
The transformation of facility agriculture to "standardization" is facing obstacles to the development of facility agriculture.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Recently, the third China (Beijing) International Facility Agriculture and Horticulture Materials Exhibition was held. In addition to many well-known domestic enterprises participating in the exhibition, advanced technologies and products from Austria, Turkey, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries were also unveiled at the exhibition. Reporter

Recently, the third China (Beijing) International Facility Agriculture and Horticulture Materials Exhibition was held. In addition to many well-known domestic enterprises participating in the exhibition, advanced technologies and products from Austria, Turkey, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries were also unveiled at the exhibition. The reporter visited and found that many agricultural cooperatives and even individuals also came to investigate when relevant scientific research institutions and enterprises "organized groups" to visit.

In recent years, facility agriculture has developed rapidly in our country.

However, while China's facility agriculture has made great progress, it is also faced with obstacles to industrial development. In an interview with the China Science Daily, industry experts said that China's facility horticultural agriculture should go out of its own characteristics, and resource conservation, environmental friendliness, quality and safety are the fundamental way out for development.

It is not only a "vegetable basket" but also a "money bag"

The concept of facility agriculture covers facility cultivation and facility farming. China is a big producer of facility agriculture. In terms of area and output, China's facility agriculture ranks first in the world.

According to the 12th five-year Plan for the Development of National Facility Agriculture (2011-2015) issued in 2011, the area of horticultural facilities in China exceeded 3.5 million hectares in 2010. the proportion of large-scale breeding of live pigs, laying hens, broilers, dairy cows and beef cattle reached 64.5%, 78.8%, 85.7%, 46.5% and 41.6%, respectively. The total scale of seawater and freshwater aquaculture has reached 1.56 million hectares and 43.58 million cubic meters. Among them, the scale of facility vegetables is the largest.

With the development of facility agriculture in China, its scale is constantly expanding. At the same time, output and efficiency are also improving.

Taking the development of facility vegetables as an example, the supply of vegetables in early spring and late autumn basically improved in the 1980s, and the contradiction between supply and demand in winter, spring and summer and autumn was alleviated in the 1990s. to meet the needs of consumers "eating summer vegetables in winter, winter vegetables in summer, western food in the north and southern food in the north". According to the latest data, the output of vegetables in facilities in 2014 was about 263 million tons, accounting for 32.3% of the total output of vegetables and melons in the same year.

It can be said that the development of facility vegetable industry has effectively alleviated the imbalance between supply and demand of vegetable basket products in China, and has become one of the most effective means to ensure the supply of vegetable market in China. Xue Liang, president of the China vegetable Association, once said, "at present, the annual output of vegetables in the country is 700 million yuan, of which facility agriculture contributes a lot."

At the same time, facility agriculture is also an effective way to increase farmers' income. In 2014, the output value of protected vegetables exceeded 1 trillion yuan, with a net output value of 614.606 billion yuan, increasing the income of rural residents across the country by 993.45 yuan.

Obstacles to the development of facility agriculture

There is no doubt that facility agriculture plays an extremely important role in ensuring the "vegetable basket" and filling the "purse". However, behind the large-scale development of facility agriculture, there are also many obstacles.

"the characteristics of facility agriculture in China are very obvious, with plastic film as the covering material and greenhouse and solar greenhouse as the main body." Professor Zou Zhirong of Northwest University of Agriculture and Forestry said in an interview with a reporter from China Science Daily.

According to statistics, in 1998, the horticultural area of vegetable facilities in China was 20.84 million mu, of which the areas of small arched sheds and large and medium sheds were 16.04 million mu; in 2004, the horticultural area of vegetable facilities in China increased to 38.66 million mu, and the areas of small arched sheds and large and medium sheds were 30.83 million mu; by 2014, the horticultural area of vegetable facilities in China is 57.93 million mu, and the area of small arch sheds and large and medium sheds is 42.72 million mu.

Compared with the "absolute advantage" of small arch shed and large and medium greenhouse, from 2004 to 2014, the area of heating greenhouse only increased from 220000 mu to 250000 mu, and the area of multi-span greenhouse increased from 110000 mu to 440000 mu.

Most of these small arch sheds and large and medium sheds have simple functions, and most of them only have basic functions such as wind protection, heat preservation and rain protection, and their ability to regulate and control the microclimate environment such as temperature, light and moisture is relatively poor. Accordingly, the ability to resist natural disasters is also poor, especially in winter and spring, there are great hidden dangers of production safety.

For example, in 2008, ice and snow disasters in the south damaged more than 600,000 mu of greenhouses and lost 9.04 million tons of vegetables; in 2009, rain and snow disasters in the north damaged 880000 mu of greenhouses and lost 2.13 million tons of vegetables.

For a long time, Chinese agriculture has sought "high output" with "high input", which is especially obvious in facility agriculture. In order to pursue yield, the production of some facility agriculture blindly applied chemical fertilizer, which not only caused a waste of resources, formed non-point source pollution, but also threatened the safety of agricultural products. Continuous cropping has also become a bottleneck affecting the sustainable and efficient utilization of soil resources in facility agriculture in China. At the same time, due to the large temperature difference and high humidity in the greenhouse, diseases and insect pests are also very easy to occur in the greenhouse and greenhouse.