
The acceleration of Internet should pay more attention to rural areas

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, A few days ago, in order to implement Premier Li Keqiang's instructions, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology proposed to speed up the process of raising Internet speeds and reducing fees, and promote relevant enterprises to increase network infrastructure construction; and the Ministry of Commerce also said not long ago that it would launch a special action plan for e-commerce. focus on promoting rural areas and

A few days ago, in order to implement Premier Li Keqiang's instructions, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology proposed to speed up the process of "increasing network speeds and reducing fees" to encourage relevant enterprises to increase network infrastructure construction, while the Ministry of Commerce also said not long ago that it would launch a special action plan for e-commerce. focus on promoting the development of e-commerce in rural areas and agricultural products.

Nowadays, more and more agricultural transactions are done through e-commerce, and more and more farmers are using the Internet. Users are younger, the proportion of mobile online shopping is higher, and rural areas have greater Internet economic potential. However, the construction of Internet infrastructure in many rural areas still lags behind, the slow speed of the Internet has affected the convenience of farmers to use the Internet, but also let the potential of the rural Internet economy have been sleeping.

Therefore, in the new round of Internet speed-up process, we should pay more attention to rural areas. This is not only to promote farmers to share the historical opportunity of "Internet +" from an equal point of view, but also to explore new growth points of the rural economy. Therefore, it is necessary to increase support for infrastructure construction in rural areas, accelerate the information transformation of traditional rural circulation networks, and build an e-commerce platform for agricultural means of production. This is not only the realistic demand of improving farmers' living standards and developing modern agriculture, but also the inevitable requirement of the development of the times.