
The pattern of small-scale farmers is moving towards a harmonious leap of scale operation.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Co-tillage and co-planting is a reform and innovation derived from the practice of agricultural and rural work in Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province. On the basis of stabilizing the household contract responsibility system, it adopts the mode of peasant household + peasant household + cooperative and is uniformly organized by the village group to get rid of the malpractice of land fragmentation.

"Co-cultivation" is a reform and innovation derived from the practice of agricultural and rural work in Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province. On the basis of stabilizing the household contract responsibility system, it adopts the mode of "peasant household + peasant household + cooperative" and is uniformly organized by the village group to get rid of the malpractice of land fragmentation. It is a new type of land cooperative management model that realizes service specialization, planting scale and benefit marketization. This reform initiative, which originated in Sheyang, has been welcomed by the broad masses of farmers and affirmed and supported by leaders at all levels since it began a large-scale pilot exploration in 2013. it shows the strong vitality of straightening out production relations, adapting to the market economy, and promoting the development of modern agriculture. Over the past two years, this newspaper has focused on the relevant progress for many times. It is understood that at present, nine counties (cities and districts) in Yancheng, where Sheyang County is located, have leading groups for co-farming and co-planting, which have been deployed to promote co-cultivation. Yancheng has promoted this management model in an area of 2 million mu of arable land, accounting for 1% of the total arable land area. More places in Jiangsu Province and even other provinces have also promoted this model to varying degrees.

From March 21 to 22, Sheyang County, Jiangsu Province held a seminar on the mode of co-cultivation and a training meeting for new wheat operators in 2015. Xiao Shihe, chief scientist of the national wheat industrial technology system, Cheng Shunhe, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wang Lejun, deputy director of the Department of Economic Management of the Ministry of Agriculture, Chen Liangbiao, deputy director of the Rural Economic Research Center of the Ministry of Agriculture, Han Yijun, director of the production and economic research office of the national wheat industrial technology system, Dang Guoying, director of the Rural Development Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Zhu Baoping, deputy director of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of Agriculture, participated in the discussion.

The experts attending the meeting fully affirmed the mode of co-cultivation and co-planting. The meeting held that Sheyang County, with the two village committees organizing a wide range of scattered farmers, breaking ridges and family cooperation, formed a "multi-household and one-field" scale, created a market, activated local private capital, and farmers did not need to invest extra capital. as long as the service organization buys equipment to provide good service, it promotes the rapid construction of the service system, which has varying degrees of disadvantages relative to other forms of scale operation. The highlight of co-cultivation is that it can integrate the advantages of scale such as organization, land, service, technology and so on. Co-cultivation is in line with the trend of national policy, which is conducive to ensuring food security and protecting the interests of farmers. it has low threshold, easy to organize, replicable and easy to popularize, and can become a shortcut to realize large-scale management without land transfer in traditional agricultural areas.

More than 30 years have passed since the implementation of the household contract responsibility system. When the energy of institutional innovation brought by big guarantee is released, the inherent disadvantages of small-scale peasant economy are gradually exposed, which inevitably requires new institutional innovation to improve the degree of cooperation of farmers' organizations. to promote it to link up with the inherent requirements of agricultural industrialization and rural modernization.

The Sheyang county party committee, the county government and the agricultural department attach great importance to the mode of co-cultivation. "with the fragmented operation of each household, it is difficult to achieve mechanized large-scale farming, and it is also difficult to improve new technologies." Dai Rongjiang, secretary of the Sheyang County CPC Committee, said that the co-farming and co-planting was forced to come into being after Dabao Gan developed to a certain stage. Dai Yaping, a relevant person in charge of the Sheyang County Committee of Agriculture, said that co-cultivation has promoted the popularization and application of large agricultural machinery and new machinery and tools, promoted the application of integrated technology, solved the problem of sowing at the right time, and brought about saving costs, increasing efficiency, and increasing production stably. At the same time, due to the realization of straw returning to the field, it is not only conducive to reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, but also improving the agricultural ecological environment. The practice of Sheyang County shows that in this way, the yield of wheat per mu will increase by about 200 jin because of the reduction of ridges and mechanized ploughing roads.

It is understood that in September 2013, the people's Government of Sheyang County issued the opinions on implementing Co-cultivation and Co-planting and promoting the Comprehensive Utilization of Straw in the whole Village, organizing more than 600 people from 200 villages in 13 towns to participate in the business training of Co-cultivation and Co-cultivation. Training county, town agrotechnical personnel and college student village officials as instructors stationed in various villages, compiled and printed tens of thousands of copies of "Agricultural Technology Information" and ten sentences of formula for co-cultivation, and taught nearly a thousand lessons to farmers. Efforts will be made to promote the process of co-cultivation and co-cultivation. The pilot promotion in the county received a positive response from the farmers of the pilot village group, and the county party committee and county government promoted it in a timely manner, and then it was affirmed and supported by leaders at all levels, and Yancheng was also being promoted in an all-round way.

During the meeting, experts and scholars visited the joint cultivation and seedling supply base of Haihe Town in the county, Sanhe Village of Haihe Town and the joint cultivation and planting site of Xinnan Village and the Fenghuang ten thousand mu vegetable base of Sheyang County. Haihe Town, with an area of 243square kilometers and a maximum of 240000 mu of arable land in Sheyang County, is also the town with the largest area of co-cultivation and co-planting. Deng Haifeng, mayor of Haihe Town, told reporters that at present, the area of cocultivation and co-planting in the town is close to 100000 mu, and this autumn is expected to reach 80% of the arable land, that is, 180000 mu, and it is planned to achieve full coverage in 2016. When asked if there was any difficulty in the promotion work, he replied that the enthusiasm of farmers is very high on the whole, and the resistance comes from a small number of farmers with small agricultural machinery, fearing that the interests of the elimination of small agricultural machinery will be harmed, and as targeted work is carried out, these problems should be solved. Xinnan Village, Siming Town, is one of the first villages to carry out co-farming and planting on a pilot basis, with relatively rapid progress, high enthusiasm of the masses and wide participation. The reporter noticed that Liu Jinghua, secretary of the party branch of Xinnan Village, introduced to you the relevant situation of joint farming and planting in the village over the past two years. He also told the local media how he felt about co-cultivation: "the cadres of the village group are the main promoters of co-cultivation. During the advance, everyone was hesitant. However, we are still moved by the benefits of abundant grain and enriching the people and returning all the straw to the field. The pressure of banning straw burning is very great every year during the three summers and three autumns. Although the tiger keeps a close watch, when the tiger still takes a nap, it is accidentally criticized and notified, making people dare not sleep day and night. Now none of the fields planted by the United farming Union are burned, the environment is better, and the appearance of the village is also better. "