
How Chemical Fertilizer and Pesticide Agricultural Machinery promote the Sustainable Development of Agriculture

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What can the agricultural material industry do to help agriculture achieve sustainable development? On March 27, the Chinese Brand Agricultural Materials Conference, sponsored by the Farmers' Daily, invited authoritative experts and enterprise representatives in the field of agricultural materials to focus on the action of zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and agronomy of agricultural machinery.

What can the agricultural material industry do to help agriculture achieve sustainable development? On March 27, the China Brand Agricultural Materials Conference, sponsored by the Farmers' Daily, invited authoritative experts and enterprise representatives in the field of agricultural materials to conduct in-depth exchanges around the theme of zero growth in the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides and the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy. to make suggestions and suggestions for promoting the healthy development of the industry and the transformation and upgrading of agriculture.

The sustainable development of agriculture must take a new way of saving cost and increasing efficiency.

Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are important means of agricultural production in China, which play an important role in agricultural production in China. However, in recent years, the long-term and extensive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides has also affected the sustainable development of agriculture.

"China is a large agricultural country, and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is the first in the world, but the utilization rate of pesticides and fertilizers is about 30%, and that of fertilizers is 35%, of which nitrogen fertilizer is 33%, phosphate fertilizer is 24%, and potash fertilizer is 42%. Excess or unused chemical fertilizers are stored in the soil, so the land is getting thinner and thinner." Chen Shengdou, director of the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center, said that in order to ensure the sustainable development of agriculture, ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products, and protect our ecological environment, it is necessary to take action to reduce agricultural inputs.

"We often say that pesticides are a double-edged sword. Let me give you another example. Pesticides are bullets, plant protection machinery is guns, and plant protection technology is how to shoot guns. Why can developed countries in Europe and the United States reach 50% using the same pesticides? What does that mean? Our bullets are good, but our guns are not good, and our shooting skills are not good. " He Xiongkui, director of the Research Center for Pharmaceutical Machinery and fertilization Technology at China Agricultural University, pointed out that many of the manual sprayers used in China are products of the last century, which have been applied to thousands of crops, 100 pesticides, and many generations. These products have been forced to be eliminated abroad in the last century, and the main problem with this kind of sprayer is uneven administration. In addition, the pesticide application technology is not scientific enough, often re-spray or leakage spray, there are many residues in the re-spray place, and the drug effect is not enough in the place where the spray is missed. After a few days, diseases and insect pests make a comeback, this is the problem.

At the meeting, several experts agreed that implementing the action of reducing chemical fertilizers and pesticides is a necessary choice for the sustainable development of agriculture in China, and that the way of resource consumption in the past is no longer feasible, and a new way of saving cost and increasing efficiency must be taken.

There are conditions and basis for achieving the goal of zero growth

We should not only ensure high grain yields and effective prevention and control of crop diseases and insect pests, but also reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Chen Shengdou said that there are both foundations and conditions for achieving the goal of zero growth in chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It turns out that the growth rate of our chemical fertilizer use is more than 5.2%. In recent years, through soil testing and formula fertilization, the growth rate of fertilizer use has dropped to about 1.5%. If the growth rate of 1% is controlled from 2015, through continuous efforts combined with other supporting measures, it is hopeful to be achieved by 2020. Pesticides have achieved remarkable results in carrying out unified prevention and control and green prevention and control in recent years and enterprises have also developed more new products. The next step is to change the pesticide application machine from manual to efficient, and the use of medicine will naturally be less. "the integration of water and fertilizer that we are doing at present can also reduce the use of water and fertilizer," he said. Our investigation found that there is an enterprise in Hebei that has explored a new method in Xinjiang, which can realize the integration of fertilizer, water and medicine, which can even reduce costs and reduce the use of medicine and fertilizer. "

He Xiongkui believes that efficient plant protection machinery is a key to achieve pesticide reduction. "We have a lot of good pesticide products, this is one of them. Second, the spray rod sprayer has been widely used and included in financial subsidies. For tall stalk crops such as corn and sugar cane, we have a gap of more than 2 meters, a spray width of 36 meters and a 10-ton medicine box. If the efficiency of pesticide application is improved, the utilization rate of pesticides will of course be higher. In the big farm, manned aircraft plant protection has been applied on a large scale, such as Jiamusi has the world's largest aviation spraying station, 83 aircraft, in the world's first-class level. In rice, hilly areas and small farms in the south, China's plant protection machinery has a leapfrog product, that is, drones, which sold more than 2000 units last year, with a good momentum and good products. It can work one mu of land a minute. How efficient is it? With these advanced plant protection equipment running on the ground and flying in the sky, we will certainly be able to reduce the amount of pesticides. " He said.

Reduction action is an opportunity for agricultural enterprises

What kind of impact will the zero growth action of chemical fertilizers and pesticides have on agricultural enterprises? Is it pressure or motivation? How to achieve better development? In this regard, Yang Botao, vice president of Qingdao Hailier Pharmaceutical Group, has his own opinion.

"the pesticide reduction plan is a good thing for our pesticide enterprises. It can reduce the cost, protect the ecological environment and optimize the industry structure for farmers. Although the overall market consumption has been reduced, but for excellent pesticide enterprises, it is a good opportunity for market expansion and brand promotion. " Yang Botao believes that to help reduce the amount of pesticides, enterprises can make a difference in two aspects. First, research and development of efficient, environmentally friendly, advanced products and technologies. The second is to do a good job in technical services to enable farmers to truly achieve scientific and rational use of drugs, and reduce the phenomenon that more drugs are used but the effect is not good because of the original channel recommendation or just considering the cost.

Yang Botao said that Hailer has always attached importance to the research and development of technology and new products at the front end, and to extension services at the end, to personally solve the problem of pest control for farmers, let farmers know how to use good products, reduce unnecessary losses, and change the habit of buying low-cost products cheaply. "We are now also preparing to build a thousand mu standard demonstration base, and have a special team to explore the promotion of the use of drones. We work with agricultural departments at all levels to do scientific drug use training, through field training, let farmers see that our products can indeed increase production and income and save costs. Originally, we used to use a few hundred milliliters per bottle, but now we can still solve the problem with a bag of 10 milliliters or 20 milliliters. This requires us to unremittingly go to the fields and do a large number of demonstration experiments, so as to make farmers aware of the advantages of products and drive sales. "

Chen Junrong, chairman of Yunda Science and Technology Agrochemical Co., Ltd., said that the company has been thinking about how to reduce the use of pesticides several years ago, has invested a lot of money, and has made a breakthrough in using physical methods to control diseases and insect pests. At present, a preliminary product has been developed, which can effectively control diseases and insect pests, and is non-toxic and harmless, and the use of pesticides can be greatly reduced. He suggested that product innovation should be supported in the management of new pesticide registration.

The fine application of pesticide reduction and chemical fertilizer can not be separated from agricultural machinery.

Several experts unanimously mentioned the important role of agricultural machinery in the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Wu Chongyou, director of the Technology Center of the Nanjing Institute of Agricultural Mechanization of the Ministry of Agriculture, said: "the amount of pesticides and fertilizers should be reduced, but the effect cannot be discounted. Apart from drugs and fertilizers themselves, they also have to rely on agricultural machinery. Without agricultural machinery, it is impossible to reduce the amount of pesticides and apply chemical fertilizers."

"the reduction of fertilizers and pesticides is closely related to agricultural machinery. Due to the unreasonable selection of agricultural machinery and tools, it brings great harm to the excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. " Yu Jiahua, general manager of Shandong Changlin Ingersoll Rand Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd., said for example that in the process of ploughing and land preparation, because the selection of machines and tools was unreasonable, it brought hidden dangers to grass damage and wasted fertilization. Fertilization for dryland crops must be applied to the soil aquifer. No matter how much chemical fertilizer is applied to the soil aquifer, it will not work. This is the effect of machinery on fertilizer. In addition, when the crop straw is returned to the field, because there are many insect eggs hidden in the corn straw, if the machine is not selected properly, the straw is crushed and the straw is not effectively mixed with the soil, and the straw does not decompose, the diseases and insect pests will increase year by year. Increase the amount of pesticides. Therefore, in order to achieve the reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, we should first start from the configuration of agricultural machinery, agricultural machinery and tools, the reasonable choice of operating machinery, and improve the level of operation.

"in order to give full play to the role of agricultural machinery in agricultural production, agronomic integration must be added on the basis of advanced equipment." Wu Chongyou stressed that agricultural machinery left agronomy aimlessly, agronomy left agricultural machinery is empty talk. A good example is the harvest of cotton, which does not mean that the problem of machine cotton picking can be solved by buying foreign advanced cotton picking machines. It is very important to plant cotton in accordance with the requirements of machine cotton picking, including the selection and breeding of varieties, the row spacing of planting, the control of plant height and fallen leaves, and so on. Some links must be realized by pesticide chemical control before machine cotton picking can be completed. Otherwise, no advanced machine can solve the problem. Therefore, the integration of agricultural machinery and agronomy is an important starting point and starting point to promote agricultural modernization and reduce the input of agricultural products.