
Farmers should be allowed to "wait and see" in land circulation.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Everything needs to proceed from reality, especially for a major event such as land circulation, and large-scale planting can not be divorced from the real situation in rural areas and the real ability of farmers. Large-scale planting is a new thing for many "new farmers". As a big grower, this is the first time, and it can't be simple.

Everything needs to be based on reality, especially for a major event such as land circulation, let alone from the real situation in rural areas and the real ability of farmers.

Large-scale planting is a new thing for many "new farmers". As a big grower, this is the first time, and it cannot be simply understood as "a sheep is released, so is a flock of sheep."

County and rural cadres should have great patience and carefulness, distinguish the different situations of large growers and ordinary farmers, actively guide them, do their work carefully, and wait patiently. They might as well "wait and see" when the conditions are not ripe.

People who grow grain are even busier now that the Spring Equinox has passed. These days Chen Dongke, a big grower in Pingtou Village, Liuyang, Hunan Province, has just finished soaking seeds and raising seedlings. Chen Dongke is a major grain grower in the "new family". He only began to lease land last year, leasing a total of 120 mu. The scale has expanded a bit this year, to 180 mu. Chen Dongke used to plant fruit trees with a small amount of savings. The village cadre said that according to his conditions, it is no problem to directly expand the scale by several times. However, Chen Dongke believes that he is not experienced enough in growing grain, and it is not so easy to lease land, so he wants to wait and see.

Chen Dongke's "wait and see" provides a good idea for the current promotion of appropriate scale management of rural land. In recent years, promoting moderate scale operation through land transfer is one of the key tasks in rural areas. In order to speed up the progress, some places have also made indicator regulations such as how many large growers to cultivate and how much land to transfer in a year, and when they are inspected by superiors or interviewed by reporters, they often add some moisture to exaggerate the progress. This idea of grabbing progress is understandable, but everything needs to be based on reality, especially for major events such as land transfer, let alone from the real situation in rural areas and the real ability of farmers.

What is the real situation? For large households, on the whole, of course, the bigger the better. However, specific to each large family, the harvest is about the same, but the troubles are different, and each large family will experience different winds and rain. There is a big grower in Shandong. he used to open a restaurant in the city, but later, as an "able person returning to his hometown" to rent land and grow grain, he rented 1500 mu of land in one breath with the encouragement and support of local cadres. However, he could not farm the land himself, so he could only ask others to do it for him, and the people who did it did not care. Coupled with the fact that the rent was too high, he lost money in the first year and was unable to sustain himself in the second year.

Such a situation is not uncommon. From a local point of view, many large growers have the experience of doing business, understand the market, have a certain amount of capital accumulation and anti-risk ability. However, large-scale cultivation is a new thing for many "new farmers". As a big grower, this is the first time, and it cannot be simply understood as "a sheep is released, so is a flock of sheep." From the selection of seeds, to anti-insect weeding, preventing storms, rain and snow, and even land leveling, every link is faced with tests and risks. Therefore, the big growers do not have to whip and leap the horse as soon as they start. Like Chen Dongke, it may be better to think about it and "wait and see" to accumulate experience and proceed step by step.

For ordinary farmers, "wait and see" may be more realistic. When some people encounter farmers who are unwilling to rent land in the course of land transfer, they think that farmers are backward in concept, difficult to deal with, and even need to "use some means." In fact, it is not that farmers are difficult to deal with, but that each has its own situation and every family has its own difficulties. Li Wenqi, a fellow villager of Chen Dongke, is willing to grow more than 4 mu of land. His two children went to work in the city, one settled down in the city, he and his wife were only in their early sixties, and they were idle.

This is the current situation of ordinary farmers. Although some are getting old, they are not too old, their bodies are strong, and they can still move their bodies by planting their own land. in addition, their children work and do business, or go to work in the city, so farming has become a way of life; some have a certain pressure of life, and their income from farming is higher than renting to others, so they are not willing to rent out the land; some cultivate land in order to be self-sufficient, to eat and rest assured for their own families. In addition, because the contracted land does not have the right to register and issue certificates, it is worried that it will not be recovered after the land is leased out, coupled with the increasing degree of mechanization and social services in rural areas, land cultivation is more labor-saving, so there is a lack of willingness and motivation for land transfer.

The situation is different, and the reason is in it. No matter large growers or ordinary farmers, there is a process of gradually understanding, accepting and adapting to land transfer. A clear understanding of this is particularly important to guide and encourage appropriate scale operation of rural land at present. This requires county and rural cadres to have great patience and carefulness, to distinguish the different situations of large growers and ordinary farmers, not only to actively guide, but also to do work carefully, but also to wait patiently, and when the conditions are not ripe, they might as well "wait and see." when the conditions are ripe, it will be natural and logical.

Moderate scale operation of land is the development direction of modern agriculture, but the process is not urgent. At this time, "wait and see" is for better and more stable development.