
Strengthening agriculture-related procuratorial work to provide laws for speeding up the construction of agricultural modernization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The problem of agricultural and rural farmers has always been a fundamental issue related to the overall situation of our party and country, and is the top priority of the work of the whole party. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: if China wants to be strong, agriculture must be strong; if China wants to be rich, farmers must be rich; if China wants beauty, rural areas must be.

The problem of agriculture, rural areas and peasants has always been a fundamental issue concerning the overall situation of our Party and state and the top priority of the work of the whole Party. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: China must be strong, agriculture must be strong; China must be rich, farmers must be rich; China must be beautiful, rural areas must be beautiful. The Central Rural Work Conference held at the end of last year and the No.1 Document of the Central Committee this year specifically deployed to promote agricultural modernization by relying on reform and innovation, putting forward new and higher requirements for procuratorial organs to play their functions, serve and guarantee the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

Serving "Agriculture, Rural Areas and Farmers" is the Duty and Mission of Procuratorial Organs

In recent years, the central government has issued a series of effective and popular "three rural" policies, which have effectively mobilized the enthusiasm of farmers and effectively promoted the development of agriculture and rural areas. However, it must be noted that at this stage, China's agricultural and rural development is facing many problems such as resource shortage, excessive development, increased pollution, relatively weak rural legal construction, etc. There is still a long way to go to improve the sustainable development capacity of agriculture, accelerate the pace of new rural construction, and ensure the happy life of farmers. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, agriculture is still a short leg of "synchronization of the four modernizations", and rural areas are still a short board for building a well-off society in an all-round way. How to continue to strengthen the basic position of agriculture and promote the continuous increase of farmers 'income under the background of current economic slowdown is an important topic that must be solved.

It is the duty of procuratorial organs to serve the overall situation of the work of the Party and the state. Over the years, procuratorial organs at all levels have always regarded serving agriculture, rural areas and farmers as an important part of serving the overall situation and safeguarding people's livelihood. Focusing on key hot areas of rural reform and development, procuratorial organs at all levels have organized and carried out special investigation and punishment of crimes related to agriculture, strengthened legal supervision over litigation activities related to agriculture, and resolutely cracked down on criminal activities that infringe on farmers 'rights and interests, endanger agricultural development and affect rural stability. Positive results have been achieved. From the strategic height of building a well-off society in an all-round way and accelerating socialist modernization, procuratorial organs across the country should further deeply understand the new situation facing the "three rural areas" work, deeply understand the new requirements of the central government on the new deployment of the "three rural areas" work in the new period, base themselves on the legal supervision function, effectively find out the right focus and entry point, pay more attention to the procuratorial work related to agriculture, and actively promote rural social governance and the construction of the rule of law. Efforts should be made to provide a strong legal guarantee for agricultural modernization and the construction of a new socialist countryside.

Strictly investigate corruption crimes around the peasants

In recent years, agriculture and rural areas have always been priority areas for financial expenditure at all levels, and the state's investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers has grown steadily. Document No.1 of the Central Committee this year highlights the need to strengthen the supervision of agriculture-related funds, establish a standardized and transparent management system, put an end to any form of misappropriation, layer-by-layer interception and false claims, and ensure that the use of funds is effective. Investigating and handling job-related crimes around farmers is an important focus of procuratorial work related to agriculture, as well as an important aspect of safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of farmers and maintaining rural harmony and stability. The Supreme People's Procuratorate has deployed two special work to investigate and deal with job-related crimes. The procuratorial organs throughout the country investigate and deal with more than 10,000 job-related crimes committed by cadres in township stations and rural Party branches and village committees annually, accounting for about one-fifth of the total number of job-related crimes. In particular, we should focus on five aspects of cases.

Pay close attention to "village official" duty crime. At present, although the construction of a clean and honest government at the grass-roots level has obviously improved compared with the past, there are still many problems of violating discipline and law and infringing on the rights and interests of the masses. There are some who deliberately make difficulties and take cards, some who falsely claim and have good relatives and friends, some who embezzle and privately distribute money, some who privately run enterprises and collect money in senior years, and some who collude with evil forces. These are the problems most repugnant and hated by the peasant masses. In particular, some local "village officials", especially village branch secretaries and village committee directors, have a prominent problem of job-related crimes, which have been strongly reflected by the peasant masses.

Pay close attention to duty crimes in financial subsidies for supporting agriculture and benefiting agriculture. In order to promote agricultural development and increase farmers 'income, the central and local governments at all levels have implemented a series of financial subsidies for farmers' production and life, which are called "people's heart money" and "warm heart money" by farmers. However, some grass-roots cadres use their power to embezzle, misappropriate and privately divide various subsidy funds for farmers, as well as special funds such as poverty alleviation, disaster relief, AIDS child diagnosis and treatment, migrant workers training, agricultural policy insurance, etc., or "wild goose plucking feathers"; or dereliction of duty and illegal operation, resulting in subsidy funds running out and leaking, causing dissatisfaction among the masses.

Pay close attention to duty crimes in rural infrastructure construction. In recent years, governments at all levels have vigorously implemented rural drinking water safety, rural power grid upgrading, rural dilapidated housing reconstruction projects, rural roads, radio and television, communications and other village-to-village projects. There are many rural infrastructure construction projects, and job-related crimes are prone to occur frequently in bidding, fund management, quality supervision and other links.

Pay close attention to job-related crimes in rural social undertakings. In order to solve the problems of lagging development of rural education, culture, medical care, social protection and other social undertakings, the Party and government have successively launched policies benefiting the people, such as rural subsistence allowance, new rural cooperative medical care, serious illness insurance, basic endowment insurance, etc., all of which involve the most direct and realistic interests of farmers. Many people reported that some grass-roots cadres took advantage of their powers to conceal information from the top, deceive the bottom and enrich their own pockets.

Pay close attention to cases such as bribery and election sabotage. The election of rural "two committees" and grass-roots people's congress deputies is directly related to the governance of the country at the grass-roots level and whether the grass-roots political power is stable. In some places, the problem of bribery and election sabotage is more prominent. Some openly send money and goods directly, canvass votes and bribe elections, some threaten violence or violence, and some interfere and manipulate elections with family forces, religious forces and even evil forces. A small number of grass-roots cadres do not perform their duties according to the law, neglect their duties, and even participate in bribery or accept money and goods.

Corruption around the peasants not only directly infringes on the interests of the peasants, but also seriously damages the relationship between the Party and the masses, which is easy to cause unstable factors. Procuratorial organs at all levels should resolutely implement the requirements of the central government's deployment, adhere to the principle of fighting corruption, eliminating corruption, handling cases, fighting "tigers" and "flies" together, continuously maintain the high-pressure situation of punishing crimes involving agriculture and corruption, and promote the implementation of various policies to strengthen agriculture, benefit agriculture and enrich farmers. We should carefully analyze the characteristics and laws of crimes involving agricultural duties, strengthen the study of preventive countermeasures, promote the improvement of management systems in towns and villages, and plug loopholes.

Actively participate in rural social governance

Rural stability and order is the basic expectation of farmers for a better life, and it is also the premise and foundation for doing a good job in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers". At present, the pattern of urban and rural interests in China has been profoundly adjusted, the rural social structure has undergone profound changes, and farmers 'ideological concepts have undergone profound changes. Under the new situation, the task of strengthening and innovating rural social governance and maintaining rural social stability is very heavy. Procuratorial organs, especially grass-roots procuratorates, should give full play to their procuratorial functions, actively participate in rural social governance, and promote the improvement of the rule of law in rural areas.

crack down on crime according to law and maintain social order and stability in rural areas. At present, there are still many illegal and criminal activities in some rural areas, and some new development trends have emerged. For example, criminal syndicates and evil forces are active from time to time in rural areas. Some "village tyrants" and "village tyrants" use clan forces and feudal superstitions to run rampant in villages, prey on the common people and confuse people, seriously affecting the sense of security of the peasants. Another example is the tendency of counterfeiting infringement crimes to concentrate in rural areas. Some illegal traders manufacture and sell fake seeds, fake chemical fertilizers, fake pesticides, fake and inferior agricultural machinery products, and some sell inferior food and medicine to rural areas. For another example, illegal pyramid selling, fund-raising fraud and telecommunication fraud are more prominent in rural areas. Procuratorial organs at all levels should fully perform their functions of approving arrests and prosecuting, focusing on punishing all kinds of crimes that disrupt the order of rural production and life and endanger the safety of farmers 'lives and property. It is necessary to strengthen the analysis of the social security situation in rural areas, grasp the characteristics and laws of agriculture-related criminal crimes, and carry out centralized rectification of prominent public security problems.

Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of left-behind children, left-behind women and left-behind elderly people. In recent years, with the acceleration of urbanization, there are more and more migrant workers in cities, and many villages are hollowed out and farmers are aging. It is estimated that there are more than 60 million children left behind in rural areas, 47 million women left behind and about 50 million elderly people left behind. From the procuratorial organs handling cases, due to the weak self-defense ability of the left-behind people, they are often easy to become key targets of infringement, especially sexual assault, indecency, abduction and trafficking of left-behind women and children. Procuratorial organs should not only severely punish relevant crimes according to law, but also carry out in-depth activities such as sending laws to rural areas and schools, strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law among rural left-behind people, promote them to enhance their awareness of self-protection, and urge relevant departments to improve the care and service system for rural left-behind people.

Resolve rural social contradictions according to law. At present, the main body of rural interests is becoming more and more diversified, and all kinds of demands are obviously increasing, especially the social contradictions caused by land requisition and house demolition. Procuratorial organs at all levels should adhere to the rule of law thinking and the rule of law, and do a good job in resolving agricultural contradictions and disputes in procuratorial links. We should guide and support farmers to safeguard their rights through legal channels and rationally express their demands. We should adhere to and carry forward the experience of Fengqiao, give full play to the role of the procuratorial office dispatched, and do our best to resolve conflicts on the spot.

Strengthen judicial protection of ecological environment

Agriculture and rural areas are the main link between man and nature. Strengthening the protection of rural ecological environment is not only related to the vital interests of farmers, but also to the well-being of the people of the whole country and the sustainable development of the whole country. At present, problems such as over-cultivation and overgrazing, deforestation, random drainage and soil erosion in some rural areas are still outstanding, and the red light of agricultural resources and environment has been lit, seriously endangering agricultural development and the quality and safety of agricultural products. General Secretary Xi Jinping particularly stressed that attention should be paid to ecological environment protection in the construction of new countryside. This year's No.1 Document of the Central Committee also made special arrangements for strengthening agricultural ecological governance and comprehensively promoting the improvement of rural human settlements, requiring serious investigation and punishment of all kinds of acts damaging the ecological environment in accordance with laws and regulations.

Procuratorial organs at all levels should conscientiously implement the requirements of protecting the ecological environment with strict legal systems from the perspective of ensuring national ecological security and people's happy life, fully perform procuratorial functions, effectively restrict development behaviors, and promote green development, circular development and low-carbon development. In particular, it is necessary to intensify the punishment of crimes against ecological environment in rural areas, and punish according to law criminal crimes such as illegal felling of trees, illegal mining, illegal sand mining, illegal discharge and illegal release of resources and environment. We should apply the concept of restorative justice and explore ways to reduce the degree of resource damage and environmental pollution damage by requiring criminal suspects to stop infringement, remove obstacles, restore the original state or repair the environment and compensate for losses according to law. It is necessary to promote the treatment of key areas damaging the ecological environment, such as ecologically fragile areas, groundwater funnel areas, soil heavy metal pollution areas and agricultural non-point source pollution areas, and promote the solution of outstanding problems damaging the health of farmers. We should focus on investigating and handling crimes committed by officials in the fields of returning farmland to forests and grasslands, key water and soil conservation projects, major forestry ecological projects, rural drinking water safety, sewage treatment, domestic garbage disposal, and water source restoration of polluted cultivated land, so as to promote the implementation of agricultural ecological management and comprehensive improvement of rural environment. At the same time, if administrative organs are found to illegally exercise their functions and powers or fail to exercise their functions and powers in the field of rural ecological environment protection during the performance of their duties, explore the use of supervision and prosecution, initiate public welfare litigation and other ways to urge them to perform their duties according to law, and promote the improvement of the ecological environment supervision system in rural areas.

Guarantee rural reform and development according to law

The Central Committee has repeatedly stressed that rural reform must be placed in a prominent position in order to deepen reform in an all-round way. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the Central Economic Work Conference and the Central Rural Work Conference all made important arrangements for deepening rural reform in an all-round way. Procuratorial organs at all levels should give play to their procuratorial functions in a targeted manner, not only supporting reform and encouraging innovation according to law, but also resolutely safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the peasants. In particular, it is necessary to punish crimes such as illegal occupation of agricultural land and destruction of cultivated land according to law, prevent non-agricultural construction of land occupied in the name of agriculture, resolutely maintain the red line of cultivated land, and ensure that the pilot reform of rural land system is promoted according to law; it is necessary to punish according to law duty crimes in the fields of rural land expropriation, entry of collective construction land into the market, circulation of land contractual management rights, reform of rural collective property rights system, etc., so as to prevent erosion of farmers 'interests; Civil administrative appeal cases involving farmers 'homestead rights and interests, land circulation, development scale management, forest right reform, rural financial services and other fields should be properly handled according to law, and judicial protection of rural collective asset ownership, farmers' land contractual management rights and farmers 'property rights should be strengthened. Efforts should be made to crack down on financial crimes such as illegal absorption of public deposits and fund-raising fraud, so as to ensure the smooth progress of rural financial reform. We should explore ways to support prosecution and strengthen judicial protection of the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers.