
Nearly 80% of the seedling raising of early rice has been steadily expanded.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Since late February, South China and Jiangnan have successively entered the period of raising seedlings and planting early rice from south to north. According to the agricultural situation regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture, it is estimated that the intended planting area of early rice this year is more than 87 million mu, an increase of more than 300,000 mu over the previous year. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture is concerned about the production of early rice.

Since late February, South China and Jiangnan have successively entered the period of raising seedlings and planting early rice from south to north. According to the agricultural situation regulation of the Ministry of Agriculture, it is estimated that the intended planting area of early rice this year is more than 87 million mu, an increase of more than 300,000 mu over the previous year. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture conducted a dispatching analysis on the production of early rice. generally speaking, although the sowing date of early rice has been postponed due to the continuous overcast and rain in the first and middle of March, various localities have seized the favorable opportunity of the recent rise in temperature and adequate water resources to soak seeds in time, scramble for sunny sowing, and speed up the progress of raising seedlings and transplanting.

First, the overall progress of raising seedlings is normal. Since March 20, the temperature in various places has rebounded rapidly, the sunshine and rain are alternate, the light is suitable, and the progress of sowing and raising seedlings of early rice has been accelerated. As of March 30, 68.24 million mu of early rice seedlings (converted fields) had been raised nationwide, with a completion rate of 78.4 percent, 2.3 percentage points slower than the same period last year. Among them, the cultivation of early rice seedlings in South China has been basically completed, with 27.1% planted; over 80% in Jiangxi and 70% in Hunan, and it is expected that early rice sowing in the two provinces will be completed in early April; over 30% in Anhui will be sown before April 2, and the sown area will be over 90% by April 2, 2-3 days earlier than last year; over 20% in Zhejiang and 10% in Hubei.

Second, the area of concentrated seedling cultivation has been expanded. All localities should give full play to the demonstration and driving role of the establishment of high grain production and the green model of increasing grain production, further intensify efforts, strengthen measures, and vigorously promote the centralized raising of early rice seedlings. It is estimated that this year, the area of concentrated cultivation of early rice seedlings across the country is more than 26 million mu, an increase of more than 4 million mu over last year. Among them, the budget of Hunan Province increased by 15 million yuan to support centralized seedling raising, an increase of 43 percent over the same period last year. The area of concentrated seedling cultivation of early rice reached more than 11 million mu, an increase of 1 million mu over last year, accounting for about 50 percent of the province's early rice area. The area of centralized seedling cultivation in Jiangxi is 7 million mu, an increase of 1.5 million mu. The area of centralized seedling cultivation in Guangdong and Hubei reached 4.5 million mu and 3 million mu respectively, an increase of 500000 mu over the previous year.

Third, the seedling growth is generally good. Various localities reported that since early rice was sown, there were more Rain Water as soon as possible, but the weather was sunny and rainy, the temperature rose steadily, and there was no obvious low temperature, which was conducive to the raising of early rice seedlings, there was no phenomenon of rotten seeds and seedlings, and the seedlings grew better. Jiangxi reflects that at present, seedlings are generally in the stage of one leaf and one heart to two leaves and one heart, and the quality of seedlings is generally higher, which is a normal preferred year. Most of the early rice in Hunan has one leaf and one heart, and the seedlings sown earlier have reached 2 leaves and one heart, and the seedling quality is better. Guangxi seedlings have an average of 3 leaves, including 1 leaf and 1 heart in the north and 3-4 leaves in the south, with the same growth as the same period last year.

According to the China Meteorological Administration, from April 2 to 6, there will be heavy rainfall in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, heavy to torrential rain in northern Hunan, northern Jiangxi, central-eastern and southern Hubei and southern Anhui, and local torrential rain, which is disadvantageous to early rice seedling raising and transplanting. In this regard, our company will be based on disaster resistance and harvest, strengthen guidance services, implement key measures, and make every effort to promote the stable development of early rice production. First, pay close attention to the implementation of the area of early rice. We should strengthen policy publicity and information guidance, fully mobilize farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain, seize the gap between rainfall, sow seeds at the right time, and transplant in time, so as to ensure that the intended planting area of early rice is truly implemented in the field. The second is to pay close attention to technical guidance services. Extensively mobilize experts and technical personnel to carry out technical services in the front line of production, vigorously promote centralized seedling raising, guide farmers to do a good job in seedling field management, adjust temperature with water, and strive to cultivate strong seedlings; vigorously develop machine transplanting, guide farmers to reduce the direct seeding area of early rice, and improve the quality of planting. The third is to pay close attention to the prevention and control of diseases and pests. In view of the local overcast and rainy weather and high humidity in the field, which is conducive to the occurrence of diseases such as seedling cotton rot, we should strengthen the monitoring and early warning of diseases and insect pests, implement prevention and control measures as soon as possible, vigorously carry out professional unified control, and reduce the harm of diseases and insect pests. Fourth, we should pay close attention to disaster prevention and mitigation. With frequent cold air activities in spring, we should pay close attention to weather changes, strengthen monitoring and early warning of disastrous weather, focus on preventing rotten seedlings of early rice and rotten seeds of direct seeding rice caused by the "late spring cold" that may occur in April, and do a good job in preventing rainstorms, floods, and other disasters, implement various disaster prevention and mitigation measures as soon as possible, and make every effort to win a bumper harvest of early rice.