
There is an urgent need to establish a compensation mechanism for the reduction of crop yield in a large area.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It has been identified that the important reason for the yield reduction and failure of nearly 10,000 mu of rice in Anhui is the extreme weather. Although all parties discussed rescue plans to reduce farmers' losses, the incident reflected that China's agriculture still had a deficiency in relying on nature for food, and unpredictable factors led to a large-scale reduction in production.

It has been identified that the important reason for the yield reduction and failure of nearly 10,000 mu of rice in Anhui is the extreme weather. Although all parties discussed rescue plans to reduce farmers' losses, the incident reflected that China's agriculture still had a deficiency in relying on heaven for food, and unpredictable factors led to a large-scale reduction in production, which could not be completely avoided. The importance of establishing crop insurance and crop variety risk relief mechanism is becoming more and more prominent.

New progress has been made in the event of a reduction of rice yield of nearly 10,000 mu in Anhui. A few days ago, Longping Hi-Tech issued a notice entitled "Notes on some Media reports". According to the data released by the Anhui Provincial Meteorological Center, Anhui Province suffered a rare low temperature and rainy weather from July to August 2014. Among them, the temperature in Bengbu is the lowest in the same period in half a century. According to this, the relevant government departments issued a forecast of diseases and insect pests, and Longping Hi-Tech also urged agents to send relevant information to farmers, but due to the extreme climate effect of continuous low temperature and continuous rain, poor control effect and other reasons, a number of susceptible rice blast varieties in the above areas have experienced yield reduction or failure, including "Liangyou 0293".

The Agricultural Committee of Wuhe County, Bengbu City, Anhui Province and the seed Management Station of Huashang District organized two groups of experts to identify crop seeds in the field in the autumn of 2014. the conclusion was that the harm in the field was caused by typical panicle neck blast, and the outbreak of the disease was mainly caused by low temperature and continuous rain during pregnancy and heading, the varieties themselves were highly susceptible to rice blast, and the appropriate preventive measures were not in place.

Peng Guangjian, chief executive of Longping Hi-Tech, said that although the quality of the company's "Liangyou 0293" products meets national standards, in view of the fact that some farmers in Bengbu area of Anhui Province suffered varying degrees of economic losses due to extreme weather in 2014, the sale of "Liangyou 0293" will be stopped. At the same time, we will continue to actively communicate with representatives of affected farmers, dealers and agricultural management departments to explore as far as possible relief plans and implement them in stages and batches. The company plans to set up a post-disaster relief fund for the seed industry, withdrawing a certain proportion of the annual profits into the fund to provide relief to farmers suffering from natural disasters.

This announcement is far from the full stop of the incident. Although this is an agricultural disaster event caused by special weather conditions and diseases, it reflects the weakness of China's agriculture to rely on nature for a living, and once a similar event occurs, farmers are always the biggest victims. Therefore, how to avoid and compensate the loss of farmers arouses the thinking of the industry.

The seed Law stipulates that major crop varieties shall be examined and approved at the national or provincial level before being popularized and applied. Variety approval mainly examines the economic utilization values of varieties, such as adaptability, high yield and stress resistance, and is organized by the competent examination and approval department to conduct three-year experiments in different ecological regions of the whole country or individual provinces, autonomous regions and cities.

"the variety approval system itself is an expert committee set up by the state to guard farmers and reduce production losses as much as possible. However, each variety has its own characteristics, and production losses may occur under special climatic conditions. " According to a person from the seed Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture, in order to prevent the risks of agricultural production and reduce farmers' losses, the agricultural department has taken the following measures: first, risk reminders are carried out in the examination and approval of varieties. For example, the approval announcement of "Liangyou 0293" clearly pointed out that "this variety is highly susceptible to rice blast and is suitable to be planted in areas with light incidence of rice blast." Second, once the production loss occurs, the agricultural department will organize experts such as seeds, plant protection, cultivation, soil and fertilizer to identify the causes and organize negotiations to deal with the losses in the field. Third, for the varieties with obvious defects found in the production, the varieties should be withdrawn.

The event of reducing the yield of ten thousand mu of rice and losing harvest highlights the necessity and importance of promoting crop insurance. Information from the Anhui agricultural department shows that the claims of Anhui Guoyuan Agricultural Insurance Company have been basically in place before the Spring Festival this year. The amount of compensation for the failure of "Liangyou 0293" rice seed is more than 200 yuan per mu, and the amount of compensation varies from dozens of yuan to more than 100 yuan depending on the situation.

"We need to think rationally about how to establish a variety risk relief mechanism, which can not only protect the interests of farmers, but also allow seed enterprises to dare to innovate. We cannot simply deny it as soon as something goes wrong." Song Min, director of the National seed Industry Science and Technology Achievement property Rights Trading Center, suggested that a compulsory insurance system for the promotion of new varieties should be established. The premium can be borne by the enterprise and subsidized by the government, and the insurance company can determine the premium by referring to the way of compulsory insurance, and raise the premium year by year for the enterprises with many accidents, so as to enhance the quality awareness of their own varieties. The establishment of insurance relief mechanism is a major change from prevention before variety management to relief afterwards. The establishment of a mechanism that allows trial and error can better tap the potential of varieties.