
The soil moisture in Northeast China is better than last year. Spring sowing is about to begin.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At present, the preparatory ploughing work in Northeast China has been basically completed, and rice sowing has been carried out one after another. According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and the reflection of the four provinces and regions, this year, spring ploughing and preparation work is arranged early, the technology is implemented early, the grain planting intention is stable, the agricultural material supply is adequate, and the soil moisture is sufficient.

At present, the preparatory ploughing work in Northeast China has been basically completed, and rice sowing has been carried out one after another. According to the agricultural situation dispatch of the Ministry of Agriculture and the reflection of the four provinces and regions, this year, the spring ploughing and preparation work has been arranged early, the technology has been implemented early, the grain planting intention is stable, the agricultural material supply is adequate, the soil moisture is conducive to spring sowing, and the ploughing preparation situation has been a better year in recent years.

The grain area is stable and the planting structure is optimized. This year, the central government has continued to increase support for grain production, coupled with the fact that market grain prices are basically stable, farmers are active in growing grain. It is estimated that the grain intended planting area of the four provinces (regions) in Northeast China is 384 million mu, the same as the previous year. At the same time, various localities have further optimized the planting structure, reduced the planting of corn and wheat in non-dominant areas according to local conditions, and changed to miscellaneous grains, beans, silage corn and other crops.

Implement materials as soon as possible and speed up the hem of agricultural materials in place. All localities will step up efforts to raise funds for spring ploughing and transfer materials needed for spring ploughing production such as seeds and chemical fertilizers as soon as possible. At present, the supply of agricultural materials is adequate, the price is stable, and it has basically been lowered to households. Heilongjiang seeds are basically in place, chemical fertilizers, agricultural film, diesel and other materials are nearly 90%, and rice seedlings and agricultural machinery and tools are overhauled in an all-round way. Jilin and Liaoning agricultural materials have made more than 90% progress.

Soil moisture is better than last year, which is favorable for sowing. From April 1 to 3, obvious rainfall occurred in some areas of Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang from west to east, and the soil moisture was obviously improved. Up to now, the area of dry white land in the four provinces of Northeast China is nearly 20 million mu, which is more than 80 million mu less than that of 107 million mu in the same period last year.

Strengthen guidance services and promote spring sowing in an orderly manner. The agricultural departments of the four provinces and autonomous regions organize experts to formulate and issue technical opinions on disaster prevention and spring sowing, go deep into the fields and guide farmers to prepare for high-standard spring ploughing. Heilong Province actively cultivates the integrated service organization of rice breeding, supply and planting, and strives to achieve the goal of early raising, strong and early transplanting of rice seedlings. At present, the seed soaking of rice in the central and southern region has been started in an all-round way, and it is expected that the seed sowing will be completed by the middle of April. Inner Mongolia has carried out scientific and technological service activities such as "10,000 scientific and technological personnel at the grass-roots level". 1.7 million farmers have been trained and 1.66 million copies of various technical materials have been distributed.

At present, there are mainly two major problems: the coexistence of local drought and spring flooding and the great uncertainty of meteorological conditions. The Ministry of Agriculture will strengthen guidance and intensify efforts to organize the agricultural departments of the four provinces and regions in Northeast China to implement various measures to combat spring drought and spring flood and ensure spring sowing, so as to ensure timely sowing and stable area, so as to lay the foundation for grain production for the whole year. First, pay close attention to the implementation of the area. We will step up efforts to implement various policies to strengthen agriculture and benefit farmers, strengthen policy propaganda, optimize structural layout, adjust measures to local conditions to reduce corn cultivation in high-latitude and arid areas, and switch to drought-tolerant crops such as miscellaneous grains, beans, potatoes, and silage corn, so as to maintain a stable grain area. The second is to pay close attention to science and technology to fight disasters. In view of the occurrence of spring drought and spring waterlogging in some parts of Northeast China this year, key techniques such as "sitting on water" for drought resistance of corn have been well implemented. The flooded areas of the Sanjiang Plain in Heilongjiang Province should step up efforts to drain stagnant water, prepare land and disperse soil moisture, give full play to the role of agricultural machinery, and ensure that planting is not missed and sown at the right time. The third is to pay close attention to the quality of sowing. Determine the main varieties, guide farmers to select suitable varieties due to local conditions, and prevent cross-regional planting. We will improve the quality of land preparation, promote scientific land preparation, standardize land preparation, preserve soil moisture, and prepare land on a large scale. Improve sowing quality, popularize seed coating, corn ridging planting, mechanical precision sowing and other techniques, improve sowing quality, and strive to sow the whole seedling. Fourth, pay close attention to guidance services. Organize experts to formulate technical guidance for sub-regions and varieties according to meteorological conditions and production reality. Organize grass-roots cadres and agrotechnical personnel to enter the village, give guidance, do a good job in technical training, strengthen scientific and technological services, implement key technologies, and ensure the smooth development of spring sowing.