
Don't let excessive turnover fees affect the enthusiasm of growing grain.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Editor's note: as the state encourages and supports the transfer of contracted land to large professional households, family farms and farmers' cooperatives, and develops various forms of appropriate scale operation, the land circulation in various places is in full swing. However, the higher and higher circulation costs make the big grain growers and so on new.

Editor's note: as the state encourages and supports the transfer of contracted land to large professional households, family farms and farmers' cooperatives, and develops various forms of appropriate scale operation, the land circulation in various places is in full swing. However, due to the higher and higher circulation costs, the profit space of new business entities such as large grain growers continues to shrink. While feeling the pressure, some have been forced to give up growing grain and plant other cash crops with high benefits. How to ensure the reasonable income of these new grain-growing operators? Protect their enthusiasm for growing grain? It's worth thinking.

On the one hand, there is an increase in land transfer fees, on the other hand, the income space is limited--

What about the big grain growers in Anhui?

When the land transfer fee is getting closer and closer to the "ceiling", but there is no relative increase in the income space of grain farmers, how do the big grain growers react? How does the government think about and solve this common problem? With these questions, the reporter carried out an investigation in Anhui, a major agricultural province.

Put "eggs" in multiple baskets

Chuzhou, which is located in eastern Anhui, has been a big "granary" of Anhui since ancient times. Wang Shouming, a local farmer, has been transferring land to grow grain since 2010. "at that time, there were two ways to deal with the turnover price. One is to hand over grain, 450,500 jin of rice per mu, and the other is to pay about 600 yuan per mu of land. Increase the turnover fee by a certain percentage every three to five years. Since 2013, the land rental fee for my transfer has risen to 550 jin of rice per mu. " Wang Shouming said. On the one hand, the rise in land transfer costs, on the other hand, the increase in the means of production and labor costs, which makes Wang Shouming feel obvious pressure.

As the circulation reached nearly 10,000 mu, Wang Shouming admitted that he had enjoyed a certain agricultural subsidy program. "however, it is very difficult for large ordinary grain growers to enjoy project subsidies. The only grain subsidies they can get are 10 yuan per mu for improved varieties, 10 yuan per mu for large grain growers, and 20 yuan per mu for straw burning." Wang Shouming told reporters that in 2012, the local government subsidized the circulation, and he enjoyed a subsidy of 100 yuan per mu of land. But that's just an one-off subsidy. For the land transfer fees that have to be paid every year, these subsidies are only a drop in the bucket.

In the face of rising costs and unpredictable natural risks, even big grain growers like Wang Shouming still feel in danger and must "break through." "the transformation began from simply growing grain, and some experimental plots were set up to grow facility grapes. If the market prospect is good, the grape area will be gradually increased. " Wang Shouming said that on the other hand, he is also working on agricultural social service development and sales companies. Putting "eggs" in multiple baskets in this way can reduce the risk of growing grain.

To grow grain, we should grow "high-priced grain".

"the circulation price on our side has reached 1000 jin of wheat per mu, which is relatively high in Anhui Province." Xu Gongxiang, a farmer from Taihe in northern Anhui, transferred ten thousand mu of land to engage in wheat cultivation. Although the circulation cost is not cheap, it is not a difficult problem for Xu. "first, I know the technology and can grow high-yield fields; second, I grow grain, and the market price is high. Third, I use large agricultural machinery, and the labor cost is greatly reduced. Therefore, my farming profits are still good. "

Zhang Li Tao, a big grain grower from Lu'an in western Anhui, is a modern professional farmer. "over the years, circulation fees have been rising almost every year. Now the transfer cost of rice has risen to 700 jin per mu in Lu'an area. But we also continue to reduce costs and increase efficiency by improving technology, finding a stable market and other means. " Zhang Li Tao said that when he abandoned his urban white-collar life and went back to Anhui to grow grain, he had already done a full market risk assessment. Now he is looking for new opportunities for agricultural development in the future. On the one hand, through their own planting demonstration drive, on the other hand, through cooperation with downstream grain processing enterprises to help more large grain growers sell grain. Then establish the files of large grain growers and promote the socialized service of agriculture.

Give up halfway to find the common

Compared with these experienced modern agricultural operators, the traditional grain growers are relatively worried about the rise of land transfer fees. "Ten years ago, when I planted grain, the transfer fee was only over 100 yuan per mu of land, but now it has risen to more than 500 yuan per mu of land. If it goes on like this, the efficiency will become lower and lower. I'm going to retire. " GE Yixue, a big grain grower in Feixi County, Hefei City, central Anhui, said that in recent years, due to the influence of regional differences, more and more outsiders have come to their local land transfer, which has undoubtedly increased cost competition. Due to the fierce competition, many large grain growers do not dare to invest too much in infrastructure for fear that they will go down the drain. In fact, in the long run, it is not conducive to food production.

With the arrival of the upsurge of agricultural investment, the frequent change of owners of transferred land is nothing new. In order to protect the interests of farmers under market fluctuations, some government departments have introduced a lot of measures to deal with them. For example, in Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province, the local Committee of Agriculture issued a deposit system to guard against the risk of land transfer. However, the risk prevention and compensation mechanism of agricultural operators is rarely mentioned.

Let the market make its own decisions.

"although our county is a major grain county, there is no direct reward and subsidy policy for grain growers. In view of the increasing bearing capacity of grain growers, Lujiang County achieves the protection of large grain growers through subsidies for social service organizations, bid raising and expansion of planting insurance, and other links. " Deng Benyi, director of the planting Bureau of Lujiang County, told reporters that although all the problems cannot be solved in the form of indirect subsidies, it is beneficial to the main grain growers after all.

"in fact, this is a contradiction between the guarantee of farmers' land income and the increasing cost of agricultural management. I personally think that the government can only guide in an orderly manner, let the market price, and stabilize the excessive part. Provide assistance and support to agricultural operators in loans, insurance and other financing through other channels, so as to stabilize the contradictory relationship. " Huang Qiuyun, deputy director of Anhui Provincial planting Bureau, said.

"initially, the government may intervene and guide, but with competition, it is necessary to gradually withdraw from the mechanism of market intervention. The two things we are currently working on are actually effective ways to solve this problem. The first is to improve the efficiency of per unit yield through the guidance of technology popularization. The second is to do a good job in the training of professional farmers and improve the operation and management ability of the main body. Through this' dual grasp', more agricultural operators can enhance their scientific planting and management skills, reduce costs and increase efficiency in actual farming, and get rid of the trouble of 'ceiling'. " Wang Hua, deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Committee of Agriculture, said.