Province, after the funds for the renovation of dilapidated houses were allocated, the town cadre Lai instructed five village cadres to ask 92 farmers for nearly 220000 yuan in hard work, with an average of 2400 yuan per household; 19 village cadres in Daxin County, Guangxi embezzled 270000 yuan for the renovation of dilapidated houses by villagers, and some farmers applied for a subsidy of 10,000 yuan for dangerous renovation, and received only 5000 yuan.

The leading cadres at the town and village levels, shouldering the trust of the central, provincial, municipal, and county governments, can promptly and fully distribute the central government's funds for benefiting farmers to their peasant friends, directly affecting the basic livelihood, health, and even survival of the masses, but these cadres intercepted the funds for benefiting farmers at this "last kilometer" or even "the last 100 meters." In such corruption cases involving funds for the renovation of dilapidated houses, the level of the subject of violation of law and discipline is not high, and the amount involved is not large, but it occurs around the common people, which not only directly infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of farmers, but also endangers the stability of rural areas. more seriously affecting the prosperity and development of the rural economy. To investigate and crack down on such corruption cases and let the central government's funds to benefit farmers really benefit farmers is not only the requirement of the party and the government, but also the expectation of the broad masses of peasant friends.

Of course, in order to make funds for farmers truly benefit farmers, in addition to strictly cracking down on cases of corruption related to agriculture, all localities and relevant departments should improve the supervision and control policies of various funds for farmers, including funds for the renovation of dilapidated houses, and ensure timely allocation of funds allocated by the central government, special funds, special management, and special account storage. On the other hand, the relevant departments should, through measures such as the publicity of village affairs, through newspapers, television, and other channels, clearly inform the state's policies for the benefit of the people, subsidy standards, subsidized projects, application methods, and what problems will be solved for the common people. let the masses know fully. At the same time, the applicants should be strictly examined and publicized to the public, so as to find and correct the problems of false claims, excessive claims, excessive greed and excessive occupation in a timely manner. For the masses who have passed the examination, the relevant funds for agricultural benefits can be transferred directly to the individual accounts of farmers through banks, without the need to be "transferred" by town and village cadres, so as to put an end to the phenomenon of "interception" of grass-roots cadres. In addition, we should persist in supervising and auditing the whole process of project establishment, implementation, and distribution of funds for farmers, so as to prevent the occurrence of all kinds of violations of discipline and regulations.

In short, with regard to the funds allocated by the central government to benefit farmers, only when the project is refined, the sun is implemented, and the distribution is transparent, and the powers of town and village cadres are firmly locked in the "cage of the system," can we ensure that the funds for farmers can really benefit the people.