
Culture methods and matters needing attention of hydroponic Aloe vera

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Most of the aloe we see in life are cultivated in soil, but they do not realize that they can also be cultured in water, so how should they be raised in water? First of all, the sun and nutrient solution, before it has grown roots, can not let it see the light, and can not add nutrients to it, wait until its roots are good, you can slowly let it bask in the sun, and add nutrients to it. The nutrient solution should be changed regularly, the light should be moderately reduced in summer and the temperature should be moderately increased in winter.

I. Culture methods

1. Sunshine

It needs to be placed in a cool place after it has just been planted, and never let the sun shine directly on it. In order for its roots to grow normally, we can cover the lower half of its container with a black cloth. After the root grows well, you can slowly let it enjoy the sunshine, not too long at first, and then slowly lengthen it.

2. Change the nutrient solution regularly

It can not be added before it has grown a good root. after it grows its hydroponic root, it is almost adapted to the hydroponic environment, and only then can we add nutrient solution to it. But then it will be replaced every half a month or a month.

3. Summer maintenance

In summer, because the high temperature will put it into a dormant state, it is best to move it to a semi-cool place at this time.

4. Winter maintenance

In winter, as long as the indoor temperature is above 5 degrees, it can pass the winter safely. But it needs to be put indoors with more light. If you want it to bloom as soon as possible, you can adjust the room temperature to more than 10.

II. Points for attention

1. Don't use miscellaneous water

When raising it at home, many people like to pour tea or rice soup into flowerpots, but hydroponics cannot do so. It is best to use clean water when hydroponics, and pay attention to changing the water frequently, which is best once every 2 to 3 days. During this period, the rotten roots should be removed in time and the container should be cleaned to ensure clean water quality.

2. Change the nutrient solution on time

After hydroponic culture for some time, it will grow fibrous root, and at this time it needs certain nutrients to supply its growth, so we can add an appropriate amount of nutrient solution according to the situation and replace it every half a month or a month.