
These 15 flowers are now cuttings, 100% alive!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Today is the vernal equinox, and it's a good time to plant. Cuttings are now carried out, rooting rate and survival rate are very high. How to cut all kinds of flowers, with flowers to see it!

Cutting longevity flower

1. First of all, it is best to choose the longevity flowers that have finished blooming. The branches are cut into 5cm or so, leaving only one pair of leaves in each section, and the rest are cut off. Cut the bottom obliquely so that it can take root faster.

2. Use sand or perlite as cutting soil. After watering thoroughly, plant the longevity flowers and gently compact them. Keep it moist at ordinary times and put it in a ventilated place where there is no direct exposure. It can take root in half a month and transplant into a large flowerpot after a month.

3. In addition to branch cuttings, longevity flowers can also be cut with robust leaves. The method is similar to branch cuttage, but the rate of growing new leaves is relatively slow.

Cutting crab claw orchid

1. Cut off the leaves of crab claw orchid, each with 2-3 segments. Do not cut immediately after cutting, dry for about 2 days and let the wound dry completely.

2, cutting crab claw orchid soil, you can use 1:1 nutrition soil and peat soil. Insert the crab claw orchid into the soil about 2 centimeters deep. Usually put it in a ventilated place, spray more water and less water.

3. In about 2-3 weeks, the crab claw orchid grows roots, tender leaves in 6-8 weeks, and roots grow to about 3 cm. At this time, you can change pots and transplant.

Cutting rubber tree

1. Cutting rubber trees, it is best to choose one year old. Cut the branch into about 15 centimeters long. After cutting, burn the end of the branch with an alcohol lamp, which can not only disinfect it, but also stop the juice flowing out.

2. Trim the leaves and leave only 2 or 3 leaves. Insert it into the water, put it in the position of scattered light, change the water every 3 days or so, and you can spray water on the leaves.

3. The water-inserted rubber tree takes root quickly, and the survival rate is higher than that of the soil. It will take about 10-15 days to grow white roots. Usually after 40-50 days, new leaves grow and then transplant into flowerpots.

Cutting Rieger Begonia

1. Rieger crabapple is very easy to rot, so the branches to be cut must be strong and free from rot. The blade must be sterilized before cutting, and after cutting, the wound should be completely dry before cutting.

2. The soil can be perlite or breathable peat. After pouring thoroughly, insert the Rieger crabapple, put it in a place where there is no direct sunlight, and keep it moist.

3. Rieger Begonia is afraid of heat, and now more than 10 degrees is the best time for cutting. It will take root in about 20 days and transplant in 2 months.

Cutting ivy

1. Compared with the above green plants, cutting ivy is much easier. Cut off several 10-centimeter-long branches and remove the leaves near the bottom.

2. After the ivy is cut, it should be cut as soon as possible, and after it is cut into the sandy soil, it should be watered once. Water once every 2 days or so, and you can reduce the number of times of watering in the second week, as long as the soil is not too dry.

In about 20 days, the ivy will take root. You can wait another month, the root system is stronger and then transplant, so that you can adapt to the new flowerpot environment more quickly.

Cuttage succulent

1. Before cutting succulent plants, it is best to control water for succulent plants for a period of time, so that the leaves are easier to take off and the wounds are easier to heal.

2. Sprinkle succulent leaves directly on the soil, which can be mixed with perlite, coconut bran and peat soil. It doesn't need to be watered during this period, and it will take root in about 10 days.

3. After the new leaves grow on the leaves, don't rush to get rid of the old leaves. You can wait for the old leaves to wither naturally, and then gently pull them off.

Cutting jasmine flower

Cut off the branches of jasmine, the length of which is about the distance from a pair of leaves to the next bud. Cut off more than half of the leaves so that the water evaporates slowly and takes root more quickly.

2. Jasmine cuttings can be directly cut with yellow sand, put in a cool and ventilated place, and watered once in the morning and evening to maintain humidity.

3. In this way, the cuttings take root in about 20 days, and the root system is well developed after two months, and then transplant it to the flowerpot for maintenance.

Cutting Milan

1. The best season for cutting in Milan is from April to June, when the branches are the strongest. Cut it off and soak it in rooting water for 10 minutes.

2. Cutting Milan can use yellow sand to add a little humus soil, spray water frequently after cutting, and use plastic bags or plastic buckets to cover and moisturize.

3. Milan takes root relatively slowly, and it may take about 2 months to grow roots. After rooting, it will be ready for transplanting after 1-2 months.

Cutting Buddha beads, lover's tears

1. Lover's tears and Buddha pearl orchids look alike, and the cutting method is also the same. Cut off the 8cm and 10cm vines, preferably with a growing point in each section (red circle below), so that they can take root faster.

2. Lay the branches of Buddha beads or lover's tears flat on the soil, spray and moisturize every day, do not water too frequently, and wait for the soil to dry 2 or 3 centimeters below.

3. In this way, Buddha beads can take root in about 15 days. Wait until the growth of new beads, and then normal maintenance on it.

Cutting money tree

1, the money tree can be inserted with leaves, but the leaves must choose green healthy leaves, yellow leaves or leaves with disease spots can not be inserted alive.

2. Insert the leaves of the money tree into the breathable soil and use clean river sand. Usually spray water mainly to keep the soil moist. See the sun for about an hour every day. Don't expose yourself to the sun.

3. After one month, a spherical rhizome will grow, and it will take root after two months. The tree grows slowly. Be patient. After 8 or 10 months, it will grow 4 or 5 pairs of new leaves, and then it will grow faster and faster.

Cutting hydrangea

1. After cutting off the branches of hydrangea, it is divided into small sections of 3cm to 5cm, showing a "Y" shape as a whole, and then cut off half of the leaves to reduce water evaporation.

2. Fill the seedling box with perlite and peat soil, pour water once, and plant hydrangea branches. Spray water with fine spray every day for the first week, then you don't need to spray so often after that, you can spray it every 3 days.

3. If the hydrangea seedling box is placed in the position of scattered light, it can take root and grow new leaves in 3 weeks. It can be replanted in a separate flowerpot in about 50 days.

Cutting rose

1. Cut the rose into 10-12cm segments, cut the bottom oblique to 45 °, leaving only the top two leaves. Rose flowers have many thorns, so be careful not to prick them when you cut them.

2. You can cut rose with fine sand. After watering the rose, plant the rose. Put the flowerpot in the semi-shaded position to keep the fine sand wet all the time.

3. The rose will take root in about half a month. After the new buds of about 5 centimeters are grown, the seedlings will be moved to the new flowerpot.

Cuttage Douban Green (Jasper)

1. Cut off the green branches of Douban, leave them for half an hour, and wait for the cut juice to dry before cutting.

2. Mix the peat soil, river sand and perlite at 3:1:1. After pouring thoroughly, plant the green branches of Douban. Put it in a warm, well-ventilated position.

3. Usually water the soil surface when it is dry, and spray water every 2-3 days. After 20-30 days, roots and new leaves will be produced.

Cutting mint

1. Cut off a branch of about 5 centimeters, keep the top 2 or 4 tender leaves, and the rest can be removed. Save nutrients and water.

2. After planting peppermint into the soil, spray water once in the morning and evening. In this way, it can take root in a week and can be planted in a larger flowerpot.

3. Peppermint is also very suitable for water insertion. As long as you put it in clean water and change the water every 2-3 days, it will soon take root. And it's clean, and you can see the root system growing.

Cuttage tiger skin orchid

1. Cut the tiger skin orchid leaves into 10cm segments, then leave them in a cool and ventilated place to dry for a day or two until the cut is completely dry.

2. Prepare permeable soil such as coarse sand or perlite, add a little nutritious soil, pour thoroughly with water, and insert the tiger skin orchid leaves 2 or 3 centimeters deep.

3. Do not bask in the sun immediately after cutting. put it in a place where there is no direct sunlight and keep the substrate moist. Take root and sprout in a month or so. If it is Phnom Penh tiger skin orchid, the new bud Phnom Penh will disappear after the leaf is inserted.

This is the end of the introduction of cutting methods.

While the temperature is moderate.

Cut a few more pots of flowers!