
Serious diseases and insect pests occurred again at the spike stage of wheat. Ministry of Agriculture further deployed.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, At present, wheat in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Huang-Huai-Hai and other major producing areas have entered the booting and heading stage one after another, which is not only an important period for yield formation, but also a key period for disease and pest prevention and control. On April 13, the Ministry of Agriculture held a wheat spike weight in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province.

小麦穗期重大病虫呈重发态势 农业部进一步部署防控工作

At present, wheat in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Huang-Huai-Hai and other major producing areas have entered the booting and heading stage one after another, which is not only an important period for yield formation, but also a key period for disease and pest prevention and control. On April 13, the Ministry of Agriculture held an on-the-spot meeting on the prevention and control of major wheat diseases and pests at the spike stage in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, requiring all localities to focus on the prevention and control of wheat scab and aphids, make every effort to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and pests in the later stage of wheat, and strive to achieve "pest control." strive to win the first battle of summer grain.

This year, due to the high temperature in winter and spring, excessive precipitation and other unfavorable factors, wheat scab, aphids and other major diseases and insect pests showed a serious situation, and the situation of prevention and control is extremely severe. The period from mid-April to mid-May is the key period for the occurrence of serious diseases and insect pests at wheat spike stage, an important period for the formation of wheat yield, and the best period for prevention and control of diseases and insect pests at wheat spike stage. The Ministry of Agriculture requires that agricultural departments at all levels and their plant protection institutions should quickly enter a state of impending battle and resolutely win the battle for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests at the spike stage of wheat. Adhere to the principles of classified guidance and scientific prevention and control, highlight key areas and major diseases and pests, start with the implementation of wheat "one spray, three control" subsidy policy and the special project of integrated control of major diseases and insect pests, extensively mobilize, strengthen service guidance, and implement key measures. We will vigorously promote professional unified control and green prevention and control, and carry out emergency control in a timely manner to ensure that wheat stripe rust, scab and aphids do not break out in large areas. The damage loss of diseases and insect pests is controlled within 5%, the panicle rate of scab is controlled within 5%, the diseased grain rate is controlled within 1%, and the specialized control rate is more than 32%.

In view of the grim situation of the occurrence of major diseases and pests at the spike stage of wheat, the Ministry of Agriculture organized the "bumper harvest action for disease prevention and control in spring" to strengthen efforts and strengthen measures to promote the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in a strong and orderly manner.

First, we should earnestly grasp the implementation of the policy. We should give full play to the leading role of the specialized unified control of diseases and insect pests and the subsidy funds for "one spray and three prevention", and actively strive for local financial input. By implementing the subsidy policy, it is necessary to unite professional service organizations with farmers, vigorously carry out unified prevention and control of diseases and pests, and earnestly do a good job in joint prevention and control of major diseases and insect pests in source areas, reoccurrence areas, and migrating epidemic transitional zones, efforts should be made to suppress the momentum of the recurrence of wheat diseases and insect pests.

The second is to do a good job of monitoring and early warning. Plant protection agencies in various localities should go deep into the fields, comprehensively strengthen field surveys, strengthen systematic monitoring, accurately grasp the growth and decline trends of major wheat diseases and pests, closely track the growth process of wheat, and timely consult and analyze development trends according to weather changes. timely release of forecast and early warning information to ensure timely and effective prevention and control.

The third is to do a good job in scientific prevention and control. Wheat stripe rust should pay close attention to the prevention and control of wheat stripe rust, and strictly prevent the spread of wheat scab in large areas. wheat stripe rust should not waver in the areas with frequent occurrence of wheat scab, such as "prevention first, take the initiative to attack, see flowers and drugs". Aphids prominently grasp the control base number of "pass forward, pre-control and post-control", and strictly prevent the outbreak of harm at the ear stage. It is necessary to select and rotate drugs scientifically, and strive to improve the effect of pest control and the effective utilization rate of pesticides. Adhere to the combination of disease prevention and pest control, lodging prevention and dry hot wind prevention to achieve multiple prevention with one spray and multiple effects in one fell swoop.

Fourth, we should earnestly grasp the rule of unified defense. We will vigorously promote large and medium-sized high-efficiency plant protection machinery such as self-propelled sprayers and drones, and develop a number of fast and efficient pest control service organizations. We will vigorously promote the integration of integrated disease and pest control and green prevention and control, create a number of integration and demonstration bases, and accelerate the integration, demonstration and promotion of the whole green prevention and control technology model. Strengthen the technical training and guidance services for service organizations to improve their scientific prevention and management level.

Fifth, we should earnestly do a good job in supervision and guidance. Agricultural departments at all levels should organize government cadres and relevant experts to go deep into the front line of prevention and control of wheat diseases and pests, adopt piecemeal work and responsibility to people, carry out guidance and services "face-to-face and hand in hand," and strengthen supervision and inspection. ensure that prevention and control measures are in place and prevention and control technologies are implemented in the field.

The Ministry of Agriculture stressed that all localities should vigorously organize and implement the action of zero growth in the use of pesticides by 2020, while controlling the harm of diseases and insect pests to a minimum to control and stabilize grain, reduce the number of times of prevention and control and the use of pesticides, and improve the quality and safety of agricultural products. to improve quality and efficiency.

小麦穗期重大病虫呈重发态势 农业部进一步部署防控工作2

小麦穗期重大病虫呈重发态势 农业部进一步部署防控工作3

小麦穗期重大病虫呈重发态势 农业部进一步部署防控工作4

小麦穗期重大病虫呈重发态势 农业部进一步部署防控工作5