
How to keep aloe vera more exuberant

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Many people love to raise aloe, but the effect of each person is not the same, some are varied, some are insipid, extremely short. Then how to raise it to make it more exuberant? First of all, we should choose a suitable flower soil for it, which is soft and breathable, and then we should pay attention to replenishing water and fertilizer to it in time to supply its growth needs. In addition, you can give it as much light as possible, and change the basin every one or two years. This will make it grow very exuberantly!

1. The allocation of basin soil should be appropriate.

The basin soil is the basis for its growth, so we must choose the basin soil well. Raise it will usually choose good fertilizer conservation, water retention and drainage, breathable soil, and the pH should be moderate, here is often made of field mud, garden mud and so on according to a certain proportion.

2. Watering properly

It likes to be wet and usually keeps the soil moist as much as possible, but do not water too much, otherwise it is easy to rot the roots. When watering, we all water gently along the edge of the flowerpot, do not force, to prevent the basin soil from hardening, affecting the permeability of the basin soil, if the pot soil is not carefully hardened, it should be loosened properly.

3. Proper fertilization

When it grows, nutrients are indispensable, so usually we have to fertilize it properly in order to meet its growth needs. Before application, it is best to dilute the flower fertilizer with clean water, and the number of fertilizers after that depends on its growth.

4. Change the basin at the right time

After it has been kept for 1 to 2 years, it has to change the basin once, the best time is from April to May and from September to October. When changing the basin, keep the basin soil intact. After it is changed, it should be kept in the semi-shade for a period of time, and after the seedling has completely recovered, it can be moved to the sun for maintenance.

5. Proper lighting

It likes light very much, except that you can't bask in too much sun when you just plant it, and you can only get better if you get too much sun at other times.

6. Get through the winter safely

In the south, it is generally safe to keep it indoors in winter. But not in the north, because it can only accept temperatures above 5 degrees. And even if the temperature is not low, some corresponding measures should be taken to keep warm in winter. In addition, there is less watering in winter, not watering is fine, but let it see more sunshine, so that it can grow better.