
Informationization helps farmers "overtake at corners"

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Agricultural informatization is not only an important part of the whole national informatization, but also the inherent requirement of the development of modern agriculture. Informatization plays an important traction and driving role in speeding up the transformation of agricultural development mode and the construction of modern agriculture, and it is the height of modern agricultural development.

Agricultural informatization is not only an important part of the whole national informatization, but also the inherent requirement of the development of modern agriculture. Informatization plays an important traction and driving role in accelerating the transformation of agricultural development mode and the construction of modern agriculture, and it is the commanding point of modern agricultural development.

In recent years China's agricultural informatization has made remarkable achievements. Remarkable progress has been made in agricultural information services. A group of agricultural portals at the four levels covering ministries, provinces, prefectures, and counties have been basically completed, with more than 40, 000 agriculture-related websites. 12316 the information service system for agriculture, rural areas and farmers is gradually taking shape. the scope of service covers more than 3 farmers across the country. The pace of popularization and application of agricultural information technology has been significantly accelerated. Breakthroughs have been made in the application of modern information technologies such as the Internet of things, big data, cloud computing and mobile Internet in the field of agriculture. The rapid development of e-commerce of agricultural products is remarkable, and the transaction volume has exceeded 50 billion yuan in 2013, which has led to a profound change in the circulation mode of traditional agricultural products.

At present, the development of agricultural informatization is facing rare opportunities and many challenges. The central government has a clear plan, and the peasants have a strong demand. The 18th CPC National Congress juxtaposed informatization with industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization for the first time, and made a major plan for the synchronization of the four modernizations. Practice at home and abroad shows that the promotion of agricultural modernization depends more and more on the development of informatization, and the degree of development of informatization has become an important symbol of the level of agricultural modernization.

From the perspective of challenges, there is a big gap between China's agricultural informatization and advanced developed countries and other industries in China. At present, more than 50,000 administrative villages still do not have access to broadband, less than 30 percent of farmers have computers, and more than 70 percent of farmers do not use the Internet. The application of information technology in agriculture mostly stays in the experimental and demonstration stage, the dominant position of innovation of enterprises has not been fully established, and the willingness of agricultural-oriented information technology innovation is not strong and investment is insufficient. Agricultural information construction is lack of top-level design, information isolated island is more common, the role of data information value is difficult to play. These problems have seriously hindered the development of agricultural informatization.

The goal of the development of agricultural informatization has been determined. By 2020, agricultural informatization work should strive to achieve the basic completion of information infrastructure, breakthroughs in the opening and sharing of information resources, the wide application of information technology, and the benefits of information public services to rural farmers. the construction of agricultural information personnel has been significantly strengthened, and the level of agricultural management information and the ability of network security have been greatly improved to better meet the needs of modern agricultural development.

At present and for some time to come, the agricultural sector will focus on accelerating the entry of information into villages and households. To speed up the coverage of the Internet to rural areas, so that the achievements of modernization can equally benefit more farmers, the key point is to build village-level information service stations with places, personnel, equipment, broadband, web pages, and sustainable operation capabilities. the key is to explore a sustainable development mechanism that combines government-enterprise cooperation, public welfare services and business services.

We will continue to do a good job in the experimental and demonstration project of the Internet of things in agriculture. The key to the development of the Internet of things in agriculture is to reduce costs, resolutely prevent good-looking and useless, and ensure affordability, usability, good use and efficiency. Efforts should be made to break through the core and key technologies and strive to make new progress in the popularization and application of agricultural resources and environmental monitoring, production process management, quality and safety supervision of agricultural products, and logistics of agricultural products.

We will promote the opening and sharing of information resources. Information flow leads the technology flow, capital flow and talent flow, and information resources are increasingly becoming the most important factors of production and social wealth. It can be said that data is information, information is data, data openness leads the innovation of management service model. In the future, we should regard the co-construction and sharing of information resources as a key work of agricultural informatization, and establish and improve the information collection system of agricultural products, the national agricultural big data platform, the mechanism of information consultation and the unified and centralized release of information, and gradually realize the openness, openness and sharing of agricultural economic information, and fully tap the value of data.

We will vigorously develop agricultural e-commerce. E-commerce has become a new growth point of current economic development, and is having a profound impact on the whole process of production, circulation and consumption. There are many restrictive factors to see that agricultural products, especially fresh agricultural products, are different from other commodities. We should comply with the sinking development trend of e-commerce to rural areas, take the lead in achieving breakthroughs in the producing areas of agricultural products with superior characteristics, and achieve the combination of online and offline, so as to form a two-way flow of agricultural products into cities and agricultural means of production and rural consumer goods to the countryside. It is necessary to explore and carry out pilot e-commerce transactions in the Tian Tou market, and gradually establish a new way of marketing agricultural products with the least links, the shortest distance, the lowest cost, the fastest speed, and the most transparent information, so that farmers can grow, live, sell, and earn, so that consumers can eat cheaply, eat fresh, and eat at ease.

In addition, the construction of infrastructure and conditions should be strengthened. It is impossible to build high-speed railways, highways and airports to the countryside, but the "information superhighway" can enter the village. It is necessary to establish the concept of universal service, earnestly strengthen the construction of rural information infrastructure, and create conditions for farmers to enjoy the fruits of information development as well as urban citizens. this is a fundamental measure to narrow the digital gap between urban and rural areas and help farmers achieve "bend overtaking".