
Sing the confidence of China in Modern Agriculture

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, From facing the loess and facing the sky to the click of the mouse, farming is easy; from wearing a mask and carrying a medicine box to a call from a mobile phone, dragonflies come to give medicine; from walking through the streets to earning a sales empire on moments; from crowdfunding to enlightening poor villages to soil improvement PPP vast fields are constantly surging.

From "facing the loess and facing the sky" to "farming with ease at the click of the mouse"; from "wearing a mask and carrying a medicine box" to "a mobile phone call, 'dragonfly' to give medicine"; from "making a yell through the streets" to "a sales empire on moments"; from "crowdfunding to enlightening poor villages" to "soil improvement PPP". Wonderful stories of modern agriculture continue to emerge from the vast expanse of land.

These stories are just waves in the surging tide of modern agriculture in China, and under this bright-eyed spray, in the rolling spring tide, there is an amazing force: grain production has increased by 12 consecutive years, exceeding 1.2 trillion jin for three consecutive years; the infrastructure has been continuously improved, the effective irrigated area of farmland has exceeded 52%, and the level of equipment and facilities has been improving day by day, and the comprehensive mechanization level of major crops has reached 61%. The support capacity of science and technology has been increasingly enhanced, and the contribution rate of agricultural science and technology progress has reached 56%. The development of modern agriculture in China has made an amazing leap, standing at a new high point and entering a new realm.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that if China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong; if China wants to be beautiful, rural areas must be beautiful; if China wants to be rich, farmers must be rich. In the sprint stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, the Chinese creation, Chinese experience and Chinese practices of modern agriculture converge into Chinese strength and self-confidence. This kind of strength and self-confidence is a strong support for winning a well-off society in an all-round way and a deep background for Chinese Dream to write the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Guided by the idea of absorbing practical experience and modern wisdom

Idea is the forerunner of action. In a country with a large population and little land, the development of agricultural modernization especially needs the guidance of scientific ideas. The Fifth Plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward the five major development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, which are not only the total compliance of the overall development, but also the power source for us to speed up the promotion of agricultural modernization and realize the simultaneous development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization, agricultural modernization and greening. It is not only deeply imprinted in the journey of the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, but also leads the history of Chinese modern agriculture to move forward steadily and steadily.

Only by adhering to the concept of innovation can agriculture maintain its vitality forever. Looking back at the history of agricultural civilization for thousands of years, every innovation of agricultural technology has brought about a rapid increase in productive forces, and every reform of agricultural system has released great economic and social vitality. At present, we should innovate in agricultural technology, management system, industrial organization form, support and protection system, and the concept of innovation is deeply rooted in every main body, every link, and every field of modern agricultural development; looking forward to the future, we should adhere to the concept of innovation, draw confidence from innovation, and promote agricultural modernization to a new level with innovation.

Only by adhering to the concept of coordination can agriculture overcome difficulties. "singing harmony is like one, and the palace merchants coordinate." To adhere to the concept of coordination, it is necessary to grasp the key points and keys, make up for the shortcomings of agriculture in the development of the "five modernizations" as soon as possible, and promote a well-off society in an all-round way; to adhere to the concept of coordination, it is necessary to co-ordinate global agricultural governance and establish an endogenous mechanism that is more conducive to improving China's agricultural competitiveness and increasing farmers' income. To adhere to the concept of coordination, it is necessary to promote the coordination and symbiosis of various industries between urban and rural areas, regions, economic society, primary, secondary and tertiary industries, as well as within agriculture, rational layout, complementary advantages, and promote the development of modern agriculture in harmony.

Only by adhering to the green concept can agriculture develop continuously. Agriculture is the color of life for the whole modern society, and the green development concepts such as "two zero growth", tackling key problems of green production, storing grain in the land and storing grain in technology are not only the active transformation under the increasingly tight pressure of resources and ecology. and it has become the main color leading us to change the mode of agricultural development and realize the sustainable development of agriculture. Not only that, we should also use the green concept to guide the versatility of agriculture, so that the landscape nostalgia hidden in everyone's heart can be seen, remembered and touched because of "green".

Only by adhering to the concept of opening up can agriculture be promoted through competition and cooperation. The development of modern agriculture in China has never been done behind closed doors, but opening up to make modern agriculture colorful and full of vitality. To adhere to the concept of opening up, it is necessary to focus on both domestic and foreign markets and two kinds of resources; it is necessary to improve the system and mechanism of factor flow between urban and rural areas, and link urban management experience, capital strength and rural land labor resources; it is necessary to strengthen the exchange and reference between agricultural industries and regions, strengthen the revitalization of agriculture and rural areas, and promote the construction of modern agriculture with open ideas, mentalities and measures.

Only by adhering to the concept of sharing can agriculture benefit and win-win. "do not forget the original ideals and aspirations in order to complete the mission." To let farmers participate in the modernization process equally and share the achievements of modernization together is the starting point and foothold for us to promote modern agriculture. In the decision-making of development, we should always bear in mind the original intention of "sharing", which is also the experience, goal, and driving force of our revolution, construction, and the historical process of reform and opening up. It is necessary to establish an interest connection mechanism between small farmers and "large subjects", strengthen the support and driving role of weak agricultural industries, and enhance their comparative benefits. It is necessary to increase support for major grain producing areas and ecological protected areas, establish and improve systems and mechanisms for linkage, sharing and common development among regions, and guide the achievements of modernization to be more "beneficial to grain," more "beneficial to farmers," and more "beneficial to poverty."

China's self-confidence stems from conceptual self-confidence. Only by adhering to the five major concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, can the Chinese story of modern agriculture be interpreted more and more brilliantly, and can China's self-confidence based on it demonstrate its greater spiritual power. in order to promote the Chinese ship of modern agriculture to sail through the waves.

The road choice that suits the national conditions of agriculture and the dream of development

Only the foot knows whether the shoes fit or not. The development of modern agriculture must be highly in line with our national conditions. No country's road to agricultural development is as complex as ours, and no country's development experience can simply be used to solve our problems. We do not have the per capita natural resources endowment of Europe and the United States, nor the relatively professional social service system of Japan and South Korea. The road we have chosen for the development of agricultural modernization should not only fully learn from international experience, but also strive to absorb traditional wisdom, but also based on the actual situation of our country with large population and little land, and strengthen the road choice with Chinese characteristics.

To take the road of modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics, we must adhere to the appropriate scale operation based on family management. It is impossible to develop modern agriculture without a certain production scale, but under the circumstances of large population and little land and limited resources, it is impossible for our agricultural modernization to take the road of large-scale development of large farms in the West. it is necessary to explore the mode innovation under the win-win situation of fairness and efficiency, development and stability. 10,000 mu of land allows one race to make a lot of money. if you let 100 people, although the money is not as much as one person earns, it can support 100 family farms and make 100 families well-off. The economic and social value of moderate scale operation is mainly reflected here. Therefore, the road of modern agricultural development in China should not only ensure food security and enhance industrial competitiveness, but also increase farmers' income and social stability, and calculate economic, political and social accounts together.

To take the road of modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics, we must adhere to the development model of adjusting measures to local conditions and variety. China has a vast territory, different climatic conditions and various types of land, and there is no development model and experience that can dominate the world. Different regions combine their own resource endowments to explore the path of modern agricultural development suitable for their own characteristics. Whether it is northeast agriculture, coastal intensive agriculture, urban agriculture and plateau characteristic agriculture. Whether it is land-saving agriculture, labor-saving agriculture, water resources-saving agriculture and efficient use of soil and water resources agriculture, all highlight the regional production characteristics, turning the restrictive factors into core competitiveness, both small and refined, but also large and comprehensive. each development model highlights the modern production factors in line with the local reality, and it is a way of industrial upgrading in line with its own conditions and development laws.

To take the road of modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics, we must adhere to the combination of traditional agricultural wisdom and modern science and technology. As a developing country with a large population, China's economic development task is arduous. At this stage, meeting the growing demand for the quantity and quality of agricultural products is the main task of agriculture at present. Under such circumstances, it is impossible for us to copy the western experience. Modern agriculture must be a sustainable agriculture that is resource-saving, environment-friendly and cost-efficient. Adhere to the principle of equal emphasis on output and quality, production and environment. We should not only fully explore the essence of traditional agriculture, but also actively make use of modern biotechnology, information technology, new materials and advanced equipment, and fully rely on and make full use of natural forces to make full use of renewable resources and bioenergy in the local ecosystem as much as possible. at the same time, appropriate man-made measures should be taken to make rational use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals, so as to truly realize the comprehensive and coordinated development of economic, ecological and social benefits.

There is no mountain higher than man, there is no longer road than feet. Looking back at the road of agricultural development in China over the past few decades, we can see that hundreds of millions of people have voted with their feet to walk out of the development path, with a heavy and forceful pace, a clear and firm track. We should adhere to the road of modern agriculture with Chinese characteristics, firmly follow the road of modern agricultural development with high output efficiency, product safety, resource conservation, and environment-friendly, and use self-confidence to pave the broad road to the modernization of the country and the dream of hundreds of millions of farmers to become rich.