
Promote the urbanization of farmers in the vicinity

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, 1 full employment is the premise and important driving force of urbanization moderator: since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization rate has increased from 17.9% to 53.7%, with an average annual increase of 1.02%. What do you think of this achievement? In the process of the development of new urbanization, where is there?


Full employment is the premise and important driving force of urbanization

Host: since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization rate has increased from 17.9% to 53.7%, with an average annual increase of 1.02%. What do you think of this achievement? In the process of the development of new urbanization, what can be further adjusted and improved?

Guests: since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization has indeed made obvious achievements. Urbanization is a natural and historical process of the agglomeration of non-agricultural industries in cities and towns and the concentration of rural population to cities and towns with the development of industrialization. It is not only the objective trend of human social development, but also an important symbol of national modernization. In the process of the rapid development of urbanization, with a large number of farmers transferred to cities and towns, the urban consumer groups are expanding and the consumption potential is constantly released. At the same time, the entry of rural population to cities has also created conditions for the smooth solution of the three rural issues. The per capita cultivated land in China is 0.1 hectares, and the average cultivated land per household is 0.6 hectares, which is far from reaching the level of large-scale management. On the whole, farmers going to work in cities will provide space for the large-scale operation of land.

It goes without saying that the rapid development of urbanization plays an important role in the economic and social development of our country. However, in the process of promoting the construction of a new type of urbanization, we should also make some adjustments and reflections on our thinking. We should realize that full employment is the core content of urbanization and the first driving force of urbanization. Without employment, there would be no urbanization. Urbanization is the product of economic development and industrial development to a certain extent. Therefore, urbanization itself should not become an independent development goal. If the urban industry does not develop, does not release enough employment opportunities, and does not have a sound social security system, then we have built the buildings and moved the farmers into the cities, then how can they ensure their livelihood? This will lead to serious social problems.

Therefore, with the industrial development of cities and towns, the release of sufficient employment opportunities in the secondary and tertiary industries is a prerequisite for promoting Chinese farmers to go to cities and achieve a new type of urbanization. This relationship should not be reversed. In reality, some areas have violated this important law in the process of development. For example, some places have carried out large-scale withdrawal of villages and co-habitation, gathering the peasants together and "forcing them to go upstairs". Some cities and towns are engaged in real estate development, but because employment does not keep up, the house can only be an unpopular "empty city" and "ghost town". Resulting in a huge waste of resources. These lessons should be deeply reflected on, and urbanization must not be encouraged.


Household registration barrier and family separation are the main obstacles to the development of urbanization.

Host: at present, the urbanization rate of the resident population in China is 53.7%, while the urbanization rate of the registered population is only about 36%, with a difference of 17.7 percentage points. Why is there such a gap? what does this gap mean? In addition to this problem, what do you think are the problems in China's current urbanization for migrant farmers?

Guests: according to the National Bureau of Statistics, the urbanization rate of China's resident population is 53.7%, while the urbanization rate of registered population is only about 36%, of which a gap of 17.7% means that about 200 million people in China live in cities for a long time but do not have urban household registration, and most of them are migrant workers and their relatives. The reason for this phenomenon is that cities generally adopt a "welcome to work and refuse to settle down" attitude towards migrant workers in cities.

Since China launched the market-oriented reform, the development of manufacturing and service industries in coastal cities and towns has rapidly released a large number of employment opportunities, which has promoted the process of urbanization in China. After obtaining the freedom of movement, a large number of migrant workers are the first to work in the first-tier big cities and coastal towns to make a living. The first-tier cities marked by Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen are the cities with the strongest ability to release employment and attract the largest number of migrant workers in China. However, these big cities, on the one hand, open their doors to welcome farmers to work in cities, and engage in dirty, bitter, and tiring work that urban residents cannot afford and cannot give up, such as construction, sanitation, babysitting, catering, transportation, and so on; on the other hand, they often hold a segregated and rejected attitude towards migrant workers settling down and enjoying "citizenization" rights such as social security. This in itself shows that China's household registration management, social security and other aspects, has obviously lagged behind the market-driven process of urbanization, this chronic disease has not been a complete breakthrough.

Due to the existence of this phenomenon of "welcome to work and refuse to settle down", when migrant workers in cities reach a certain age, their physical strength drops, and they are unable to engage in some dirty, bitter and tiring work, they are often forced to leave these big cities where they have worked for many years, or to wander in other cities, or simply go home for farming. In any case, they will never be able to settle in these big cities. Migrant workers have made great contributions to the development of the city. Therefore, this attitude of rejecting the citizenization of migrant workers is very unfair to both farmers and migrant workers. It is even more detrimental to the long-term development of the country. Of course, on the other hand, the capacity of first-tier cities is objectively limited. Hundreds of millions of farmers in China will leave the countryside in the future, but the first-tier cities, including provincial cities, can only accommodate about 1% of them, and the rest can only be found in small and medium-sized cities. But even so, first-tier cities should set a correct example on the issue of citizenization of migrant workers and bear the responsibility for the development of civilization.

In addition, migrant workers go out to work for a long distance and cannot be reunited with their families for a long time, which is also a considerable social problem. A large number of migrant workers in the Midwest have to migrate long distances to get jobs. As a result, a large-scale "tide of migrant workers" occurs at the beginning and the end of every year, resulting in huge transportation costs and social costs. In addition, migrant workers can not go home for a long time, resulting in the separation of husband and wife and the separation of father and son, which brings pain to tens of millions of peasant families.