
How to Change Farmers 'Weak Position in Financial System

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, some media reported that some rural professional cooperatives turned into shanzhai banks to defraud farmers of hard money. Farmers 'professional cooperatives are a new type of rural economy strongly supported by the state. Why do these problems appear in the field of rural finance? This is related to our farmers.

Recently, some media reported that some rural professional cooperatives turned into shanzhai banks to defraud farmers of hard money. Farmers 'professional cooperatives are a new type of rural economy strongly supported by the state. Why do these problems appear in the field of rural finance? This is not only related to the initial stage of farmers 'professional cooperatives in China, but also to the shortage of farmers' professional cooperative talents, the lack of supervision system and the weak system design.

From the perspective of the entry threshold of farmers 'professional cooperatives, it is still relatively low. According to the Law on Specialized Farmers 'Cooperatives, to establish a specialized farmers' cooperative, it is only necessary to have at least five members who meet the requirements and submit an application to the administrative department for industry and commerce. The business license of farmers 'professional cooperatives is issued by the industrial and commercial department, but the law does not specify the supervision function of the industrial and commercial department, and most farmers' professional cooperatives do not need to undergo annual inspection and examination. Cooperatives are often led by rural economic leaders, and the choice of farmers to hand over funds to them implies confidence in their capabilities. However, if the funds roll too fast and lack supervision, it is unknown whether the organizers of cooperatives can resist the temptation in the face of huge interests; there are also some examples of organizers who lose funds due to investment and production mistakes. However, when some rural professional cooperatives become shanzhai banks, what we should reflect on is not whether cooperatives should exist, but how to help farmers 'professional cooperatives establish better development logic, how to perfect the system design, how to put the supervision system in place, and how to make professional production information more extensive.

Through the promotion of several No. 1 documents of the Central Committee, a consensus on the development of farmers 'cooperatives has been formed. Farmers 'cooperatives, as representatives of farmers, are conducive to centralized management, better respond to market demand and increase income. At the same time, the government can implement relevant policies through farmers' cooperatives and strengthen macro-control of agriculture. The mechanism of farmers 'cooperatives is relatively flexible, which can solve the weak position caused by the fragmentation of farmers' production and help to increase the scientificity, pertinence and foresight of agricultural production.

Starting from the construction of cooperative system, we can learn from some relatively perfect and mature practices at home and abroad. From the history of cooperatives, it is generally believed that the first modern cooperative was the Rochdale Fair Pioneer Society established in 1844 in England. The pioneers of this cooperative founded a set of principles for running cooperatives and management suitable for the requirements of market economy from the social reality environment--the history called "Rochdale Principles". There are six main points in this principle: first, voluntary collection of shares to raise funds, only a small amount of dividends and no dividends; second, equal membership, democratic management, regardless of the amount of shares, one person one vote election; third, membership is not affected by political and religious beliefs; fourth, cash transactions at market parity, ensuring accurate and full scale; fifth, sharing profits according to the proportion of purchase amount; sixth, 2.5% of surplus is taken as education expenses for members. The reason why these six points have been adhered to and repeated is that they not only conform to the background of cooperatives, but also keep up with the pace of market development. From the perspective of the development of farmers 'professional cooperatives in China, there are too many innovative cooperatives, and some effective cooperative experiences have not been used for reference and absorption, which has a certain relationship with farmers' cultural accomplishment and skill accomplishment of farmers 'professional cooperatives in China. Therefore, it is necessary to train farmers in cooperatives.

For a long time, finance has been a short board in rural development. Rural credit cooperatives and other systems once took root in rural areas, but the existence of "siphon" phenomenon led to the outflow of rural funds. How will farmers 'vulnerability in the financial system change? This is not only a problem of funds, but also a problem of rural financial talents. Without farmers 'financial talents, it is difficult to develop finance in rural areas. How can we increase farmers' financial talents? Grameen Bank provides some experience in this regard. Founded by Nobel Prize winner Yunus, the Village Bank mainly serves the rural poor. It has formed an organizational form established by social pressure and joint responsibility. It is the largest, most effective and most successful microfinance financial institution in the world today. One of their characteristics is that rural poor women set up five-member groups to promote rural development by providing them with loans of smaller denomination. Practice has also proved that this not only solves the financial problems of rural poor people, but also improves the cooperative literacy and financial literacy of rural poor people. In December last year, Jingdong Group cooperated with Grameen China to promote rural micro-loan business, explore China's rural financial market, and test the development ability of Chinese farmers, which is also a meaningful exploration.

Rural areas need talents, cooperatives need encouragement, and rural finance needs innovative ideas. This is difficult, but we must do it, we must dare to try, and we must always go the way we should go.