
How to raise potted melon and leaf chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Melon leaf chrysanthemum has a variety of colors and postures, so it is highly ornamental. Do you know how to raise it? First of all, we should choose a suitable flower soil for it, mix it with garden soil, rotten leaf soil and compost soil, and then add base fertilizer, and then give it sufficient light and suitable temperature. Between 7-℃ and 10 ℃, it is best to apply flower fertilizer on time, and once every 7-10 days.

1. Basin soil

Potted soil is very important when breeding. It is usually made of garden soil, rotten leaf soil, compost soil and so on, and proper addition of base fertilizer can meet its early growth.

2. Upper basin

When its seedlings grow two leaves, it is suitable for us to transplant it in a shallow pot, and choose to mix the culture soil and fine sand into the basin, and put 3 plants in each pot. When it grows to 40 days, the seedling has also grown 4 to 5 leaves, then we can move it to a larger trailer and bring some soil. After that, pour permeable water, put it in a cool place, and give enough light at the right time.

3. Lighting

It is very fond of light, usually maintenance, to let it bask in the sun as much as possible, this can not only make its Corolla neat, but also enhance its ability to resist diseases, in order to prevent the occurrence of insect pests. If the light is not enough, it will make it incorrect, affecting its ornamental. In addition, when enjoying the sun, we should also pay attention to turning the flowerpot often to prevent it from growing on one side.

4. Temperature

When raising it, the temperature should not be too high, when the temperature is more than 15 degrees, it will begin to grow, so we should try our best to control the temperature between 7 and 10 degrees, and ventilate regularly.

5. Fertilization

At the initial stage of planting, it can be fertilized every 7 to 10 days, and the fertilizer is often dominated by organic fertilizer. Wait until 100 days after planting, spray water on the foliar surface, and apply thin fertilizer every 10 to 15 days, so that the flower buds can differentiate and make the flower color positive.