
Carry out "sending the law to the countryside" to promote the governance of agriculture according to law

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, This year, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee proposed for the first time to govern agriculture according to law, which provided an action program and pointed out the direction for the construction of the rule of law in rural areas. This is not only the inevitable move to promote the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in our country, but also the due meaning of comprehensively governing the country according to law. There are many bright spots in governing agriculture according to law.

This year, the No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee proposed for the first time to govern agriculture according to law, which provided an action program and pointed out the direction for the construction of the rule of law in rural areas. This is not only an inevitable move to promote the development of China's "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", but also the due meaning of comprehensively governing the country according to law.

There are many bright spots in governing agriculture according to law.

The No. 1 document of the CPC Central Committee in 2015 has two bright spots in strengthening the construction of the rule of law in rural areas: first, it is proposed that "if the practice has proved to be effective and the legislative conditions are ripe, it should be upgraded to the law in time." Laws and regulations that do not meet the requirements of the reform should be revised and abolished in a timely manner. Second, it is clear that it is necessary to "step up efforts to amend the law on rural land contracting."

Generally speaking, upgrading policy to law can avoid instability caused by policy changes, and the effect is more lasting, and it can also play a role in promoting the rule of law.

Compared with the No. 1 document of the Central Committee in previous years, the No. 1 document of the Central Committee in 2015 is more specific and operational. For example, Article 28 proposes to "improve the legal system for the protection of rural property rights"; Article 29 proposes to "improve the legal system for standardizing the operation of the agricultural market", mainly to increase the financial income of the rural population; Article 30 proposes to "improve the legal system for the protection of agriculture, rural areas and farmers" in order to protect the relevant rights and interests of the rural population. All these are the important contents of the construction of the rule of law in rural areas.

Agriculture plays a fundamental role in our national economy, and the basic points, key points and difficulties of the construction of the rule of law in our country all involve "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". The speed of the construction of the rule of law "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" determines the speed of the construction of the rule of law China, and the construction of the rule of law "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" highly determines the height of the construction of the rule of law China. Therefore, if China wants to comprehensively promote the rule of law, it must govern agriculture according to law.

Send the law to the countryside to solve the dilemma

At present, rural areas are relatively weak in the construction of the rule of law in our country, and problems such as illegal expropriation of farmers' land and illegal possession of farmers' collective assets occur from time to time in some places; in the process of land transfer, there is often the problem of companies and farmers "tearing up contracts" with each other; cases of destroying and occupying cultivated land and destroying natural resources and ecology are often reported in the newspapers. "the law does not go to the countryside" has become a dilemma of the rule of law in rural areas, which restricts the development of the cause of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in our country.

This year's Central Committee document No. 1 pointed out: "We must speed up the improvement of the agricultural and rural legal system, synchronously promote the construction of the rule of law in urban and rural areas, and be good at using the thinking and way of the rule of law to do a good job in the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers."

The rule of law is the framework and track of governing the country, and the same is true for the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. If the rural reform is not based on the law, it will not only affect the legitimacy of various measures, but also damage the interests of hundreds of millions of farmers because of disorder. In reality, whether it is "being expropriated" or "going upstairs", or even "being returned to their hometown", farmers are often in the vulnerable party whose interests are damaged because of their weak right to speak. In the rural reform, farmers, as the main body of the reform, are more likely to be squeezed by capital, market and power.

Under such circumstances, this year's Central Committee document No. 1 highlighted the important role of laws in improving the protection of rural property rights, the standardized operation of agricultural markets, and the support and protection of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, and relying on the rule of law to protect farmers' interests and rural development.

Combine the legislation of agricultural science

At present, there are four major misunderstandings in farmers' concept of the rule of law: emphasizing the rule of man, neglecting the rule of law; emphasizing results, neglecting rules; emphasizing abiding by the law, neglecting the use of the law; emphasizing letters and visits, neglecting the law.

If we want to make farmers out of the misunderstanding of the concept of the rule of law and break through the current bottleneck restricting the construction of the rule of law in rural areas, we should not only further popularize legal knowledge, but also strengthen farmers' legal knowledge in democratic practice. At the same time, it is also very important to provide institutional channels and platforms for farmers' usage.

This year's Central Committee document No. 1 proposed that it is necessary to "strengthen the connection between rural reform decision-making and legislation." We will carry out in-depth publicity and education on the rule of law in rural areas, strengthen the concept of the rule of law among leaders at all levels, agriculture-related departments, and rural grass-roots cadres, and guide farmers to enhance their awareness of learning and abiding by the law and using the law. "

To strengthen the legislation concerning agriculture in our country, we must combine the actual situation of our country and the characteristics of agriculture. This year's Central Committee document No. 1 pointed out: "We should proceed from the reality of rural areas, be good at giving full play to the positive role of township rules and regulations, and closely integrate the building of the rule of law with moral construction."

Therefore, the legislation in the field of agriculture must be fully considered as a whole and adjust measures to local conditions. On the one hand, we should give consideration to both morality and law, attach importance to the normative role of rural rules and regulations, and there is no need to legislate everything and one-sidedly emphasize unity; on the other hand, the competition rules of the market economy cannot be completely copied in the field of agriculture, and must be tailored to suit clothes rather than cutting feet to fit shoes. Only through rigorous scientific legislation can we accurately "send the law to the countryside."