
Attach importance to solving the problem of information asymmetry in rural areas

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The implementation of the "one matter, one discussion" system has played a positive role in promoting the innovative development of the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers and promoting the construction of a new socialist countryside. However, in some local rural areas, it is not strictly organized and implemented in accordance with the provisions and procedures of the policy. Some policies

The implementation of the "one matter, one discussion" system has played a positive role in promoting the innovative development of the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers and promoting the construction of a new socialist countryside. However, in some local rural areas, it is not strictly organized and implemented in accordance with the provisions and procedures of the policy. Some policy propaganda is not in place, some democratic proceedings are a mere formality, some increase the amount of funds raised without authorization, some are forced to use capital instead of labor, some are ineffective in auditing and supervision, and some are arranged instead.... All kinds of chaos have increased the burden on farmers in disguise, and "corruption" on their doorstep has even appeared in some places, causing dissatisfaction among the masses, causing contradictions and disputes at the grass-roots level, and seriously affecting social harmony and stability and rural reform and development. The cause of these problems does not lie in the "one matter, one discussion" system itself, but in the policy information shielding mechanism hidden behind it. The main reason is that there is a serious problem of information asymmetry in rural society.

Information asymmetry is originally a common phenomenon in market economy activities, which means that different market activities have different understanding of market information, and the party who has sufficient information is in a favorable position and benefits from market trading activities. In fact, the problem of information asymmetry exists not only in the market field, but also in all aspects of society and people's life. The phenomenon of information asymmetry is particularly prominent and more common in rural areas. Due to the lack of necessary attention and understanding of the national policy trends, the main channels for farmers to obtain policy information are the public bulletin board of village affairs and the propaganda of rural cadres. With the change of rural economic and social development, the original channels are not only narrow, but also easy to be blocked and closed, which is more and more difficult to meet the needs of farmers for policy information and public information.

In recent years, the state's support for the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" continues to increase, and public finance is more inclined to "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". All kinds of agricultural policies and projects one after another, from seeds to houses, from fields to hillsides, from agricultural machinery to cattle and sheep. For farmers, this is undoubtedly a good thing to be happy. However, due to the low educational level of farmers and relatively closed information, it is a realistic problem to find out what happens after the "transfer" of many policies. Even if they know something about a policy, it is not easy to get specific content and detailed information. In fact, as the "vulnerable group" of policy information and the "poor object" of village affairs information, farmers either know nothing about the situation of village affairs and superior policies, or look at flowers in vain, and it is difficult to talk about supervision. The problem of information asymmetry leads to the phenomenon of "information isolated island" in rural areas, which makes the information distorted and untrue, and makes the policy fail and fail.

The openness of government affairs and village affairs is not only a legal obligation, but also a democratic demand. In recent years the publicity of grass-roots government affairs and village affairs has been significantly promoted and achieved remarkable results. However, in some local rural areas, a small number of grass-roots cadres take advantage of information asymmetry or information hegemony to do whatever they want, resulting in the prevalence of clandestine operations, the prominence of "ant cave" corruption, and the prominent problem of "petty officials' mega-corruption", which seriously infringes upon the interests of farmers. seriously hurt farmers' feelings. These problems, like epidemic viruses and raging plagues, not only damage the credibility of grass-roots governments, but also constantly erode the healthy body of society, resulting in the loss of the basic order of the rule of law in rural areas and the bottom line of social life. This vicious mechanism not only seriously dispels the beneficial effect of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" policy, but also seriously hinders the process of rural reform and development, and becomes a "malignant tumor" that destroys rural social order and democratic governance.

Sunlight is the best insecticide, transparency is the nemesis of dark operation. At present, most of the unhealthy tendencies and corruption that occur around the masses in rural areas are directly related to information asymmetry. To promote the reform of rural governance and the construction of the rule of law in urban and rural areas at the same time, the work is numerous and complicated, and the tasks are arduous and complicated. we must grasp the core, highlight the key points, find the right acupoints, and hit the crucial point. we must not grasp the eyebrows and go through the formalities vigorously. Removing the "cancer" of the policy information shielding mechanism and letting the sun penetrate the tight and solid "dark box" is a very important step to innovate and improve rural governance. Only by turning darkness into light, turning emptiness into reality, and promoting action with knowledge, can we force the continuous improvement of rural governance system and governance mechanism, and then realize the modernization of rural governance.